Archive for APAPA-SE

March 9: Hands-on History at The Free Library, Parkway Central

From Blimps to Buildings: Exploring Philadelphia through Historic Photographs and Maps

Sat, May 11, 2019 2:00 P.M.
Rare Book Department at Parkway Central Library

Before the advent of Google Maps and online satellite images, people relied on printed maps and aerial photographs. Come learn about the history of these “outdated” resources, and how they can be used today! Participants will look through select volumes of aerial photos and fire insurance maps from the Print and Picture Collection and the Map Collection, and explore some of the interesting details these resources captured. This Hands-On History Program is designed to correlate with the “Philadelphia: The Changing City” exhibition. Participants are invited to view the exhibition before or after the program to see further examples of aerial photographs and fire insurance maps.

Take history in the palm of your hand: turn pages, hold manuscripts, and handle artifacts with the Hands-on History series from the Free Library’s Special Collections. Curiosity seekers age 13 and up are welcome!

Seating is limited. Click here to get your free tickets!

March 29: Planning and the Black Community Division Membership and Networking Event

Event Schedule

Friday March 29th
Iron Hill Brewery
1150 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA
5:30pm to 8:30 pm

Register Here

Please join planning professionals for a networking event and hear how we can have an impact on issues relevant to Black communities through information sharing collaboration and partnerships.

RSVP by March 24th.

If these issues concern you:

  • Affordable Housing Choices
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
  • Environmental Justice
  • Neighborhood Stabilization and Revitalization
  • Gentrification
  • Food Deserts and Community Gardens
  • Economic Development
  • Community Participation

Join PBCD in the movement to:

  • Support community growth
  • Build strong political, economic and educational partnerships
  • Share resources
  • Collaborate strategically
  • Evaluate urban issues and solutions from a Black perspective
  • Engage professional with personal experience


March 18: PennDesign Lecture Series: Tamika Butler

Monday, March 18, 2019 6:00pm
Meyerson Hall, B3

Tamika Butler, Executive Director of the Los Angeles Neighborhood Land Trust, will speak on “Beyond Complete Streets”.

Tamika serves as the Executive Director of the Los Angeles Neighborhood Land Trust, a non-profit organization that addresses social and racial equity, and wellness, by building parks and gardens in park-poor communities across greater Los Angeles.

Tamika has a diverse background in law, community organizing, communications, and nonprofit leadership. Recently, she was the Executive Director of the Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition. Prior to leading LACBC, Tamika was the Director of Social Change Strategies at Liberty Hill Foundation, and worked at Young Invincibles as the California Director. She transitioned to policy work after litigating for three years as a public interest employment lawyer at Legal Aid at Work (previously Legal Aid Society-Employment Law Center).

Tamika received her J.D. in 2009 from Stanford Law School, and in 2006 received her B.A. in Psychology and B.S. in Sociology at Creighton University in her hometown of Omaha, Nebraska.

Mar. 4: Present at the APA PA Conference in Reading

This year’s conference will be in Reading from October 20-22, with Healthy Communities activities focused on Monday, October 21. Please submit your proposal ideas for proposals by March 4 as outlined at

Proposers are encouraged to submit traditional and non-traditional sessions, plus mobile workshops. Traditional sessions typically involve presentations and audience interaction with an expert panel. Non-traditional sessions can include problem-solving roundtables, “fast-fun-fervent” presentations, and peer-group sessions.

Share your expertise at the intersection of planning and health

The Healthy Communities in PA Task Force is hosting a second Healthy Communities Day at the 2019 American Planning Association Pennsylvania Chapter (APA PA) Conference.

Post Conference Resources!

Check out the Chapter’s Healthy Communities in PA Task Force before and after the conference for regularly updated resources on healthy community design. We will post all of the sessions on our website, with our other resources.

Get involved throughout the year!

You can get involved by joining one of the Healthy Community in PA’s orientation and information sharing calls to find out about previous work and how your interests fit in. Orientation and Information Sharing call typically the fourth Tuesday of each month at 2:00 p.m.

About the Healthy Communities in PA Task Force

The Healthy Communities in PA task force envisions communities in all parts of Pennsylvania being built in a way that makes the healthy choice the easy choice for every resident. The Healthy Communities in PA task force achieves its vision through volunteer efforts by planning and health advocates creating tools and resources to assist partners in promoting healthy community design. The tools and resources are created by working groups of task force topic experts collecting best practices needed by Pennsylvania’s healthy community design partners and to create new partners. The American Planning Association, Pennsylvania Chapter is committed to sharing these resources and facilitating discussion around healthy community design in Pennsylvania.


March 2nd: PA Land Use Institute Class (CM Credits Available)

Co-sponsored by the Berks County Planning Commission, Berks County Bar Association, the Reading Berks Association of Realtors®, the Smart Growth Alliance of Berks County, American Planning Association/PA Chapter And the Lehigh Valley/Berks Section. This year’s session on Urban Redevelopment is brought to you by the Berks County Industrial Development Authority presenting Chuck Long and his insights and experiences.

Click here for more information and to register.

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April 4: Chester County Planners’ Forum

Professional planners from Chester County are invited to attend the spring 2019 Chester County Planners’ Forum from 3 p.m.-5 p.m. April 4 at Phoenixville Borough Hall, 351 Bridge Street, Phoenixville.

The forum provides a great opportunity to hear about current planning issues, share ideas with your fellow planners, and catch up with old friends. There will be presentations about Phoenixville development, Schuylkill River Greenway Association activity, and an affordable housing plan for Phoenixville.

Register online:
Email any questions you may have to

Feb. 28: Comment on APA Policy Guides

Stand up for Planning

APA Policy Guide Comment Period Begins

APA members can comment on draft policy guides on equity, housing, and surface transportation. The draft guides, which were created by APA members and approved by APA’s Legislative and Policy Committee, represent the collective thinking of association members nationwide on key planning issues. Developed for policymakers, APA policy guides propose policy recommendations that aim to create just, healthy, and prosperous communities that expand opportunity for all.

APA policy guides also inform our annual policy agenda and set the course for our advocacy work on federal, state, and local issues.

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March 21: Placemaking Part One: Identifying Your Community’s’ Strengths

Placemaking workshop flier

Workshop flier (PDF)

The Delaware County Planning Department would like to formally invite you to the first of three of workshops on Placemaking titled Placemaking Part One: Identifying Your Community’s’ Strengths to be held at 9:00 am on Thursday March 21st, 2019, at the Springfield Township Municipal Building. It is geared towards municipal planners, leaders, elected officials, and the movers-and-shakers of your community.

Read more

Featured Job Listing – DVRPC, Office of Corridor Planning

DVRPC’s Office of Corridor Planning is looking to hire a Transportation Planner/Engineer! Click here for the full job listing.

March 19: Preservation for Planners Workshop (CM Credits)

Older and historic places are an integral part of the identities, cultures, and economies in Pennsylvania’s diverse communities. These places where we live, work, and play can often mean different things to different people, which provides both opportunities and challenges as communities grow and change.

How can planners help their communities and clients identify, protect, and enhance these places? This one-day workshop, sponsored by the Pennsylvania State Historic Preservation Office (PA SHPO) and Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC), will familiarize county, municipal, and consulting planners with core historic preservation programs and concepts and help participants understand how to effectively integrate these ideas into planning processes, documents, and practice.

Agenda includes:

  • Integrating historic preservation into planning;
  • Key players, policies, and programs;
  • Identifying and designating historic resources;
  • Protecting and regulating historic resources; and
  • Incentives and tools for historic preservation.

Five hours of AICP Certification Maintenance (CM) credits available.

Registration is required by Friday, March 8 . The $40 registration fee includes the one-day workshop, lunch, and break refreshments. Doors open at 8:30 AM and the workshop begins at 9:00 and runs through 3:15 PM.

Hosted at: Whitemarsh Township Building Lafayette Hill, Montgomery County, PA

*Please note: In the event of inclement weather, the workshop will be held the following day, March 20, at the same location. Please see website for details.

To register, please visit

For more information, please contact Cory Kegerise, PA SHPO’s Eastern Region Community Preservation Coordinator at or 215-219-3824.