Archive for General

Carol R. Collier Named to AICP College of Fellows

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Carol R. Collier has achieved the planning profession’s highest honor by being named to the prestigious American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) College of Fellows for her outstanding achievements in regional and environmental planning. Fellowship is granted to planners who have achieved certification through the American Institute of Certified Planners, and have achieved excellence in professional practice, teaching and mentoring, research, public and community service, and leadership. Invitations to join the College of Fellows come after a thorough nomination and review process, ensuring the candidate has had a positive, long-lasting impact on the planning profession.

Ms. Collier is currently with the Patrick Center for Ecological Research at the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia. She is serving as government liaison for the Delaware River Watershed Initiative (DRWI), director of the environmental studies program at Drexel, as well as advising on watershed management and development of more resilient systems for an uncertain future throughout the nation and the world.  Prior to her current positions, she served over 15 years as Executive Director of the Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC), an interstate/federal commission that provides a unified approach to water resource management without regard to political boundaries.  Earlier in Ms. Collier’s career, she also was Executive Director of Pennsylvania’s 21st Century Environment Commission under Governor Tom Ridge and Director of the Southeast Region of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.

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Great Places In Pennsylvania


The PA Chapter of the American Planning Association recently kicked-off its 2016 Great Places in Pennsylvania Program.  Great Places are unique, memorable places where people want to be – not only to visit, but to live, work and/or play every day.  They serve as a model that other communities want to emulate – places of exemplary character, quality planning, identity, cultural interest and community involvement with a sustainable vision for the future.

Nominations are now open and seeking the nomination of Great Streets and Great Greenways/Trails. If you know a special street or greenway/trail that truly stands out in what it offers residents and visitors, NOMINATE IT!!!!

You can view the Program Guidelines, Category Criteria and Nomination Form on the APA PA website. The program flyer also contains links to the Program materials and the Nomination Form. The deadline for Nominations is April 11, 2016.

Great Places in PA 2016 Program Announcement Flyer

Support APA Pennsylvania Southeast!

The work and programs by the Southeast Section of the Pennsylvania Chapter of the American Planning Association (APAPASE) aren’t possible without the support of our sponsors. We are working harder than ever to create sponsorships that also benefit the sponsors that make these great programs possible.

We’ve adapted our sponsorship levels to respond to suggestions from sponsors. The sponsorship levels are laid out in our sponsorship package. If you would like to discuss a custom sponsorship, simply contact to start the discussion.

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Feb. 12: Engage With Planning


Have ideas for how APA Pennsylvania Southeast section can reach its members? Have suggestions for how better to get value from your membership? Share them during the Engagement Committee call. The Engagement committee’s next call is Friday, February 12, 2016 at 11am. Any interested section members are welcome to join by calling 1-866-245-0351 passcode 605275.


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Take a Survey: Gender Issues in the Workplace

You are invited to participate in an exciting new Workplace Dynamics survey, sponsored by APA’s Planning & Women Division. This short survey will ask questions about gender issues in your workplace, exploring topics such as staffing, behavior and impressions, and parental leave. All genders are encouraged to participate, and we encourage you to share this link with your colleagues! Click here to complete the survey.

Featured Job Listing: Michael Baker International Is Looking for an Urban and Regional Planner


Michael Baker International is looking for an urban and regional planner for their Harrisburg office. Click here for the job listing!

Summer of Maps Returns

Azavea’s Summer Of Maps is back – Got data? Need someone to map it? Summer of Maps is a three-month long fellowship giving student GIS analysts the opportunity to perform geospatial data analysis for local and national non-profit organizations. The deadline for non-profit project submissions is February 7, 2016. Check it out HERE.

Join DVRPC’s Public Participation Task Force



The Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC), as part of its ongoing efforts to engage citizens in Greater Philadelphia, has opened a selection round to solicit new members for its Public Participation Task Force (PPTF).

The PPTF is comprised of Board-appointed members and citizens at-large selected through an application process open to all residents of the nine-county DVRPC region. The task force provides ongoing access to the regional planning and decision-making process, reviews timely issues, serves as a conduit for DVRPC information to organizations and communities across the region, and assists the Commission in implementing public outreach strategies. For more details about the PPTF, visit

DVRPC is seeking applicants with an interest in planning, knowledge of regional issues, a history of civic engagement, and effective communications skills. Task force membership will also strive to reflect the region’s geographic, ethnic, cultural, and economic diversity. Individuals interested in serving as members on the task force must submit an application by December 31, 2015. Applications are available to the public at libraries throughout the region, online at, and by contacting Shoshana Akins, Public Participation Planner, at 215-238-2817 or

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City of Philadelphia Releases Traffic Research RFP

The City of Philadelphia has recently announced that it is seeking research proposals aimed at understanding Philadelphians’ traffic knowledge and behavior.

The winning solution will be awarded $32,000 to implement their strategy and have the opportunity to work directly with the City of Philadelphia.


Philadelphia sees approximately one hundred people killed on the streets every year as a result of traffic crashes.  City residents have long been under the perception that traffic crashes, and the fatalities they cause, are simply a part of the risk of being a resident, worker, or visitor to a major city.  Now, Philadelphia would like to challenge this notion.  The first step to solving the problem, is understanding the problem.

The City is looking for innovative ways to measure gaps in traffic knowledge and understand unsafe traffic behavior at identified intersections.

Successful solution(s) should provide a strategy for how to collect accurate information on one or both of the points below:

  1. What traffic rules and regulations Philadelphians do and do not understand.The City is interested in learning if Philadelphians are familiar with the following:
  2. The citywide speed limit;
  3. How to act around different types of bicycle infrastructure;
  4. The importance of yielding to pedestrians;
  5. How to pass school buses; and
  6. Other fundamental rules of the road.
  1. 2.What unsafe or illegal traffic behaviors are being engaged in at identified intersections, including risky behavior that does not result in traffic crashes.

The deadline for applications is Wednesday, December 23 at 5:00 PM EST.

To find out more and submit a proposal, visit “Small Contracts, Big Ideas” at

Dec. 16: Development Committee Kickoff

APA Pennsylvania Southeast section is having a Development Committee call to help with the growth of the organization. The first phone call to help set the priorities of the group will be held on Wednesday, December 16 at 11:00 am. Any interested section members are welcome to join by calling 1-866-245-0351 passcode 605275.

The call will follow up and set new priorities for the newly created Development Committee. The committee looks at ideas to create sponsorship opportunities and develop membership in the APA Pennsylvania Chapter Southeast Section. If you’re unable to attend the call, but still have input you’d like to include, please contact with any thoughts, ideas, or interest in participating in future meetings.