Volunteer for PARK(ing) Day


APA Pennsylvania Chapter, Southeast Section is looking to create a Park(ing) Day space on September 19 if there are enough interested volunteers.

How do I let you know if I’m interested?

Sign up if you are able to help staff the parking space by August 8 by selecting available times athttp://whenisgood.net/parking or by emailing availability to events@apapase.org.  We’re hoping to have coverage throughout the day (preferably with two or more volunteers). We typically look at a spot near 13 and Chestnut by Macy’s.

What is PARK(ing) day?

It is an annual event that shows the value of urban space by taking parking spots and turning them into parks.  There is more information at http://www.parkingdayphila.org/


Are you interested in helping to plan the design of the space?

The work on design is being kept in this document and through email thegalipphl@googlegroups.com. This year’s event is being spearheaded by GALIP Philadelphia (Gays and Lesbians in Planning), but anyone is welcome to help out.  Find out more about GALIP Philadelphia on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/groups/galip.philadelphia or on the Google Group at http://bit.ly/GALIPPHL.  The group will be meeting in person to discuss this project in August.


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