Planning for the 2014 Pennsylvania Chapter Conference in Philadelphia

The 2014 Pennsylvania Chapter of the APA conference will be hosted by APA-PA-SE at the Society Hill Sheraton in Philadelphia. This is the first time the conference will be hosted in Philadelphia in over a decade, so it is an exciting chance to show off our great city.  You can register here if you are interested in being part of the planning committee.

There will be a meeting for the American Planning Association Pennsylvania Chapter 2014 Annual Conference on November 20, with a detailed agenda below, but even if you can’t make this meeting please register here if you are interested in helping to show off our region to planners statewide.

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Dec. 11: Geospatial Technology and Open Source event

Geospatial Technology and Open Source event

Wednesday, December 11, 2013, 10:30 AM – 5:00 PM

DVPRC, 190 N Independence Mall West, 8th FL, Philadelphia, PA 19106

The 89th meeting of the DVRPC Information Resources Exchange Group (IREG) will be a special full-day event focused on Open Source and Geospatial Technologies.

We are having presentations by those who are actively developing and providing amazing applications, tools, and data. From Web Maps to data APIs, from data visualization to GitHub, and even the cloud! We are hoping that people will walk away with a better understanding, skill, or interest in these areas. There will also be a CartoDB workshop from 4-5 following the presentation. So please come join us and be ready to learn!

This FREE event will run from 10:30 am to 5 pm and include lunch. Seating is limited to 75. Please register at:

DVRPC’s Public Participation Task Force Meeting: Vacant Land, Land Banks, and Urban Gardens

Wednesday, December 4 at 6:00 P.M.

6:15 P.M.             A Philadelphia Land Bank: An Approach to Addressing Vacant Property … Jill Feldstein, Organizing and Advocacy Coordinator, Women’s Community Revitalization Project

A land bank is a public authority created to efficiently handle acquisition, maintenance, and sale of vacant properties. Land banks are a best practice that more than 75 governments have adopted, including Cleveland, Louisville, and Atlanta. The creation of a land bank authority is currently being discussed in Philadelphia; on October 28, the Public Property and Public Works Committee of Philadelphia City Council held a hearing on the Philadelphia Land Bank legislation. The Committee voted to give the bill a favorable recommendation meaning that it can now move to the full Council. Ms. Feldstein, one of the authors of the Philadelphia land bank legislation, will discuss issues surrounding land banks and next steps for Philadelphia.


6:45 P.M.             The Urban Garden Initiative… Aissia Richardson, Vice President of Operations, Uptown Entertainment & Development Corp

The Urban Garden Initiative transformed a vacant lot with rampant dumping, prostitution, and drug dealing to a meeting space for Philadelphia’s Broad Street community. Ms. Richardson will present the history, challenges, and issues surrounding the revitalization of this formerly vacant lot on North Broad Street.

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Announcing the 2013 APAPA Southeast Section Student Scholarship Awards

Announcing the 2013 APAPA Southeast Section Student Scholarship Awards

This year, three projects were recognized by the Section. Each represents excellence in research projects at the graduate level from area universities.

First place- Best Group Project

New Life for Old Schools Plan

University of Pennsylvania


This research paper explored use opportunities for City schools that were programmed for closure. The project thoroughly investigated the neighborhoods in which they were located and proposed a series of realistic alternative uses.

The policy recommendations in this report outline a new framework for school disposition and reuse in Philadelphia.

“With smart planning, vigorous community engagement, strong public leadership, and savvy private investment, closed public school buildings can be repurposed as assets enabling Philadelphia to catalyze positive neighborhood change”

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Upcoming Webinars on Best Practices and Wayfinding

ISA Webinar: Best Practices for Planning, Design, and System Management

Thursday, November 14, 2013
2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. ET 

Price: Complimentary for Planners
Presenter: Craig Berger, Craig Berger Consulting; Sapna Budev, International Sign Association; Danny Barnycz, The Barnycz Group
1.0 CM 
Complete the registration form here and email to or fax to (703) 836-8353 to register for FREE as a planner.

Webinar Highlights:

  • Learn about the advantages of developing a wayfinding program in stages
  • Understand when a wayfinding project should fit into one fully integrated system, and when it should include freestanding elements
  • Learn about sign alternatives in wayfinding projects
  • Understand how cities approach digital and lighting technology

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Nov. 26: Emerging Professionals Committee Meeting

Are you a planning student, emerging professional, or planner new to the profession? Do you like to organize events like walking tours, happy hours, and educational events related to planning? Then join the APAPA-SE Emerging Professionals Committee! We’ll be meeting at DVRPC on Tuesday, November 26 to discuss events for 2014. We’ll be in Conference Room C on the 8th Floor. We will also have a call-in code for those who are unable to attend in person. Please RSVP so we can provide a list of names to security:

Reminder: Annual Event at the Twentieth Century Club on Nov. 7!

Please join fellow planners in the Southeast Section of the APAPA at our 2013 Annual Event!  Following our very successful 2012 Annual Event at The Manayunk Brew Pub, this year’s event promises to be an exciting evening at the Twentieth Century Club in Lansdowne, PA (Delaware County) on November 7th.
This year, we are meeting up in Lansdowne and learning more about the interaction between the town and its businesses in creating successful downtown programs. 1 CM credit is expected for the presentation, followed by a few hours of food, drink and networking.  Watch the blog for more information!

Dec. 6: Creating More Effective Signs for Your Community

Has your community or neighborhood struggled with signage that doesn’t match the character the surrounding area? Learn the nuts and bolts of good signage and what it takes to create a good sign ordinance and signage system at DVRPC’s December Strategies for Older Suburbs Roundtable event!

Create More Effective Signs for Your Community (2.5 CM pending)

Friday, December 6, 2013
9:00 am – 11:30 am

Breakfast will be provided
Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission
8th Floor | ACP Building
190 N. Independence Mall West | Philadelphia, PA 19106

Please RSVP by Wednesday, December 4 to

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Future City Philadelphia Still Looking for Mentors

The school year is off to a great start.  To date 42  schools have signed up and have started designing their cities of the future.  Hopefully there will be a few more schools that sign up before the October 31 deadline.  After the jump is the current list of schools that need mentors:

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Delco Celebrates Bike to Work Day


It was a picture-perfect, cool and sunny spring morning when dozens of cyclists left their cars at home and rode their bikes to work in Media instead in celebration of Bike to Work Day.

On Friday, May 17, the Delaware County Transportation Management Association (DCTMA) and the Delaware County Planning Department partnered up for Bike to Work Day, drawing County employees and other bicyclists from as far away as Upper Darby. Cyclists enjoyed refreshments during the morning celebration held outside the County Courthouse. Franklin Mint Federal Credit Union was the main sponsor with Wawa, Trader Joe’s, and Main Line Water providing water, orange juice, and fresh fruit. Participants also entered into a special raffle for prizes donated by local businesses.

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