July 16 – Rail Park Talk and Tour

Rail Park Talk and Tour

Mon, July 16, 2018, 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM

$10.00 (includes light refreshments)

The first phase of Philadelphia’s Rail Park is complete—filled with pathways, greenery, and bench swings with amazing city views! Join planners, designers, urbanites, and lovers of parks on Monday, July 16th as APAPASE checks out Philadelphia’s newest amenity. Come hear brief remarks from park designer Studio Bryan Hanes, the Philadelphia City Planning Commission (PCPC), and Friends of the Rail Park. You’ll hear about how the first quarter mile of park was designed, how the park relates to the surrounding neighborhood, and the vision for revitalizing three miles of unused rail lines into a usable, beautiful, public space for all.

  • 5:30 – 6:00 PM: Networking and Light Refreshments
  • 6:00 – 6:30 PM: Three speakers (10 mins each)
  • 6:30 – 7:00 PM: Question and Answers
  • 7:00 – 7:30 PM: Brief Tour of Park

The Park will be open until 10:00 PM after the event–feel free to hang out after the official part of the event is over.

July 12 – Southeast Section Council Meeting

Thu, July 12, 5:30pm – 6:30pm
STV Incorporated, 1818 Market, Suite 1410 Philadelphia, PA 19103
APA PA Southeast Section Council meeting (held the second Thursday of every other month)
Calling in? Please use the following: Toll free: 1-866-499-7054 Conference code: 735 289 0020
Please direct any agenda topics and/or questions to secretary@apapase.org.

Oct. 14 – 16: Save the Date and Sponsor APA PA Erie 2018

Summer is just starting, but October is around the corner! It isn’t too early to start planning for the PA Chapter conference in Erie from October 14-16. There is still time to sponsor Pennsylvania’s premier planning event. The conference’s exciting keynote and plenary speakers have been announced. Also, pricing is available for the conference, so don’t delay in budgeting and reserving your hotel room.

We also know this is a long trip for our members in the Southeast Section. In fact, it is as far from Philadelphia as you can get in Pennsylvania. But that also makes it a unique destination for our members that can help us bring new perspectives to our part of the Commonwealth.

We want to assist members in attending the conference. In 2013, we organized and subsidized a vanpool that built long term bonds between members, described on our website.  In 2017, we used an online sharing app to encourage carpooling. We are looking to continue that effort for this conference, so please sign up to join or lead a carpool.

How can we best help our members get to Erie in 2018? If you have ideas or would like to help plan the trip, please email events@apapase.org.

July 10 – Game Night! YPT & APA Present: Cards Against Urbanity

Game Night! YPT & APA Present: Cards Against Urbanity

Join the Philadelphia Chapter of Young Professionals in Transportation (YPT) and the American Planning Association Pennsylvania Chapter Southeast Section (APAPASE) for Game Night on July 10th from 5:30 PM-8:30 PM. We’ll be at Field House playing Cards Against Urbanity – the irreverent card game for anyone who’s interested in cities, transportation, and fun! (If you want to see the types of cards you might come across, click here for Cardsplanations.)

Tickets are $8 in advance; $11 at the door. Your first drink is included in your admission fee–after that, it’s cash bar. We are looking forward to you joining us!

To purchase tickets in advance and register to attend, check out the Eventbrite page!

June 20 Bike Montco Event – Be One of the First to View the New Bike Montco Plan!


Bike Montco — Building a Bike-Friendly Montgomery County


Be one of the first to view the draft Bike Montco plan, Montgomery County’s new bicycle mobility plan! This plan represents a new approach to bicycle planning in the Philadelphia region. It can be used as a tool to make your community safer and more attractive to bicyclists. During this free seminar, several speakers will share the content of the plan and topics including building safer on-road bicycle infrastructure, linking to the county’s trail network, and the role the county can play in providing bicyclist safety education and encouragement strategies for new riders. Attendees also will have an opportunity to take a brief tour of Morris Road, one of the study areas in the plan, and to hear about the plan’s recommendations to improve bicycle safety at the community college. This seminar is intended for municipal staff, transportation professionals, planners, and school districts, but everyone is welcome! AICP credits – CM | 1.75. Click here to register.

This event is being provided as part of Planning Smarter Montco 2018, a Montgomery County initiative offering planning education and outreach, and corresponds to the Connected Communities theme contained in Montco 2040: A Shared Vision,Montgomery County’s nationally awarded comprehensive plan.

*Montgomery County Community College is not affiliated with the event, and the college should not be contacted regarding the program.

         DATE: Wednesday, June 20, 2018
LOCATION: Advanced Technology Center Room 101
Montgomery County Community College*
340 DeKalb Pike
Blue Bell, PA 19422
         TIME: 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. (Registration check-in 1:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.)


1:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Registration
2:00 p.m. – 2:10 p.m. Welcoming Remarks 
Valerie A. Arkoosh, MD, MPH, Chair
Montgomery County Commissioners
2:10 p.m. – 2:20 p.m. Montco 2040: A Shared Vision — The Importance
of Bicycle Planning

Jody L. Holton, AICP, Executive Director
Montgomery County Planning Commission
2:20 p.m. – 2:50 p.m. Bicycle Level of Stress Tool — DVRPC’s New Online Application for Understanding Our Roads
Sarah Moran, AICP, Transportation Planner
Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission
2:50 p.m. – 3:25 p.m. Draft Bike Montco Plan — The New Bicycle Mobility Plan
for Montgomery County 

Matthew Edmond, AICP, Section Chief: Transportation Planning
Montgomery County Planning Commission
3:25 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Closing Remarks — Moving Forward Together
Scott Brown, Chair
Bike Montco Steering Committee
3:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Field Visit — Morris Road
Randy Waltermyer, AICP, Planning and Municipal Services Leader
Traffic Planning and Design, Inc.

June 26 – The Divided City Book Event with Alan Mallach and Jake Blumgart

The Divided City Book Event with Alan Mallach and Jake Blumgart

Join PACDC and WHYY’s PlanPhilly on the evening of Tuesday, June 26th for a conversation between Alan Mallach, the author of the new book The Divided City, and Jake Blumgart of PlanPhilly, on how cities like Philadelphia can and must chart a path forward toward inclusion and opportunity.

Tickets are available for free, but you must RSVP here in advance. 

When? Tuesday, June 26th from 5:30 – 7:00 p.m.
Where? Pipeline Philly, The Graham Building at Dilworth Park, 30 South 15th Street, 15th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19102

This book event, co-sponsored by WHYY’s PlanPhilly and the Philadelphia Association of Community Development Corporations (PACDC), opens PACDC’s Forward Equitable Development Conference to be held the following day, Wednesday, June 27th.

About The Divided City
In The Divided City, Mallach tells the real story of both the revival and the growing inequality in America’s older industrial cities, and examines whether, as they continue to grow, they can again become the places of hope and opportunity they once were.  Combining big-picture analysis and research with the nitty-gritty reality of these cities drawn from author’s years of working in and studying them, Alan Mallach—a leading authority on economics and urban revitalization—offers an essential contribution to our understanding of American cities like Philadelphia.

Mallach looks practically at how we can make inclusion and opportunity a reality, and makes concrete recommendations in The Divided City on topics ranging from job creation and education to affordable housing and improving the quality of life in high-poverty areas.

Copies of The Divided City will be available for purchase at the event from Uncle Bobbie’s Coffee and Books, a locally owned, independent bookstore in Germantown. You can learn more about the book from Island Press here.

Special thanks to Pipeline Philly for hosting the event.

About PlanPhilly

PlanPhilly is a project of WHYY News providing in-depth, original reporting on Philadelphia’s neighborhoods with a focus on urban design and planning, transportation, and development.  Listen to PlanPhilly’s stories on WHYY 90.9 FM in Philadelphia and read them online.

Sponsor the 2018 Annual Event

The APA PA Southeast Section offers opportunities throughout the year for planners, citizen planners, students, and allied professionals to attend great events and activities that are educational and foster social interaction.  The Section is able to do this for members with the help of sponsorships.  Sponsorships are annual or event specific (see our 2018 sponsorship package). We offer thanks to our 2018 Annual Sponsors!

The best event to sponsor is our Annual Meeting because the venue and program are special, and it is well attended (sometimes over 100 professionals and colleagues).  The 2018 Annual Meeting is in early September and will be at the 20th Century Club in Lansdowne.  Consider being an Event Sponsor this year at a discounted rate.

Help share the excitement happening in Lansdowne at the APA PA SE Annual Event in September 2018!

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June 16: Join Queer Urbanist Exchange (QUE) Meetup and Upper Darby Tour

Queer Urbanist Exchange (QUE) is invites you to join our monthly meet up at Inka Wall Peruvian Restaurant (55 Garrett Road, Upper Darby, PA 19082) at 12 pm on Saturday, June 16, 2018 to see Peru play Denmark in the World Cup! The match starts at noon and afterward we will do a tour of Upper Darby. Not interested in watching soccer? Come for drinks and food specials, or join at about 1:45 for the end of the match and the tour.  We’ll be checking out some noteworthy Art Deco details in this vibrant community with a vision for the future. Getting there by SEPTA couldn’t be easier as it is only a short walk from 69th Street Terminal!

Facebook Event – https://www.facebook.com/events/173114313378187/

Meetup Event – https://www.meetup.com/Queer-Urbanist-Exchange/events/251231621/

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June 7: Healthy Communities Collaborations

A Healthy Communities movement is growing in Philadelphia!

Join FitCityPHL on Thursday, June 7th from 8:00am – 9:30am at One Parkway, 1515 Arch Street, 18th Floor, Room 18-028, Philadelphia, PA 19102 to hear from the multi-sector collaborations creating this energy.

REGISTER at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/fitcityphl-collaborations-tickets-45936233511

All the momentum around designing places where residents live, work, and play to increase health have generated multiple cross-sector collaborations in the area. These stakeholder groups all share the goal to pull together public health professionals with the design sector to create Healthy Communities. On June 7th FitCityPHL will bring together the leadership of five stakeholder groups so you can learn how they’re working to increase public health through design.

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Earthfest 2018 – Planning & Youth Engagement

On an unseasonably cold and blustery April day, aspiring planners from the Temple Student Planning Organization (TSPO) – in partnership with APA Pennsylvania’s Southeast Section (APA PA SE) – hosted a booth at Temple University’s EarthFest.  The purpose of this annual event is to teach students about sustainability concepts and promote environmental awareness.  This year, the event honored Dr. Jeffrey Featherstone, founder of the Center for Sustainable Communities and professor in the Department of Planning and Community Development at Temple University.


TSPO volunteers led elementary and middle school students in an exercise designed to foster a discussion about planning and encourage them to think about how land can be sustainably developed.  Using an enlarged aerial map of the field in which they were standing, students were asked to guess what the map depicted. With impressive regularity, students correctly identified the location of the aerial.  Next, volunteers led a discussion of various types of development, culminating in students suggesting ideas for developing the field by placing sticky notes on the map. Some of the most compelling responses were “homes but cheap” and “a nature preserve,” though “swimming pool” seems to be the perennial favorite.  The APA brochure What Planners Do was also available at the booth and used to spark discussions with interested chaperones.

Each year, Temple University’s EarthFest provides an opportunity to engage with students and their families about the work that planners do to improve communities.  The participation of TSPO and APA PA SE in this event is a small but meaningful way in which the planning community can promote a greater understanding of the important role planning has in our society.