APAPASE New Officers

APAPASE is pleased to announce contact information for the section’s new officers! The chapter has one Citizen Planner spot open as well. If you or someone you know is interested in being a citizen planner, please contact us at nominations@apapase.org.

Executive Committee
Alexis Williams – Chair – chair@apapase.org
John Federico – Vice Chair vicechair@apapase.org
Rick Collier – Treasurer – treasurer@apapase.org
Pattie Guttenplan – Secretary – Secretary@apapase.org
Justin Dula – Past Chair – justin@apapase.org
Citizen Planner 
Cheryl Tumola
Linda McIsaac
Are you interested in being a citizen planner on the council? Contact us at nominations@apapase.org

At Large
Ramond Joseph
Amanda Lafty
Kiersten Mailler
Maureen McQuilkin
Rebecca Ross
Rebecca Wetzler

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