Feb. 23: PennDOT Connects

Have you heard of PennDOT’s newest initiative, PennDOT Connects? Secretary Richards, PennDOT, and planning agencies are working to make transportation planning a more collaborative process that supports community goals. The PennDOT Connects initiative reaches into community and transportation planning processes to initiate early dialogue and partnered decisionmaking about the kinds of transportation projects that will help a community achieve its vision. Learn the various ways PennDOT is supporting this initiative internally and in its outreach to local communities. Learn how communities can better articulate what they desire in transportation investments and design, including placemaking and the role of transportation facilities as public spaces.

PennDOT Connects

Date: Thursday, February 23, 2017


American College of Physicians

9th Floor Conference Room

190 N. Independence Mall West

Philadelphia, PA 19106



Agenda: 8:00 AM Registration & Breakfast

8:30 AM Welcoming Remarks

8:35 AM Brian Hare, PennDOT

9:05 AM Elizabeth Schoonmaker, DVRPC

9:20 AM Secretary Richards, PennDOT

9:35 AM Questions & Answers 10:00 AM Event ends


Ticket Prices:

$15 for Professionals

$10 for Students


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