Three Walkability Webinars for the Philadelphia Region

Join DVRPC and the Montgomery County Planning Commission for three webinars about walkability.
APRIL 28: Why Walking Matters
11:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
1.25 CM credits
Walking is something that nearly everyone does daily. Not only is it our most reliable form of transportation, it’s good for our collective health, has little impact on the environment, and is practically free. It makes sense that as a region we’d do all we could to make it as easy as possible to get people out and about—from our youngest (and most vulnerable) pedestrians to our seniors (who may not always feel as steady on their feet). You may know why walking matters, but convincing others can be a challenge. Tune in for useful strategies and to see how some planners are doing their part to promote walkability (and healthy decision making).
For CM credits, please look for ID# 9120988 at

MAY 24: Solutions for Walkability Challenges
11:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
1.25 CM credits
As Philadelphia continues its renaissance into a 24-hour city and its surrounding suburbs become more urbanized, working with developers to add pedestrian amenities to new construction (while filling in the missing pieces of existing pedestrian infrastructure) is the new norm. How are planners and municipal staff succeeding in filling in these gaps?  And how can good design make walking easier for all of us?
Link for registration:
For CM credits, please look for ID# 9120991 at

JUNE 23: Education and Outreach to Promote Walkability
11:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
1.25 CM credits
By now you all know that walking–and having a safe space to do it in–is important for everyone’s mobility and health.  But what’s the best way of communicating this?  And more importantly, how can we educate about and promote walkability to the groups who rely on it the most–our region’s youth (who may be inexperienced in walking safely) and our seniors (who may feel uneasy about their physical ability to walk)?
Link for registration:
For CM credits, please look for ID# 9120994 at

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