Evan J. Stone, PLA
Executive Director
Bucks County Planning Commission
How long have you been with Bucks County?
1 year 6 months.
What are your main responsibilities of your job?
Oversight and management of the County’s Planning Commission. Working with County Commissioners to ensure sound land use planning and economic vitality across the County.
What are you working on now? Can you tell us about a recent or ongoing project or initiative that you are excited about?
Our new Maps & Data Hub – open data initiative, we have greatly revitalized our GIS capabilities and presence and launched a new portal in July of 2018. It showcases the work of the BCPC as well as the initiatives of the Commissioners. Our mission is to make information readily available, easy to access and informative.
What is your favorite part of your current job?
Meeting new people and getting to know more about the County. Even having lived here 30+ years I’m always learning something new.
How did you get into the field of planning?
I started as a landscape architect. Planning became a natural extension of my work, education, and civic activities in the community.
What advice do you have for people just starting out in the field?
Remain passionate but open minded; never stop learning and be observant.
What is the best career advice you’ve ever received?
Experience is knowing when to call in the professionals.
Where can we find you when you are not working?
Spending time with family, listening to music, or driving my classic 1974 corvette.
What changes have you noticed about the profession over the course of your career?
The ever increasing role of technology in our work, from AutoCAD to Publishing. As planners, we need to ensure that our written and graphic communication remain fresh and relevant. The public is changing the way they access and digest data and information. Our delivery and presentation must keep up.
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