Tag Archive for housing

Oct 1: Chester County Planners’ Forum

Professional planners from Chester County are invited to attend the fall 2019 Chester County Planners’ Forum from 8 a.m.-10 a.m. Oct. 1 at Historic Yellow Springs, 1685 Art School Road, Chester Springs. Chester County Planning Commission

The forum provides a great opportunity to hear about current planning issues, share ideas with your fellow planners, and catch up with old friends. There will be presentations about the impact of multi-family housing, Chester County’s Return on Environment report, and preservation of historic landscapes.

Register online: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2019-fall-planners-forum-tickets-68267978361. Email any questions you may have to ccplanning@chesco.org.

Oct. 12 – Lecture: Dan Parolek on THE MISSING MIDDLE

Lecture and panel discussion on “The Missing Middle”
Fri., Oct. 12, 8:30-11am
LeBow Hall
Drexel University
Gerri C. Lebow Hall

How did middle density housing go MISSING?

Architect Dan Parolek with expert panelists:

Kevin Gillen, Sarah Peck and Kara Kneidl

Housing production in the Philadelphia region is a density bar-bell: at one end high-density apartment complexes and at the other singles and towns. We create little in between.
The expert on those “missing middle housing” types is architect Dan Parolek of Berkeley, CA who will share strategies for sensitively providing new housing in existing centers. How can we provide affordably priced new housing in walkable settings? How can we satisfy demand for walkable communities without undermining the very character of these special places?
Dan will speak and then participate in a panel with:

Opens Sep. 21 – A Dream Deferred: Redlining Past, Present, Future

A Dream Deferred
Redlining Past, Present, Future
Opens September 21

Using art, technology, and media, A Dream Deferred tells the story of how race and policy shape the landscape of Philadelphia and the lives of its residents. The project, named for a poem by Harlem Renaissance writer Langston Hughes, will explore what happens when people and cities are restricted from reaching their true potential.

Experience multimedia storytelling through interactive touchscreen mapping, a large-scale art installation by Shawn Theodore, and short documentary film. Visitors will also have a chance to share their personal reactions in a private confessional booth.

Opens September 21 through November 17
600 Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia, PA
Free Admission

Complementing the exhibit is a community panel series seeking to examine the myth of meritocracy.

For more information on exhibit hours, partners, and panel series, visit adreamdeferredphl.org.