Is it “The End of the Suburbs”?
The Delaware Valley Smart Growth Alliance presents a book event with author Leigh Gallagher & Inquirer architecture critic Inga Saffron
Thursday, October 9, 2013
5:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Paradiso, 1627 Passyunk Avenue
Philadelphia, PA
The American Dream of homeownership was equated with an ideal of suburban living: single-family detached home, two cars in the driveway, multiple children attending strong public schools.
But as the nation emerges from the housing bust and Millennials defer marriage, homeownership, and children, the singular suburban American Dream may be giving way to a more heterogeneous vision. Join Fortune Magazine editor, Leigh Gallagher, and the Inquirer’s Award Winning Architecture Critic, Inga Saffron, for a conversation about Leigh’s new book, The End of the Suburbs.