Deadline March 8th: Student Scholarship to Attend NPC 2023

The Student Representatives Council (SRC) is providing $1000 to sponsor students to come to NPC23. The application is due March 8 – apply here!


The Student Representatives Council (SRC) firmly believes that the National Planning Conference (NPC) is a valuable experience for students and emerging planners to form meaningful connections with peers and other professionals, gain relevant knowledge, and amplify student and emerging planner voices as the future of the planning profession. However, the SRC acknowledges that there often are significant financial and logistical barriers to in-person conference attendance. This year, the SRC is pleased to announce that we will be able to sponsor students for up to $1,000 to attend NPC2023.

Eligibility Criteria – This opportunity is open to all students and emerging planners, with an emphasis on those who come from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds. You should be able to attend at least the entire in-person conference (April 1-4 in Philadelphia) and ideally the online conference as well (April 26-28).
Application Details – Applications will be due by midnight on March 8th. Awardees will be announced in later in March. There are a limited number of Sponsorship slots. This year, we hope to support two students, but the exact number is to be determined.
Sponsorship Expectations – There will be certain expectations to be fulfilled by the awardee during and after the conference. During the in-person conference, the awardee will be required to fulfill the following expectations: attend one (1) official NPC mobile workshop, take at least ten (10) photos of their time at NPC and share them with APA (images will become  property of APA), meet up with their APA sponsor (information provided upon award), and complete your two (2) self-determined goals (see application below). In addition, after the conference, the attendee will write a 500-word blog post reflecting on their experience for online publication.
For questions or comments, please reach out to the SRC using this address:
Selection for this program is an honor, and the SRC is proud to offer this opportunity. We hope you will apply!

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