Archive for APAPA-SE

April 21: CM Webinar: The Front of the Line is Not Inclusive: Why We Need a Better Way to Save Our Small Businesses

The Front of the Line is Not Inclusive: Why We Need a Better Way to Save Our Small Businesses 

Tuesday, April 21, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. EDT

Government programs to save small business are rolling out weekly. They are a big and blunt instrument that is slow moving and wide. But they are not reaching the targeted needs of the small businesses in our communities. And they are not being deployed in a way to ensure inclusive access to save our small businesses.

Ilana Preuss, founder and CEO of Recast City, leads a discussion on concrete steps we can take to ensure inclusive access for small businesses, a framework that can help us look at this issue, programs already being adopted by local governments that are targeted to under-represented populations in business owners, and models from non-profits, CDFIs, major corporations, and philanthropy to ensure an inclusive recovery from this economic crisis.

Participants of the live webinar are eligible for 1.5 AICP CM credits. 

Register via the link below. 

Register For The Front of the Line is Not Inclusive: Why We Need a Better Way to Save Our Small Businesses

April 23: Reimagining Public Engagement for Planning During COVID-19: A Peer-to-Peer Exchange – 1.0 CM

Register here

COVID-19 is changing the way planning agencies engage the public. Join 1,000 of your peers to explore how to maintain momentum.

Due to popular demand, our expert panel will return on April 23rd! This webcast will be in LIVE broadcast mode, available by computer audio.

The response to COVID-19 has included several restrictions that limit what’s possible for planning agencies wishing to maintain momentum on community engagement efforts. This peer-to-peer dialog is your opportunity to share your challenges and gather ideas about approaches and techniques to engage safely and effectively during this pandemic.

With the initial shock of March behind us, many planning teams are reimagining public engagement to keep their key projects moving forward during what could be 18 months of disruptions. Our panelists, Shane Sawyer from Virginia Department of Transportation, Stephen Stansbery from Kimley-Horn and Bob Bini, Lancaster County Planning Department, will discuss their strategies to overcome obstacles and maintain momentum on their planning projects.

You’ll play a role in this innovative peer-to-peer exchange webinar as well. Through live polls and Q&A, we’ll learn more about your challenges and gather your ideas for moving engagement forward safely and effectively.

What does safe and effective public engagement look like during COVID-19?

Attend this complimentary webinar to:

  • Join your peers to learn how 100s of agencies and firms are adapting
  • Discuss barriers and obstacles to engagement for planning projects
  • Brainstorm how COVID-19 might affect the way engagement is done
  • Learn how others are reimagining their engagement during COVID-19

States expand COVID-19 response

*This information originally appeared in an APA newsletter*

Unpacking federal relief legislation
The federal government finished its work late last week on the third phase of coronavirus economic relief for the country — and the first (but likely not the last) for communities.
$150 billion in relief funding for states and localities, $25 billion in emergency funding for public transportation agencies, $5 billion in new CDBG funding and $4 billion in homeless assistance grants, and support for the municipal bond market are among the provisions included in the CARES Act that will provide critical support to planners as you respond to and recover immediate challenges.
APA Policy Director Jason Jordan detailed these provisions, answered your questions, and outlined the legislative and regulatory road ahead in this rapid response briefing.
Examining the states’ responses to COVID-19 
Federal action gives states an important role in the flow of resources to local communities. Amidst the federal activity, governors and legislators are continuing to respond to COVID-19 through a series of executive orders and proposed legislation.
What are states doing to ensure that communities – and planners – have what they need to weather and adapt to this rapidly changing environment? APA Senior State Government Affairs Associate Catherine Hinshaw outlines the state of the states.

Land Economics Foundation (LEF) Seeks Research Grant Proposals

The Land Economics Foundation is seeking Research Grant Proposals. Application deadlines are April 18 and August 28.

Application guidelines are available here.

Examples of previously funded projects are available here.

For more information, see APA’s writeup of LEF’s grant opportunity.

APA PA Student Scholarships

APA PA has student scholarships available for individuals seeking to continue their studies, pursue internships, or engage in professional development projects.

Several scholarships are available. Visit the APA PA scholarship page for qualification information and application instructions.



May 14 Council Meeting – COVID-19 Update

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, APA PA SE Council meetings will be held via teleconference for the foreseeable future. Bi-monthly Council meetings occur on the second Thursday of every other month at 5:30 PM, with the next meeting occurring on May 14.


Call-in information is 1-866-499-7054; Code: 7352890020. All are welcome.

Featured Listing – DVRPC – Fellowship

DVRPC is taking applications for their Fellowship Program! Click through for the full posting.

APA – Planning During a Pandemic: 6 Resources for Planners

APA has put together a list of tools for planners on

Tools available include:

March 12: Section Council Meeting – UPDATE – Remote Only

APA PA SE will be having a section council meeting at 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM on March 12.

The call in number is:


Code: 7352890020

Thursday, March 5th: Launch of Greater Philadelphia’s new transit coalition: Transit Forward Philadelphia

RSVP here

You are cordially invited to the launch of Transit Forward Philadelphia, a member led coalition of organizations and individuals that have come together to advocate for a safer, more accessible, equitable, and sustainable transit network across Southeastern Pennsylvania. This event is open to the public and the announcement will be an opportunity to learn about why this group of organizations has joined together to fight for better transit, what SEPTA and the Kenney administration want to accomplish, and how everyone—transit riders, community organizations, and residents—who want to improve public transit in Philadelphia and its suburbs can join this fight alongside us.

On Thursday, March 5th from 5:30PM – 7:30PM at Azavea (990 Spring Garden, 5th Floor) Transit Forward Philadelphia will be hosting an open house with our new Transit Coalition organizer Yasha Zarrinkelk, who will discuss the principles and priorities that brought together this coalition, and the opportunities we see to improve our public transit network, and increase access to jobs, housing, and opportunities through the Philadelphia region, while making the system fairer in the process.

There will be a panel discussion and Q&A portion featuring representatives from SEPTA and the City to discuss the steps that officials are taking to strengthen our network and improve service for all Philadelphians. Transit Forward Philadelphia is pleased to welcome the following guest speakers:

  • Leslie Richards, General Manager of SEPTA
  • Chris Puchalsky, Director of Policy and Strategic Initiatives for City of Philadelphia’s Office of Transportation, Infrastructure, and Sustainability (oTIS)
  • Helen Gym, City Council Member at Large for the City of Philadelphia

With important upcoming decisions about SEPTA’s fare policies, the forthcoming bus network redesign and trolley modernization initiatives, and looming funding challenges, it’s more important than ever to come together and support better mobility and access for Philadelphia and Southeast PA families. We take great inspiration from transit advocates in cities across the country who have successfully organized transit riders and community organizations to win faster, more reliable service, fair fare policies, and sustainable transit funding, and we look forward to building a powerful voice for transit here in Philadelphia.

We look forward to seeing you on Thursday, March 5th at 5:30PM at Azavea! Please RSVP here.