Archive for Upcoming Events

March 23: ULI Philadelphia UrbanPlan Volunteer Happy Hour

ULI will be hosting a happy hour event on March 23rd, at 5 PM. The event will be at Craft Hall. This is an opportunity for planners to come and learn more about UrbanPlan.

Register Here

Date:March 23, 2022

Event start time:5:00 PM
(GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Venue: Craft Hall

901 N Delaware Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19123

UrbanPlan Seeking Volunteers

What is UrbanPlan?

UrbanPlan is an engaging classroom-based curriculum in which participants – high school students, university students, public officials or community members – learn about the fundamental forces that affect real estate development in our communities.

Next Volunteer Training: May 19, 2022

Application Deadline: April 1, 2022

Learn More & Apply Today

ULI will also be hosting a happy hour event where interested individuals can find out more about UrbanPlan and connect with local land use professionals.

Volunteer Opportunity

UrbanPlan volunteers are selected from experienced land use and real estate development professionals and will be required to attend a one-day training. The training is currently being planned as an in person program, but if necessary may be delivered entirely virtually. Because of the nature of the training, a hybrid option will not be available.

Time Commitment

If selected, volunteers are committing to attend an all day volunteer training on May 19, 2022, roughly 8:30am – 4:30 pm in Philadelphia. Once volunteer training is complete, volunteers are eligible to volunteer for future engagements. A minimum of 1 hour and maximum of 15 hours will also be required for various UrbanPlan programs throughout the year. Deadline to apply April 1, 2022. 

Feb. 15 & 16: CAAP Statewide Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Summit

Central Section of PA Chapter of APA is excited to announce its partnership with the Community Action Association of Pennsylvania (CAAP) to present a virtual  CAAP 2022 STATEWIDE Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) SUMMIT. The two-part event will occur on Tuesday, February 15th and Wednesday, February 16th from 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. What is even better, 5.5 Equity CMs are pending approval for the two sessions of the DEI Summit, including the Keynote with Jerome Underwood, CEO of Action for a Better Community from Rochester, New York.

Click here for more information and to register

For CAAP’s keynote address, Jerome Underwood will focus on the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion practices to increase equity for all citizens. Underwood is a member of the Equity and Economic Mobility Commission with the National Community Action Partnership. Mr. Underwood is also a member of the Black Agenda Group, an organization dedicated to the creation of culturally specific and culturally responsive interventions to address the effects of racism within the Black community.

Action For A Better Community (ABC) in Rochester, N.Y. ABC serves families in Monroe and Ontario Counties by offering programs and services in the areas of employment, early childhood education, youth services, adult education, health services, community development, and energy conservation. Racial equity and justice advocacy are core to ABC’s work. The agency’s mission is to provide opportunities for low-income individuals and families to become self-sufficient.

Feb. 17: Mid-Atlantic Collaboration: Plan Integration for Resilience and Equity

February 17 @ 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm
Plan Integration for Resilience and Equity

Click here for more information and to register

Planners have a number of plans for which they are responsible. Two factors, climate resilience and equity, are top-of-mind as we try and integrate planning strategies to provide multiple benefits. The webinar would explore examples of successful plan integration and their relation to building in more resilient approaches to local decision-making.

March 2: Webinar Wednesday – Advancing Racial Equity through Land Use Planning

March 2 @ 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm

Register Here

Advancing Racial Equity through Land Use Planning

According to US Census Data, disparity in income and housing among diverse racial and ethnic populations has occurred in the United States. Researchers have pointed out that many members of these specific populations have been adversely impacted by housing policies adopted in the first half of the 20th century.

To address present day challenges, this webinar will present examples of two cities addressing racial inequity through their land use planning tools & codes. The City of Minneapolis, Minnesota recently completed Minneapolis 2040 which reflects the result of more than two years of engagement with the people of Minneapolis. This engagement included over 100 meetings and conversations with thousands of residents, business owners, and others, where they shared their vision and hopes for the future of the city. Joe Bernard AICP, Planning Project Manager, City of Minneapolis will describe how the City of Minneapolis intends to be inclusive in providing housing for people of all socio-economic groups.

The City of Lancaster Planning Commission also passed a resolution in 2020 committing to racial equity. Douglas Smith AICP, Chief Planner, City of Lancaster will share their efforts to create a diverse, inclusive, and equitable process for their first comprehensive plan in nearly 30 years. During his presentation, Smith will address topics of public outreach, language access, citizen empowerment, and non-traditional engagement methods

Finally, Shelby Nauman, Co-Chair of the Lancaster County Coalition for Sustainable Housing will discuss the Coalition’s role in raising awareness of our City and County’s need for housing that is affordable across the spectrum of household incomes (both rental and for-sale housing).

Equity CM credit is pending approval.

Speaker: Joe Bernard, AICP; Douglass Smith, AICP LEED; and Shelby Naumann

**The Pennsylvania Chapter is not responsible for the materials or opinions of the speakers you will hear**

Deadline to register is March 1, 2022

If you’re interested in sponsoring a Webinar Wednesday session or have a session for Webinar Wednesday please contact us. Send your request to

Feb. 2: APA-PA Hosts Webinar Wednesday: Climate Change Planning

February 2 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Climate Change Planning for Vulnerable Neighborhoods

We will introduce the county-wide climate change vulnerability assessment as well as other hazard mitigation-related projects undertaken by the Planning Commission. In 2020-2021, the Planning Commission utilized free public information on (A) historical flooding and flood-prone areas, (B) historically heat sensitive areas, and (C) disadvantaged populations in order to identify neighborhoods, which will likely face increased challenges due to climate change. To ensure regional consistency, we completed this study with assistance from the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission as they worked on a complementary regional heat island project.

  • Attendees will understand the methods used by the Planning Commission and DVRPC to create their Vulnerability Assessment and could replicate the study for their own jurisdictions.
  • Attendees will learn how climate change takes a toll on poor and vulnerable people and these impacts are largely caused by inequalities that increase the risk from climate hazards (i.e. heat, flooding). Vulnerable communities need to be identified and included at all stages planning.
  • Attendees will learn how climate change impacts are not equality distributed among municipalities.  The Assessment highlight how county and regional planning organizations have an opportunity and responsibility to encourage partnership between municipalities to adapt critical infrastructure and support vulnerable communities without adaptive capacity.
  • Attendees will gain insight to the opportunities for and challenges to implementing climate adaptation and climate mitigation measures for local and regional governments.

Sustainability/Resilience CM credit is pending approval.

Speaker: Jon Lesher and Ellis Foley

Deadline to register is February 1, 2022

If you’re interested in sponsoring a Webinar Wednesday session or have a session for Webinar Wednesday please contact us. Send your request to


Jan 5. APA PA Webinar Wednesday – Barriers and Some Solutions to Affordable Housing

January 5, 2022 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Barriers and Some Solutions to Affordable Housing

Register Here

This session will dive into the specifics of the current landscape of affordable housing, focusing in Pennsylvania. It will describe some of the more frustrating aspects of building affordable housing and some steps that can be taken to help alleviate those concerns. The panel of speakers includes a design professional, a developer and a construction practitioner who all can provide specific stopping points in the affordable housing process.  Additionally, the panel will make a case for changes that can be made to help ensure a smoother housing development process in the future.

CM credit is pending approval.

Speaker: Leah Eppinger, AICP; Brandon Johnson; Todd Bowser; Nando Michele, FAIA, AICP, PP

Deadline to register is January 4, 2022

If you’re interested in sponsoring a Webinar Wednesday session or have a session for Webinar Wednesday please contact us. Send your request to

Jan. 8: Transportation4America hosting TransportationCamp

Every year, transportation enthusiasts get together on a Saturday to share their ideas and map out new possibilities. With so much transportation legislation on the way, the 2022 virtual TransportationCamp will be more important than ever. Registration is now open!!

The reauthorization and budget reconciliation embraced the traditional approach to transportation policy: a whole lot more of the same, failing status quo. There’s a little bit of money to fight the climate crisis, encourage safer streets, and expand transit, but there’s a whole lot more to make those same problems worse—more emissions, more congestion, more pollution, more dangerous streets, more highways undermining transit investments. Where do we go from here? That’s where TransportationCamp comes in.

Now’s not the time to sit back and listen

TransportationCamp is an “unconference” bringing together passionate people who are ready to create and participate in the conversation. This is a place for all self-professed “transportation nerds,” from advocates to planners, from students to business leaders, to propose and lead sessions. Worried about a street widening project near you? Excited about new mobility technologies? This is the place to share.

There are tons of ways to make our infrastructure safer, more equitable, and more sustainable. By bringing together a melting pot of perspectives, TransportationCamp helps uncover new pathways forward. And bonus: it’s a lot of fun, too.

We’ll convene virtually once again this year, so have Zoom and Slack downloaded and ready to go. As for the rest of the details (including how to submit your session ideas between January 3 – 7, 2022), keep an eye on your inbox. We’ll keep you posted in the weeks ahead.

Nov. 4: APAPA-SE Annual Event – Get Your Ticket Today!

The APAPA-SE 2021 Annual Meeting will be held *in person* on Thursday, November 4th, from 5:30 to 8:00, at Love City Brewing’s outdoor beer garden (1023 Hamilton Street, Philadelphia).

Our guest speakers will include Jody Holton, Assistant General Manager of Planning and Strategic Initiatives at SEPTA, and Martine Decamp, Deputy Director of the Philadelphia City Planning Commission. Food and drinks will be available, along with networking opportunities.

Buy your tickets today at .

Nov. 4: APAPA-SE 2021 Annual Event

APAPA-SE Annual Event – In Person (and Outside!)

Thursday, November 4th
5:30 PM – 8:00 PM
Love City Brewing Beer Garden, 1023 Hamilton Street, Philadelphia

Tickets required, registration link is coming soon!