Tag Archive for APA

APAPASE New Officers

APAPASE is pleased to announce contact information for the section’s new officers! The chapter has one Citizen Planner spot open as well. If you or someone you know is interested in being a citizen planner, please contact us at nominations@apapase.org.

Executive Committee
Alexis Williams – Chair – chair@apapase.org
John Federico – Vice Chair vicechair@apapase.org
Rick Collier – Treasurer – treasurer@apapase.org
Pattie Guttenplan – Secretary – Secretary@apapase.org
Justin Dula – Past Chair – justin@apapase.org
Citizen Planner 
Cheryl Tumola
Linda McIsaac
Are you interested in being a citizen planner on the council? Contact us at nominations@apapase.org

At Large
Ramond Joseph
Amanda Lafty
Kiersten Mailler
Maureen McQuilkin
Rebecca Ross
Rebecca Wetzler

May 10: APA PA SE Council Meeting – All Welcome!

APA PA Southeast Section Council meeting
(held the second Thursday of every other month)
Thursday, May 10th, 2018

5:30 pm
STV Incorporated
1818 Market, Suite 1410
Philadelphia, PA 19103

Calling in?  Please use the following:
Toll free:  1-866-499-7054
Conference code: 735 289 0020

APA PA Southeast Section Council meeting (held the second Thursday of every other month)
Calling in?
Please use the: Toll free: 1-866-499-7054 Conference code: 735 289 0020
Please direct any agenda topics and/or questions to secretary@apapase.org.
If you are a voting member unable to attend, please email secretary@apapase.org.

Mar 19: Submit a Proposal for APA PA Conference

The conference is scheduled for  October 14-16, 2018 at the Bayfront Convention Center in Erie. The theme is Plan on ErieProposers are encouraged to submit traditional and non-traditional sessions, plus mobile workshops. Traditional sessions typically involve presentations and audience interaction with an expert panel. Non-traditional sessions can include problem-solving roundtables, “fast-fun-fervent” presentations, and peer-group sessions. Proposals are also sought for “mini” sessions and hosting of a networking/co-working lounge.

Due Date: March 9, 2018 Extended to March 19!
More information: https://planningpa.org/events-training/annual-conference/callforpresenters/

Download full Request for Proposals: http://planningpa.org/wp-content/uploads/CFP-2018.pdf



Jan 25: Winter Happy Hour at Winterfest

Join APAPASE for happy hour! We will be mingling and enjoying drinks on Thursday, January 25, 2018 from 5:30-7:30 PM at The Lodge at Winterfest which is located at 101 S. Columbus Blvd. Please come to celebrate the new year or simply to spend time with your fellow Planners!

Register at https://apapase2018winterhh.eventbrite.com

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Feb 9: Growing Greener: Writing Conservation by Design Ordinances

Practitioner Training

Growing Greener: Writing Conservation by Design Ordinances

Randall Arendt & Ann Hutchinson, Natural Lands

Register here

Growing Greener Event Flyer

Sponsor this event!

February 9, 2018 @ 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

The Barn at Camp Olympic Park, Lower Macungie Township

3120 S. Cedar Crest Blvd., Emmaus, PA  18049

The Lehigh Valley-Berks and Southeast Sections of the American Planning Association and the Pennsylvania-Delaware Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects invite you to participate in this training course on the technical aspects of the Growing Greener: Conservation by Design approach to land use planning and residential development. This training is intended primarily for professional planners (county, municipal or private) who consult with municipalities and review or write land use ordinances. Participants will become familiar with the specific wording and provisions that typically must be added to existing codes to give local officials the tools they need to ensure that new subdivision proposals will be designed around the central organizing principle of land conservation. Township engineers and zoning officers who must enforce these codes are also invited.

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Don’t forget to apply to APA’s Ambassador Program by December 31

As the end of year quickly approaches, so is the December 31 deadline to apply to become an APA Ambassador.  This important initiative is designed to encourage future planners with diverse racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds.  The application is short and easy to fill out, even during the end of year crunch.  Participation in the program will provide valuable skills and earn you up to 8 pro-bono AICP CM credits in 2018.

Check out our previous blog post with all the important information on the application and details of the program.  You can apply as an individual or as a team.  Contact Al Beatty at ab5562@nyu.edu if you would like to join the local team of ambassadors.  Thank you Al for stepping up to be a regional team leader!

Post Authored by: Maggie Rwakazina

(Image from APA Ambassador’s blog: https://www.planning.org/blog/blogpost/9127770)

CM Credits for Pro Bono Planning Service

AICP members can obtain up to eight CM Credits for Pro Bono Planning Service, as outlined on the APA National website at https://www.planning.org/cm/logging/selfreport/probono

APA Future City Mentorship could relate to these allowed activities:

  • Planning-related support to groups that lack adequate planning resources, including service that expands choices and opportunities for everyone.
  • Planning to meet the needs of the disadvantaged and to promote racial and economic integration.
  • Mentoring the development of students, interns, beginning professionals, colleagues, and members of underrepresented groups to help them advance in the planning profession.

2018 Farm Bill: What Does It Mean for Planners and Public Health Professionals?

What is the Farm Bill?

The farm bill is a comprehensive, multi-year federal law that authorizes most federal policies governing food and agriculture.  The most recent farm bill—The Agricultural Act of 2014 (P.L. 113-79), commonly referred to as the 2014 Farm Bill—has 12 titles that encompass a range of issues and programs including farm commodities and income supports, nutrition programs like the Supplementation Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), farmland and environmental conservation, crop insurance, and rural development.  Nutrition programs constitute the majority of the farm bill, accounting for 80 percent of the funds historically and projected to be spent on farm bill programs.  Farm commodity supports, crop insurance, and conservation programs comprise 8 percent, 7 percent, and 5 percent, respectively.[1]

The 2014 Farm Bill, which was signed into law in February 2014, is set to expire on September 30, 2018.  Since Congress debates, updates, and reauthorizes the farm bill approximately every five years, discussions about the next farm bill are already happening, both in Congress and across the country.

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APA’s Ambassadors Program Promotes Diversity, Is Fun, and Earns You AICP Credit

October marks the opening of APA’s application period for the 2018 Ambassadors Program.  This initiative has been created to reach future planners with diverse racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds.  With recent national events, it is critical for the field of planning to grow more inclusive and diverse to continue to be relevant to communities of color and disadvantaged populations.  It is also increasingly important for individual planners to connect to young people in these communities on a personal level to support just decisions and live up to the APA code of ethics.

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Help Celebrate National Community Planning Month in October!

The achievements of planning are celebrated in October with National Community Planning Month. This year’s theme is innovation in planning, underscoring the role of planning in addressing and adapting to the challenges facing communities in the 21st century.

With less than 30 days until the official kickoff of our national observance, we want to know – how are you educating others about the value of planning this October?

Use the resources in our Planning Month Resource HUB to share with your community, elected officials, and local media the positive impact planning has had on your community.

Planning a community tour, meeting, or special event to mark the occasion? Let us know at admin@apapase.org. We’d love to highlight your efforts on our website and social media outlets during the month of October and beyond!

Learn more about National Community Planning Month at www.planning.org/ncpm.