DVRPC is currently hiring a Transportation Planner in Comprehensive Planning! Click through for the full job announcement.
DVRPC is currently hiring a Transportation Planner in Comprehensive Planning! Click through for the full job announcement.
To register, sign up on EventBrite.
Sat, April 6, 2019
10:30 AM – 1:30 PM EDT
Wynnefield Library
5325 Overbrook Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19131
Mill Creek can be found on 19th century maps of Philadelphia, draining more than 4,000 acres of West Philadelphia with its main stem and several tributaries. While some of the place names associated with this stream still exist — including the Overbrook and Mill Creek neighborhoods — the stream itself was long ago obliterated within the city limits.
DVRPC is looking to hire a GIS Application Developer! See the full job listing for more information.
All webinars will be from 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
March 28 – Complete Streets Basics and Benefits
April 11 Best Practices!
April 18 Complete Streets Planning and Policies
The Southeast Section Council meeting has been moved to WSP’s offices in center city. For more information, please refer to the March meeting to the updated meeting announcement.
This summer we will hold elections for American Planning Association, Pennsylvania Chapter, Southeast Section (APA PA SE) Officers and Council members. Nominate a friend, nominate a colleague, nominate yourself! All nominations are due NO later than April 20th to!
We are taking nominations for Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, 6-7 Professional Planners, and 2-3 Citizen Planners.
If you are interested in serving either in an Officer or Council member position:
The official elections ballot will be distributed online in August by APA national to coincide with their election and voting will end in early September. The results of the election shall be published for Section members in October, with official terms to start in January 2020.
Please visit the APAPA-Southeast Section website for more information about the section.
Whether you work in the industry or simply have an interest, we welcome you to our nation’s birthplace at the center of the NEC for a day filled with ideas at the intersection of transportation, technology, and urbanism. As always, the participant-driven TransportationCamp conference series follows the “unconference” format, lending itself to a more pertinent, thought-provoking, and active event.
Organized by passionate Philadelphians in conjunction with the Philadelphia chapters of Young Professionals in Transportation (YPT) and Women’s Transportation Seminar (WTS), and Drexel University’s Lindy Institute for Urban Innovation, we look forward to seeing you! Click here to register.
Time | Event |
9am-10am | Registration, Networking, and Breakfast |
10am-11am | Welcome, Introductions, Session Proposals |
11am-12pm | Session 1 |
12:15pm-1:15pm | Lunch and Afternoon Session Proposals |
1:15pm-2:15pm | Session 2 |
2:30pm-3:30pm | Session 3 |
3:30pm-4pm | Break |
4pm-5pm | Session 4 |
5pm | Continue the conversations/networking |
Registration is now open for the Vision Zero for PHL 2019 Conference on March 16. The event is organized by the Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia. The Department of Planning and Community Development is proud to partner with them to bring the conference to Temple and to sponsor the event.
Vision Zero for PHL 2019 Conference is the fourth annual conference hosted by the Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia. This year’s conference features talks by Veronica Davis of Nspiregreen, Coralette Hannon of AARP, Deputy Managing Director Brian Abernathy, Council President Darrell Clarke, and Mayor Jim Kenney. Alison Conway of City College and Amy Cohen of Families of Safe Streets (NYC) will also be speaking. Topics range from planning, equity and implementation challenges and opportunities, such as managing freight in urban environments, protected bike lanes, neighborhood listening sessions, project delivery, organizing families of traffic victims and a traffic calming monopoly game.
The Bicycle Coalition is able to offer the general public tickets at a sliding scale, ensuring that the most vulnerable populations to traffic violence are able to attend.
Detailed program schedule is now online
The Program includes featured speakers, mobile workshops, and titles of panels and breakout sessions
APA PA Southeast Section Council meeting
(held the second Thursday of every other month)
5:30 pm
1600 John F. Kennedy Boulevard, Suite 510
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Calling in? Please use the following:
Toll free: 1-866-499-7054
Conference code: 735 289 0020
Please direct any agenda topics and/or questions to
*if you are a voting member unable to attend, please email me at
Christina Arlt, AICP
Manager, Community Revitalization
Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC)
How long have you worked at DVRPC?
Since August 2010
What are the main responsibilities of your job?
I lead DVRPC’s community revitalization work. This includes managing the Classic Towns of Greater Philadelphia program and leading our Municipal Outreach program. My colleagues and I in the Office of Community and Economic Development are also updating the Greater Philadelphia region’s Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS). Additionally, I convene a group of people interested in data, GIS, and modeling related to water quality and land preservation/restoration, as part of the William Penn Foundation’s Delaware River Watershed Initiative.