Tag Archive for energy

Carpool to State College

APA PA Southeast created a carpool match to make it easier for you to carpool to State College for the 2017 APA PA conference.

We’ve created a link to help planners from the Southeast Section share rides to the conference at http://bit.ly/APAPA17Carpool. Please use this link to share information on your ride needs and availability. We hope this will be more useful than messaging on social media (though you are welcome to add comments below). Please consider posting your ride if you are already driving and have extra space.

Why carpool? People carpool for different reasons. Carpooling is great for budgetary reasons, eco-friendly philosophies, meeting new people, convenience, stress reduction, and more! The trip can be the start and capstone to the fun of the conference, as Southeast Section planners found out during the 2012 Erie Conference. Though there isn’t a van this year, there is still a chance to have an easier, cheaper, friendlier trip to State College through carpooling!

The “Erie Eleven” vanpool of 2012!

Sept. 22: Greater Philadelphia’s Evolving Energy Future

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Registration & Networking 7:30 a.m.; Program 8:15 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

The Union League, 140 S. Broad Street, Center City Philadelphia (Lincoln Hall)

Energy choices continue to shape our region’s overall economy and environment, and they present specific, high-profile opportunities and challenges for local communities. Please join us for a robust forum on the land use and development implications of energy paths being advanced and debated in Greater Philadelphia. How can we modernize or repurpose industrial and transportation infrastructure to exploit new sources of fossil fuels while still improving our performance on measures of sustainability? Can state and local policies help different energy paths co-exist or converge? Come find out what today’s energy decisions might mean for you and what should we know about Houston’s experience?

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Feb. 4: Urban Greening and Ecosystem Services

The next presentation of the Consortium for Climate Risk in the Urban Northeast (CCRUN) Green Infrastructure, Climate, and Cities Seminar Series will be held on Wednesday, February 4th at 4pm (EST) at Drexel University.  A webinar option will also be provided.

Space is limited, so please RSVP for both in-person and webinar attendance at http://www.ccrun.org/seminars

Urban Greening and Ecosystem Services
Dr. Matthew Palmer, Columbia University

Dr. Krista McGuire, Barnard College

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Join the USGBC Board of Directors

Want to have an impact on USGBC’s direction?

Nominate yourself to join their board of directors!

July 18: Choosing the Renewable Energy Frameworks That Work for Your Community


Interested in creating a renewable energy ordinance for your community?
Register for the 7/18 PDI: Choosing the Renewable Energy Frameworks that Work for Your Community

APA PA SE PDI: Choosing the Renewable Energy Frameworks that Work for Your Community
Register at http://energyframeworks.eventbrite.com/

Join a panel of local experts who will provide an overview of considerations for developing a renewable energy ordinance for solar, small-wind, and geothermal energy systems in Pennsylvania. An overview of Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission’s (DVRPC’s) Renewable Energy Ordinance Frameworks, which include a menu of permissive and restrictive ordinance language options; accompanied by explanatory guidance on the barriers, benefits and cautions for adopting language will be provided. Additionally, panelists will address the key issues surrounding the regulation of each type of renewable energy system at the municipal level.

This session is a part of the 2013 Greenbuild Challenge.

greenbuildchallenge Read more

Save the Date: PECO Green Roof Tour on June 27


Save the Date: APAPASE Emerging Professionals and PHS Young Friends Tour of PECO Green Roof on June 27, 2013

As part of APAPASE’s participation in the Greenbuild 2013 Challenge pledge, APAPASE will be partnering with the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society (PHS) Young Friends group for a tour of the PECO headquarters Green Roof on Thursday, June 27, 2013 at 5:30pm. More details will be coming soon, but mark your calendar!

More details about the Greenbuild 2013 Challenge are available here.

Reminder: Renewable Energy PDI on May 8! Registration Deadline Is May 6!


Interested in creating a renewable energy ordinance for your community?

Register for the 5/8 PDI: Choosing the Renewable Energy Frameworks that Work for Your Community at http://energyframeworks.eventbrite.com/

Join a panel of local experts who will provide an overview of considerations for developing a renewable energy ordinance for solar, small-wind, and geothermal energy systems in Pennsylvania.  An overview of Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission’s (DVRPC’s) Renewable Energy Ordinance Frameworks, which include a menu of permissive and restrictive ordinance language options; accompanied by explanatory guidance on the barriers, benefits and cautions for adopting language will be provided. Additionally, panelists will address the key issues surrounding the regulation of each type of renewable energy system at the municipal level.

This session is a part of the 2013 Greenbuild Challenge

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

8:30 (registration & breakfast)
8:45 to 12 noon (program)

Register by Monday May 6, 2013
$25 for APA-PA members & students, $30 for APA members (not PA Chapter), $35 for nonmembers
3 AICP CM Credits pending approval

At the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC), 190 North Independence Mall West – 8th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19106-1520

Webinar option: If you are not able to make it in person, we are working to provide a webinar option at the same price. Simply select “yes” to the “Are you interested in attending this event as a webinar?” question after selecting your ticket price.  Webinar log in information will be sent to you by Tuesday May, 7.

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May 8 PDI: Choosing the Renewable Energy Frameworks that Work for Your Community

Interested in creating a renewable energy ordinance for your community?


Register for the 5/8 PDI: Choosing the Renewable Energy Frameworks that Work for Your Community at http://energyframeworks.eventbrite.com/

Join a panel of local experts who will provide an overview of considerations for developing a renewable energy ordinance for solar, small-wind, and geothermal energy systems in Pennsylvania.  An overview of Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission’s (DVRPC’s) Renewable Energy Ordinance Frameworks, which include a menu of permissive and restrictive ordinance language options; accompanied by explanatory guidance on the barriers, benefits and cautions for adopting language will be provided. Additionally, panelists will address the key issues surrounding the regulation of each type of renewable energy system at the municipal level.

This session is a part of the 2013 Greenbuild Challenge

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

8:30 (registration & breakfast)
8:45 to 12 noon (program)

Register by Monday May 6, 2013
$25 for APA-PA members & students, $30 for APA members (not PA Chapter), $35 for nonmembers
3 AICP CM Credits pending approval

At the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC), 190 North Independence Mall West – 8th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19106-1520

Webinar option: If you are not able to make it in person, we are working to provide a webinar option at the same price. Simply select “yes” to the “Are you interested in attending this event as a webinar?” question after selecting your ticket price.  Webinar log in information will be sent to you by Tuesday May, 7.

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Feb. 21: Lessons From Sandy: Is Philadelphia Prepared for the Next Natural Disaster?


Join the Pennsylvania Environmental Council for the February Urban Sustainability Forum as they consider the lessons we have learned from Hurricane Sandy and what will be required to make Philadelphia more resilient to storms, extreme weather, and other impacts of climate change in the future.

The past 10 years were the costliest in U.S. history for natural disasters. Hurricane Sandy left 131 Americans dead, more than 6 million without power, and $50 billion worth of damages, making it the second most destructive Atlantic hurricane behind Katrina. Cities along the Jersey Shore and in New York faced property damage, widespread flooding, power outages, crippled transportation systems, and loss of life. These extreme events are expected to grow in frequency and intensity because of climate change.

Panelists will discuss how we can use our knowledge from Hurricane Sandy to reduce our vulnerability and manage the risk of building and living in hazard-prone areas through better planning, engineering, and policy.





  • Scott Gabriel Knowles (Moderator), Associate Professor, Drexel University and author of The Disaster Experts: Mastering Risk in Modern America
  • Chris Linn – Manager, Office of Environmental Planning, DVRPC
  • Howard Kunreuther, James G. Dinan Professor, Wharton Business School, UPenn
  • MaryAnn E. Tierney, Regional Administrator, FEMA, Region III



Design Competition: Infill Philadelphia

The Philadelphia Water Department, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and Community Design Collaborative invites design professionals to enter Infill Philadelphia: Soak it Up!—an interdisciplinary design competition promoting the creative, innovative use of green stormwater infrastructure in Philadelphia and other cities.

The design competition challenges interdisciplinary teams to develop new models for green stormwater infrastructure, focusing on one of three sites in Philadelphia:


  • ·         Warehouse Watershed: A warehouse and a city-owned vacant lot that offer possibilities for public-private partnerships and the revitalization of a high-vacancy, mixed-use residential/industrial district.
  • ·         Retail Retrofit: A retail strip center that has the potential to play a more central role in the surrounding neighborhood through improved walkability, pop-up space for community events, and access to river recreation.
  • ·         Greening the Grid: An historic neighborhood with an engaged community and a dense network of streets, alleys, roofs, and open space that offers possibilities for an array of small-scale interventions.

The design competition is part of a larger design initiative exploring how green stormwater infrastructure can revitalize urban neighborhoods.


Green stormwater infrastructure is crucial to the implementation of Green City, Clean Waters, the City’s innovative, sustainable 25-year plan to protect and enhance local waterways primarily through the use of green stormwater infrastructure.

The competition is open to professional designers. Competition teams must include at least one licensed architect, one licensed landscape architect, and one licensed civil engineer. One of the required team members must practice in the Philadelphia region.

While the competition sites have a Philly focus, the insights gained through the design competition will apply to other cities seeking to retrofit green stormwater infrastructure into an existing urban fabric. Design professionals from around the country are encouraged to participate!

Nine finalists will be selected to present at an awards event at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University on March 7, 2013. A jury will select one winning design for each of the three sites. The three winning competition teams will receive a cash prize of $10,000.

A  Competition Packet with the full details is available online.

Registration Deadline: Friday, November 30, 2012.

Submission Deadline: January 22, 2013.