Archive for Kate Raman

Aug. 30: Social Justice & Public Health (2 AICP CM Ethics Credits)


Principles to Which We Aspire: Social Justice & Public Health (2 AICP CM Ethics Credits)
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
9:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Registration/Light breakfast at 8:30 AM


Planners have a unique charge to make policy decisions with the welfare of citizens in mind. The “Principles to which we Aspire” section of the ethics code sets the standard for how planners to work toward a more just future. This lecture will cover how three planners have worked to:

  • Seek social justice by working to expand choice and opportunity for all persons
  • Recognize a special responsibility to plan for the needs of the disadvantaged and to promote racial and economic integration and urge the alteration of policies, institutions, and decisions that oppose such needs.
  • Provide citizens the opportunity to have a meaningful impact on the development of plans and programs that may affect them.


  • Lisa Servon, Professor and Department Chair, City Planning, University of Pennsylvania
  • Amanda Wagner, MCP, MGA, Get Healthy Philly
  • Caroline Harries, AICP, Associate Director, The Food Trust

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Feb. 23: PennDOT Connects

Have you heard of PennDOT’s newest initiative, PennDOT Connects? Secretary Richards, PennDOT, and planning agencies are working to make transportation planning a more collaborative process that supports community goals. The PennDOT Connects initiative reaches into community and transportation planning processes to initiate early dialogue and partnered decisionmaking about the kinds of transportation projects that will help a community achieve its vision. Learn the various ways PennDOT is supporting this initiative internally and in its outreach to local communities. Learn how communities can better articulate what they desire in transportation investments and design, including placemaking and the role of transportation facilities as public spaces.

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Oct. 26: Inside the Planner’s Studio

Speaker Change!

Due to a schedule conflict, Anne Fadullon is not available to speak at Inside the Planner’s Studio. We are happy to announce that Patty Elkis, Director of Planning at the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC) will be the featured guest on Inside the Planner’s Studio.

  • 6:30-7:00: The event will begin with networking. Light h’orderves and drinks will be provided. Mentors and students from the mentor program will have the opportunity to meet during this time.
  • 7:00-7:45: The Inside the Planner’s Studio program will take place.
  • 7:45-8:00: Ms. Elkis will take questions from the audience.
  • 8:00-8:30: There will be additional time to network after the event.

Inside the Planner’s Studio with Patty Elkis & Karen Thompson

Wednesday, October 26th, 2016 from 6:30 to 8:30 PM

The Kleinman Center for Energy Policy at the University of Pennsylvania

Fisher Fine Arts Building, Room 401 (34th Street & Walnut Street)

(Entrance is on the west side of the building, facing College Green.)

Philadelphia, PA 19104

Cost: Free—with Eventbrite registration

Have you ever wondered how someone became such a successful and effective planner? What advice they could provide about civic engagement? What projects are they are most proud of and why? APAPASE’s “Inside the Planner’s Studio” series asks these questions and more. We’re honored to have Patty Elkis, Director of Planning at the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission, as our 3rd speaker in the annual “Inside the Planners Studio” speaker series. Karen Thompson of the Delaware River Waterfront Corporation will be asking Ms. Elkis about her career, civic engagement, and her advice for planners. Karen will skip the small talk and ask Ms. Elkis the big questions: What pivotal moments have shaped her career? If she could go back, would she do anything differently? You’ll have to come to find out! If you have any questions you would like to ask Ms. Elkis, you can enter them when you register here.

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Inside the Planner’s Studio

Speaker Change!

Due to a schedule conflict, Anne Fadullon is not available to speak at Inside the Planner’s Studio. We are happy to announce that Patty Elkis, Director of Planning at the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC) will be the featured guest on Inside the Planner’s Studio.

  • 6:30-7:00: The event will begin with networking. Light h’orderves and drinks will be provided. Mentors and students from the mentor program will have the opportunity to meet during this time.
  • 7:00-7:45: The Inside the Planner’s Studio program will take place.
  • 7:45-8:00: Ms. Elkis will take questions from the audience.
  • 8:00-8:30: There will be additional time to network after the event.

Inside the Planner’s Studio with Patty Elkis & Karen Thompson

Wednesday, October 26th, 2016 from 6:30 to 8:30 PM

The Kleinman Center for Energy Policy at the University of Pennsylvania

Fisher Fine Arts Building, Room 401 (34th Street & Walnut Street)

(Entrance is on the west side of the building, facing College Green.)

Philadelphia, PA 19104

Cost: Free—with Eventbrite registration

Have you ever wondered how someone became such a successful and effective planner? What advice they could provide about civic engagement? What projects are they are most proud of and why? APAPASE’s “Inside the Planner’s Studio” series asks these questions and more. We’re honored to have Patty Elkis, Director of Planning at the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission, as our 3rd speaker in the annual “Inside the Planners Studio” speaker series. Karen Thompson of the Delaware River Waterfront Corporation will be asking Ms. Elkis about her career, civic engagement, and her advice for planners. Karen will skip the small talk and ask Ms. Elkis the big questions: What pivotal moments have shaped her career? If she could go back, would she do anything differently? You’ll have to come to find out! If you have any questions you would like to ask Ms. Elkis, you can enter them when you register here.

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May 4: Map It Out!



Philly Tech Week 2016, presented by Comcast is from April 29th to May 7th and this year the Southeast Section has planned a tech event for planners! This event offers an introduction to CartoDB, Quantum GIS, and Geoda, three open source mapping platforms. Three CM credits are anticipated. Feel free to bring your laptop and follow along with the demonstrations.

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Oct. 21: “The Landscape” with Marilyn Jordan Taylor & Karen Thompson


“The Landscape” with Marilyn Jordan Taylor & Karen Thompson

October 21st at 6:00 PM

Cost: Free—with Eventbrite registration

Fisher Fine Arts Library—4th floor

220 S. 34th St.

Philadelphia, PA 19104

The building is opposite 34th St. and the entry faces the College Green.

Have you ever listened to a presentation and wondered how this person got their job? What projects are they most proud of? What are their biggest regrets? When they log onto the internet, where do they go first? Did they ever consider giving up and why? Who is their spirit animal? APAPASE’s Landscape series asks these questions.

We’re honored to have Dean Taylor as our 2nd speaker in the Landscape speaker series. Karen Thompson from the Delaware River Waterfront Corporation will be asking her all of this and more.

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Lots of Planning Events for Philly Tech Week


Philly Tech Week starts this Friday!

Here is a list of events that may be of interest to Planners & Geo Spatial Analysts.

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Sept. 23: “The Landscape” With Deputy Mayor Alan Greenberger


“The Landscape” with Deputy Mayor Alan Greenberger

September 23rd 6:00 PM

Meyerson Hall: 34th and Walnut, Upper Gallery

Cost: Free—Free with eventbrite registration

Have you ever listened to a presentation and wondered how this person got their job? How did they get this far? What projects are they most proud of? What are their biggest regrets? APAPASE’s events committee has designed a new series called “The Landscape” where these types of questions will be answered! The concept is similar to “Inside the Actors Studio”. Prestigious planners nominated by APA’s members will answer a set of questions with a live audience. This event is the first APA PA SE Mentor Program event and will serve as a great opportunity for mentors to meet up with their students.

We’re honored to have Deputy Mayor Greenberger as our first speaker. Alan Greenberger is the Deputy Mayor for Economic Development and Director of Commerce. He also serves as Chairman of the Philadelphia City Planning Commission. He has been with the City of Philadelphia since 2008.

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April 9: GeoPhilly Film Night (Free!)

Roger Tomlinson

Roger Tomlinson

Wednesday April 9th 6:30-9:00. Film starts at 7:00 PM.

PhilaMoca 531 N 12th street, (just North of Spring Garden Street)

The GeoPhilly meetup would like to invite planners to GeoPhilly film night. This screening of short archival films related to mapping, cartography, and planning from as early as the 1940s. “Data for Decision” (1967), our feature for the evening, focuses on Roger Tomlinson (the “Father of GIS”) and the first ever use of digital analytical map making. Other films will feature WW2 era cartography, challenges of non-digital map projections and how to deter everything from boredom in suburbia to mob fights through proper planning. This event is part of Philly Tech Week. Drinks and snacks will be for sale.

Jan. 31: How to Be an Expert Witness — 1.5 Law Credits!

Medium Court


New Years Resolution: Log CM credits more often! The “How to be an Expert Witness” session is being offered at a reduced cost. Neil Sklaroff, Esq, from Ballard Spahr will be moderating a panel of experienced attorneys and planners. The four month grace period for AICP credits ends on April 30th 2014. This is an opportunity to earn your legal credits before the deadline or take care of them early in the reporting period. 

Register by January 17th

Registration includes a bound reference guide that has been updated by the panel members Read more