Tag Archive for events

Sept. 3: Environmental Governance as a System

Environmental Governance as a System: Individuals, Organizations, and Stewardship Networks

Erika S. Svendsen and Lindsay K. Campbell

The next presentation of the Consortium for Climate Risk in the Urban Northeast (CCRUN) Green Infrastructure, Climate and Cities Seminar Series will be held on Wednesday, September 3rd at 4pm at Drexel University.  Come join the discussion about the risks and opportunities presented to our urban communities by climatic extremes, and what decision makers, researchers, and practitioners are learning about how to address these issues.

Space is limited, so please RSVP for both in-person and webinar attendance at http://www.ccrun.org/seminars

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Sept. 25: Cooperative Marketing: A Workshop for BIDs and Planning Practitioners (2 CM Pending)

Organizing, designing, agreeing…and the dreaded collecting. Join DVRPC, the Collingswood BID, and Leigh Minor Nagy from Minor Bird Retail Therapy, on how to make cooperative marketing effective, smart, and as pleasant as possible.

Thursday, September 25,2014

8:30 AM: Breakfast and Registration

9:00 AM – 11:00 AM: Presentation by Leigh Minor Nagy, Minor Bird Retail Therapy

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Register to Reserve Your Spot at the APA-PA Annual Conference in Philadelphia!


Registration for the APA PA Annual Conference is now open!  Register online here by September 12 to enjoy the early bird rate.

View the preliminary program here. This year’s conference includes over 50 sessions and 6 mobile workshops.

Reserve your hotel room at the Society Hill Sheraton at the group rate of $169 (plus taxes) per night.  Hotel reservations must be made by September 15 to receive the rate. However it is recommended you register sooner as it is anticipated the hotel will sell out.

Also, SEPTA is offering free 5-day Independence Transit Passes to conference attendees.  If you would like to take advantage of the pass, you must check the appropriate box on the conference registration form.  There is an additional $1 to receive your pass in the mail in advance of the conference or it may be picked up at the SEPTA booth at the conference.

See you at the conference!

Aug. 13: APAPA Chapter Conference Planning Committee


The Planning Committee for the 2014 APAPA Conference is meeting on August 13.

Click here for the agenda!

Aug. 12: GALIP Meetup at Independence Beer Garden


Gays and Lesbians in Planning (GALIP) Philadelphia is hosting an event at the Independence beer garden as a meet up point on Tuesday, August 12 at 6 pm.  Topics for this meeting include planning our Park(ing) Day spot and seeing how we can reuse these items for future street closures (such as on Drury Street or at Outfest). Can’t make it?  You can sign to the group and find out more on at http://bit.ly/GALIPPHL to join the googlegroup list and join the facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/galip.philadelphia. You can also see Meeting Notes in our Files.

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Volunteer for PARK(ing) Day


APA Pennsylvania Chapter, Southeast Section is looking to create a Park(ing) Day space on September 19 if there are enough interested volunteers.

How do I let you know if I’m interested?

Sign up if you are able to help staff the parking space by August 8 by selecting available times athttp://whenisgood.net/parking or by emailing availability to events@apapase.org.  We’re hoping to have coverage throughout the day (preferably with two or more volunteers). We typically look at a spot near 13 and Chestnut by Macy’s.

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Aug. 24: South Street West Commercial Corridor Tour

PHS Pop Up Garden at 1438 South St.

PHS Pop Up Garden at 1438 South St.

Join Young Involved Philadelphia for a tour of the South Street West Commercial Corridor on Sunday, August 24, 2014 from 13pm.

Designed for aspiring entrepreneurs, foodies, and culture seekers, our 3-part series exploring commercial corridors at various stages of their development. These tours will include stops along the corridor where business owners — well-established or just beginning — will share their personal stories of why they chose their current location, and how they set up shop.

For our second tour, we will be working with the South of South Neighbors Association to feature businesses in the neighborhood. The following points of interest will be discussed along the tour: The South Street Bridge, Devil’s Pocket, The Grays Ferry Triangles, murals, The Quick Fixx Parklet, the PHS Pop Up Garden and more!

August 6: CCRUN Seminar at Drexel: Green Infrastructure and Heat Island Mitigation

The next presentation of the Consortium for Climate Risk in the Urban Northeast (CCRUN) Green Infrastructure, Climate and Cities Seminar Series will be held on Wednesday, August 6 at 4pm at Drexel University.  Come join the discussion about the risks and opportunities presented to our urban communities by climatic extremes, and what decision makers, researchers, and practitioners are learning about how to address these issues.

Space is limited, so please RSVP for both in-person and webinar attendance at http://www.ccrun.org/seminars

Green Infrastructure and Heat Island Mitigation

Dr. Kimberly DiGiovanni, Post-doctoral research fellow, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Villanova University

Dr. Stuart R. Gaffin, Associate Research Scientist, Center for Climate Systems Research (CCSR), Columbia University

July 21: APAPA Chapter Conference Planning Committee


The Planning Committee for the 2014 APAPA Conference is meeting on July 21.

Click here for the agenda!

July 2: Green Infrastructure at Drexel


CCRUN invites you to the next presentation in the Green Infrastructure, Climate and Cities Seminar Series, to be held Wednesday, July 2, 2014 at Drexel University.  Join the discussion about the risks and opportunities presented to our urban communities by climatic extremes, and what decision makers, researchers, and practitioners are learning about how to address these issues.

Space is limited, so please RSVP for both in-person and webinar attendance at http://www.ccrun.org/seminars.

This month’s presentation:

Green Infrastructure: Enhancing Cities by Managing Stormwater

Dr. Robert Traver, Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Villanova University, and Director of both the Villanova Center for the Advancement of Sustainability in Engineering and the Villanova Urban Stormwater Partnership

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