HCTF’s first racial equity workshop The Impact of Racism and Trauma and Learning How to Work with People Who Have Been Traumatized, will be offered on both Wednesday, January 30th and Tuesday, February 26th from 9:00am to 12:30pm at DVRPC. The workshop will be facilitated by Dr. Jade Logan, Ph.D., ABPP, Assistant Professor of Psychology at Chestnut Hill College and counselor with The Ladipo Group. The workshop agenda, as well as additional information on Dr. Jade Logan and the Ladipo Group, are attached. Registration for a second workshop on Communication Strategies for Discussions about Race, Microagressions, and Unconscious Bias will be announced at a later date.

Thanks to all who have RSVP’d so far. We look forward to seeing you! If you have not registered but would like to attend, please visit Ticketleap to register. Limited scholarships are available. Please contact Amy Verbofsky at averbofsky@dvrpc.org for more information.
About the Workshop
Historically, people from underrepresented groups have encountered ongoing experiences of oppression throughout their lifetimes. These experiences have impacted their mental health and the social conditions in which they live. The first workshop has three major objectives:
- Participants will gain an understanding of the historical and political underpinnings of racism and classism and how these ideals continue to impact communities today;
- The facilitator will introduce the concept of racial trauma and explore the impact of racial trauma on individuals and communities in which we work; and
- Participants will be given strategies to learn how to effectively communicate with those who have been traumatized.
The facilitator will use case examples, small group discussions, and role-plays to engage participants throughout the workshop. The overarching goal will be to provide a historical context to facilitate understanding and inform effective communication and interactions.
Workshop Details
The Impact of Racism and Trauma and Learning How to Work with People Who Have Been Traumatized
Session #1: Wednesday, January 30, 2019
9AM to 12:30PM | Registration & Coffee at 8:30am
Lunch served after workshop | Cost: $65
DVRPC’s Main Conference Room
190 N. Independence Mall West – 8th Floor
Philadelphia, PA | www.dvrpc.org/directions
*2.5 AICP CM credits available*
Session #2: Tuesday, February 26, 2019
9AM to 12:30PM | Registration & Coffee at 8:30am
Lunch served after workshop | Cost: $65
DVRPC’s Main Conference Room
190 N. Independence Mall West – 8th Floor
Philadelphia, PA | www.dvrpc.org/directions
*2.5 AICP CM credits available*