Classic Towns Trolley Tour May 20


On Friday, May 20, 2016, American Planning Association, Pennsylvania Chapter, Southeast Section is co-sponsoring an event with DVRPC and other regional partners to explore the Classic Towns in our own backyard! The all-day Classic Towns trolley tour seeks to highlight the positive efforts and successes of the towns of Lansdowne and Media while providing an opportunity for community leaders from throughout the region to convene and share their stories and ideas. Classic Towns of Greater Philadelphia is a DVRPC initiative designed to foster the growth of the region’s older communities by promoting what makes each community a wonderful place to live, work, and play.

You can register for this useful and enjoyable event, and to explore the resources and benefits of the Classic Towns program. Even if you’re not designated as a Classic Town, the Trolley Tour and other events provided by the program offer excellent educational opportunities. This program is useful for municipal managers, staff, business associations, elected officials, or anyone interested in seeing how to make their downtown more vibrant!

Cost is $25 per person and includes breakfast and lunch. RSVP by May 18. Click here to view the invitation for more details:

Click here to register:

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