Sponsor APA PennsylvaniaSoutheast for 2017!

The work and programs by the Southeast Section of the Pennsylvania Chapter of the American Planning Association (APAPASE) aren’t possible without the support of our sponsors. We are releasing sponsorships now for organizations who prefer to take advantage of end of year giving, but are always happy to work with new sponsors.

We’ve adapted our sponsorship levels to respond to suggestions from sponsors. The sponsorship levels are laid out in our 2017 Sponsorship Package. If you would like to discuss a custom sponsorship, simply contact sponsorship@apapase.org to start the discussion.

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Join the 12/14 Engagement Committee Call

APA Pennsylvania SE Section LogoHave ideas for how APA Pennsylvania Southeast section can reach its members? Have suggestions for how better to get value from your membership? Share them during the Engagement Committee call. The Engagement committee’s next call is Wednesday, December 14, 2016 at 3pm. Any interested section members are welcome to join by calling 1-877-292-8255 passcode 1207385.

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Delaware County Conducts Transportation Survey

Delaware county Planning Department would like to know how you get around Delaware County! Tell them about your experiences traveling to/through the County and make recommendations to improve DelCo’s transportation network. What concerns you most about driving to work? How often do you walk to your friend’s house? Answer these and other questions in Delaware County’s transportation survey: https://dcpd.typeform.com/to/Ei4s5b.

This survey will be used to inform Delaware County’s Transportation Plan.

Delaware County Transportation

Join QUE on Monday, November 28!

Queer Urbanist Exchange (QUE) is invites you to join our monthly meet up at Tavern on Camac (Tavern on Camac, 243 South Camac St, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) at 5:30 pm.

QUE_Logo_Logo ColorWe’re going to do brief updates on all of our projects. Please come with ideas of things you’d like to see the group participate in. If you’re interested in seeing more, check out our Meeting Notes from our last meeting.

Can’t make it?  You can sign to the group and find out more on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/QUEPHL and on Google Groups at http://bit.ly/QUEgoogle. You can also see Meeting Notes in our Files. You can also select your availability for December at http://doodle.com/poll/5ny5r77xa9zyxfkx.

Facebook Event – https://www.facebook.com/events/1163699560385291/

Meetup Event – https://www.meetup.com/Queer-Urbanist-Exchange/events/235495239/

Dec. 7: Ethics and the Digital World (1.5 CM Ethics Credits)

Ethics and the Digital World (1.5 CM Ethics Credits)

Smart cities, social media, and online data and tools are all reshaping planning. But what are the ethical dimensions to this digital world? Explore issues such as privacy, access, application, and the nature of information and how it is shared. Get insight into the discussions addressing these crucial concepts and learn how the AICP code of ethics provides guidance.

This event provides 1.5 AICP CM ETHICS credits.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

2:45 – 4:30 PM

Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission

190 N. Independence Mall W., 8th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19106

The event is free but registration is required: https://dvrpc.ticketleap.com/ethics2016/

Dec. 5: Jarrett Walker at PennDesign

Jarrett Walker, author of the book Human Transit, will be giving his lecture Abundant Access: Public Transit as an Instrument of Freedom on the evening of December 5th from 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM at Meyerson Hall, B1 (210 S 34th St, Philadelphia, PA 19104) on the University of Pennsylvania’s campus in University City. The lecture will deal with various aspects of bus network planning. Tickets to the lecture are free but registration is required. More information about the lecture and registration is available here: https://septa.ticketleap.com/jarrett-walker-transit-network-design-lecture/. For more information, please contact Dan Nemiroff at dnemiroff@septa.org.

2016 Student Scholarship Awards Announced

The Southeast Section announced its 2016 student scholarship awards at the Annual Event at the Lucky Dog Saloon on November 3rd.  The winners were selected by a sub-committee of the section council using a set of criteria that included topic originality, thoroughness of research and quality of analysis and conclusions.  This year the program was very competitive with eleven submissions.


The winners are as follows:

 1st Place- Group AwardTEMPLE-   Community Engagement- Kensington (3 students)

Michelle Atherton/Leonard Bonarek/Ted Mullen


2nd Place- Group AwardTEMPLE- Division Street Revitalization (3 students)

Corey Brown/Michelle Goddard/Mark Huber


3rd Place- Individual AwardWCU-3D Modeling in Land Development Planning

Madeline Schueren

Nov. 10: APAPA-SE Meeting

Hope you can make it to the next APAPA-SE meeting:
APA PA Southeast Section Council meeting
Thursday, November 10th 
(held the second Thursday of every other month)
The Reinvestment Fund (TRF): 1700 Market Street, 19th Floor
Calling in?  Please use the following NEW conference call number:
Toll free:  (877) 292-8255
Passcode: 1207385
Please direct any agenda topics and/or questions to secretary@apapase.org.

Fall into CM Credits in Pennsylvania and New Jersey

The end of the year is only a few short weeks away, and for many planners that means their AICP CM-credit reporting period is coming to a close. Do you have all of the credits that you need? Are you looking for a few more events to get some additional credits? Below are some events happening in the Greater Philadelphia region in the next few weeks that offer AICP CM credits.

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Engagement Committee Call on 10/26 at 1!

APA Pennsylvania SE Section LogoHave ideas for how APA Pennsylvania Southeast section can reach its members? Have suggestions for how better to get value from your membership? Share them during the Engagement Committee call. The Engagement committee’s next call is Wednesday, October 26, 2016 at 1pm. Any interested section members are welcome to join by calling 1-877-292-8255 passcode 1207385. (Note this is a new number updated from previous calls)

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