Feb. 27 Webinar: Using ACS Multiyear Estimates: Issues and Best Practices

WHEN: Thursday, Feb. 27, 2014, 1–2 p.m. (EST) (GMT-5)

American Community Survey estimates are collected over a period of time (12 months, 36 months, or 60 months). For small geographic areas, only 5-year estimates are available. But for larger geographic areas, data users have a choice between ACS estimates, and need to consider the tradeoffs between the currency and reliability of the data. In this webinar, Phyllis Betts, Founding Director of the Center for Community Building and Neighborhood Action at the University of Memphis and now a partner with Strategic City Solutions consulting, and Timothy Bray, Director of the Institute for Urban Policy Research at the University of Texas at Dallas, will discuss some issues for ACS data users to consider and best practices in using ACS multiyear estimates and data for small geographic areas. Their discussion will be followed by 10-15 minutes of Q & A.

Space is limited.
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