DVRPC is looking to hire a Senior Capital Project Planner! Read more for the full job announcement.
Archive for APAPA-SE
Featured Job Listing – DVRPC – Senior Capital Project Planner
Featured Job Listing – DVRPC – Planning Data Specialist
DVRPC is looking to hire a Planning Data Specialist! Read more for the full job announcement.
Nov. 2: APA-PA Webinar Wednesday – Law CM Credit
Webinar Wednesday: Pennsylvania Land Use Law Update
November 2 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Pennsylvania Land Use Law Update: Appellate Cases from 2021-2022
Appellate Cases will be presented in traditional lecture format as well as interactively with hypotheticals to demonstrate how a recent case decided the outcome. Cases will range from traditional zoning approval cases (variances, special exceptions & conditional uses), zoning interpretation cases and validity challenges, to subdivision and land development cases. Practice points distilled from each will be emphasized.
Law CM credit is pending approval.
Ambrose Heinz, Esq
Tara Hitchens, AICP
Charles Suhr, Esq.
**The Pennsylvania Chapter is not responsible for the materials or opinions of the speaker(s) you will hear**
Deadline to register is November 1, 2022
If you’re interested in sponsoring a Webinar Wednesday session or have a session for Webinar Wednesday please contact us. Send your request to
Please note: You will receive a reminder email a few days before the webinar with zoom information (please check your spam/junk folders). This email will be sent to the email address you used to register for the event.
Oct. 11: Healthy Communities PA Task Force Meeting
WHAT: Informal webinar-based discussion on Access to Parks and Quality of Parks
WHEN: October 11th, 2022 starting at 2pm Eastern
WHY: The Healthy Communities in PA Task Force is a combination of health and planning practitioners and folks from adjacent sectors, sharing information, upcoming events, and discussing challenges and opportunities in the HCiPA realm.
By Computer By Phone
Click here to join the meeting
+1 412-634-6334, use code 47032156
Phone Conference ID: 470 321 56#
Dec. 8: 2022 Annual Event – Save the Date!
APA PA Carpool List
Want to carpool to Lancaster for the Conference? Join the APA PA Carpool!!
Carpooling is great for budgetary reasons, eco-friendly philosophies, meeting new people, convenience, stress reduction, and more! The trip can be the start and capstone to the fun of the conference. We’ve created a link to help planners share rides to the conference – whether you are going for a day or the entire conference.
Please use this link to share information if you have an extra seat or want to find a driver.
Deadline to Register for the Annual Conference Approaching!
Deadline to Register for the Annual Conference Approaching!
Deadline is – September 27 @ Noon – no on-site registration!
- Over 45 concurrent sessions
- Welcome Reception at Southern Market
- Opening Keynote: From Pandemic Response to Recovery: What Urban Planners Should Learn from the COVID-19 Public Health Crisis with Mike Lydon
- Pitkin Lecture: The Impacts of the Pandemic on Walkable Urbanism and the Real Estate Market with Chris Leinberger
- Tuesday Plenary: Thinking Beyond Boundaries: Large Landscape Planning in the Lower Susquehanna River Valley with Eric Kaufmann
- Annual Awards
- State of the Chapter Address
- Six mobile workshops
- Sustainability/Resilience, Equity, Law and Ethic sessions
- Reception with Exhibitors
- and so much!
APA NPC 2023 – Call for Proposals!
Call for proposals is now open for NPC23!
The conference is from April April 1–4, 2023 in Philadelphia and April 26–28 online.
- Sign up to review proposals: September 20–October 12, 2022
- Submit a proposal: September 20–October 12, 2022
- Submit your challenges, and speaker referrals deadline: December 31, 2022
Submit your proposal on APA’s website!
Share your unique outlook with the planning community. Help build the NPC23 program and submit your proposal or volunteer to be a reviewer by October 12.
To guide creative and innovative content submissions, we’ve defined core program content areas:
- Climate Emergency
- Digitalization
- Diversification of Transportation
- Future of Work, Upskilling and Reskilling
- Health Equity and Nature
- Housing Affordability, Availability, and Accessibility
- Implementation of Federal Programs and Grants
- Political Shifts and Polarization
- Population Diversity and Inclusive Design
Oct. 22: Future City Engineering Fair
Future City Philadelphia will be hosting an Engineering Fair for middle school students on October 22, 2022. Register or volunteer at the links below!
Future City Engineering Fair
October 22, 2022
SAP Headquarters
3999 West Chester Pike
Newtown Square, PA
Register Now
Volunteer to Help at the
Engineering Fair
The 2022—2023 Future City challenge is: Choose a climate change impact and design one innovative and futuristic climate change adaptation and one mitigation strategy to keep your residents healthy and safe.
Details will be added as they emerge
Start | End | Activity | Location |
8:00 AM | 8:45 AM | Registration | Entrance Hall |
8:00 AM | 1:00 PM | Meet the Engineer | Exhibition Hall |
8:30 AM | 10:00 AM | Moving Parts Workshop I | Cafeteria |
9:00 AM | 10:00 AM | Speaker 1 | Auditorium |
11:00 AM | 12:30 PM | Moving Parts Workshop II | Cafeteria |
11:00 AM | 12:00 PM | Speaker 2 | Auditorium |
Featured Job Listings – DVRPC – Transportation Planner and Senior Project Development Coordinator
DVRPC has new job openings! Click each job title for the full job announcement.