Feb. 23 – APA PA SE Mentor Mixer

It’s back! APAPA-SE will be holding another planning mentor mixer for Philadelphia area planning students and professionals to share information about professional development, career paths, and how to succeed in any kind of planning field.

RSVP by Tuesday February 21st!

Students? We invite you to join us! Bring your burning questions, grand ideas, and thoughts about how you hope to reach your professional development goals.

Professionals? We need you too! Sign up to lead discussions with students and pass along your knowledge of success and pitfalls. We’re looking for a wide variety of planning professionals in all fields to speak with students.

Catered refreshments will be available.

APAPA-SE Planning Mentor Mixer
Thursday, February 23
6:30 PM – 8:00 PM

Temple University Center City Campus
1515 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19102
Room 320

Students and professionals should both RSVP by February 17th on Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/apa-pa-se-mentoring-mixer-spring-2023-registration-515204228717


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