From Blimps to Buildings: Exploring Philadelphia through Historic Photographs and Maps
Sat, May 11, 2019 2:00 P.M.
Rare Book Department at Parkway Central Library
Before the advent of Google Maps and online satellite images, people relied on printed maps and aerial photographs. Come learn about the history of these “outdated” resources, and how they can be used today! Participants will look through select volumes of aerial photos and fire insurance maps from the Print and Picture Collection and the Map Collection, and explore some of the interesting details these resources captured. This Hands-On History Program is designed to correlate with the “Philadelphia: The Changing City” exhibition. Participants are invited to view the exhibition before or after the program to see further examples of aerial photographs and fire insurance maps.
Take history in the palm of your hand: turn pages, hold manuscripts, and handle artifacts with the Hands-on History series from the Free Library’s Special Collections. Curiosity seekers age 13 and up are welcome!
Seating is limited. Click here to get your free tickets!