Implementing the Multi-Modal Handbook in Your Community Workshops (1.25 CM Credits)


Last year, the Chester County Planning Commission produced the Multi-Modal Circulation Handbook, a resource guide for incorporating all modes of transportation into land use/ land development design. A series of workshops has been planned to serve as an overview for why the Planning Commission produced this document and how it fits with Chester County policy. How and when different design elements should be incorporated into site design and how the Planning Commission incorporates multi-modal concepts into the land development review process will be covered. Typical development scenarios will illustrate how all transportation modes can be accommodated in a variety of land use types, and tools for municipalities to do multi-modal transportation planning will be discussed. Additionally, attendees will hear testimony from local professionals working in the public sector, land development, and non-profit on the importance of planning for all modes.

The workshops will be held on April 13th in Jennersville, April 15th in Downingtown, and April 29th in Phoenixville. All are from 8:30-11:00am and free of charge. Each workshop has been approved for 1.25 CM credits. More details are available

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Volunteers Needed for EarthFest 2016 on April 22


EarthFest 2016

Continuing a multi-year tradition, APAPA-SE will be hosting a booth at Temple’s EarthFest with educational materials and activities related to the planning profession.  We are looking for volunteers to help staff an interactive booth.  Volunteers can sign up for the full event, a portion of the event, or even just the setup period (begins around 8:00 AM).  It is a great opportunity to share our profession with local students while spending the day outside in a festival atmosphere!  No need to be a Temple alumni or student (although they are certainly welcome).

If you are interested in volunteering or have any questions about the event, please contact John Federico at

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April 4-6: Creating Climate Resilient Communities Training

Not going to Phoenix for the national APA conference? A more local offering is the Local Solutions: Eastern Regional Climate Preparedness Conference. Taking place April 4 – 6, 2016 in Baltimore’s Inner Harbor, this capacity-building, “how to” conference, convened by Antioch University’s Center for Climate Preparedness & Community Resilience in partnership with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), is designed to build capacity for local decision makers from throughout the eastern United States.  Days 1 and 2 focus on The Built Environment, Ecosystem & Human Health, Community Engagement and Communication, and Planning & Process.  CM credits are available.  More information and registration is available at

March 10: APAPA-Southeast Section Meeting

APA PA Southeast Section Council meeting
Thursday, March 10th
(held the second Thursday of every other month)
The Reinvestment Fund (TRF)
1700 Market Street, 19th Floor
Calling in?  Please use the following:
Toll free:  (866) 245-0351 
Passcode: 605275
Please direct any questions to
Find out more at

April 14: Events Committee Meeting

Do you like to organize events like walking tours, happy hours, and educational events related to planning?
Then join the APAPASE Events Committee and help us plan fun events!
We are looking for volunteers to help with all aspects of the event-planning process, from brainstorming event ideas, coordinating with venues, ordering food/beverages, inviting speakers, advertising/marketing events, working the registration table, speaking at events, and conducting event follow up.
Please join us for our second meeting of the year:
Thursday, April 14, 2016
5:45 PM – 7:00 PM
Michael Baker Jr Conference Room
1818 Market Street, Suite 3110, Philadelphia, PA 19103

Call for Papers: 2016 John Pickett Memorial Scholarship Awards



APAPASE is looking for Graduate School program papers (individual and group) about topics and issues relevant to the Delaware Valley Region. Eligible papers can address contemporary planning-related topics, such as sustainability, Smart Growth, and energy planning, and include methods for achieving implementation. Papers must be generated through graduate level studios and/or class/course assignments.

Click here for more details.

High Cost of Free Parking May 5

DVSGA Spring Forum: The High Cost of Free Parking

The Delaware Valley Smart Growth Alliance invites you to meet Donald Shoup, FAICP, recipient of the American Planning Association’s 2015 National Planning Excellence Award, who will address land use, parking, smart growth and strong communities. Following his presentation will be a discussion from our expert panelists, Anne Fadulon, Tim Haas, and Rob Zuritsky.
The American Planning Association, Pennsylvania Chapter, Southeast Section has partnered with the DVSGA to help plan this event and has reserved tickets for APA PA members.  Please register today and select that you are an APAPASE member as this event is expected to sell out!

Apply for Philadelphia Citizen Planning Institute!

CPI photo

Philadelphia Citizens Planning Institute Accepting Applications for Spring 2016 Classes

Want to learn about the nuts and bolts of planning, zoning, and development in Philly? Become a more engaged citizen and apply to be part of the Citizens Planning Institute’s spring session.

Special topics this session include commercial corridors, public spaces for people, and the Citizen’s Toolkit: using a new resource.

Citizens Planning Institute (CPI) is the education and outreach arm of the Philadelphia City Planning Commission.

To date, 330 participants representing over 120 different neighborhoods have completed CPI!

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March 10: DVRPC’s Healthy Communities Task Force Meeting: Age-Friendly Communities (2.5 CM)

This meeting will focus on age-friendly communities with presentations from Amanda Lehning, Assistant Professor at UMD School of Social Work, on her recently published book, Creating Aging-Friendly Communities, and Karin Morris, Manager of DVRPC’s Office of Smart Growth, on lessons from her German Marshall Fellowship on Age-Friendly UK Efforts.

The meeting will also feature a panel discussion on age-friendly efforts in the region, featuring Kate Clark, Planner of Policy and Program Development at Philadelphia Corporation for Aging, Joe Lukach, CEO of the Ralston Center, and Ann Torregrossa, Chair of Swarthmore Borough’s Aging-in-Place Task Force.  Finally, the meeting will conclude with a facilitated conversation around what your community can do to encourage age-friendly places.

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Carol R. Collier Named to AICP College of Fellows

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Carol R. Collier has achieved the planning profession’s highest honor by being named to the prestigious American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) College of Fellows for her outstanding achievements in regional and environmental planning. Fellowship is granted to planners who have achieved certification through the American Institute of Certified Planners, and have achieved excellence in professional practice, teaching and mentoring, research, public and community service, and leadership. Invitations to join the College of Fellows come after a thorough nomination and review process, ensuring the candidate has had a positive, long-lasting impact on the planning profession.

Ms. Collier is currently with the Patrick Center for Ecological Research at the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia. She is serving as government liaison for the Delaware River Watershed Initiative (DRWI), director of the environmental studies program at Drexel, as well as advising on watershed management and development of more resilient systems for an uncertain future throughout the nation and the world.  Prior to her current positions, she served over 15 years as Executive Director of the Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC), an interstate/federal commission that provides a unified approach to water resource management without regard to political boundaries.  Earlier in Ms. Collier’s career, she also was Executive Director of Pennsylvania’s 21st Century Environment Commission under Governor Tom Ridge and Director of the Southeast Region of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.

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