Archive for APAPA-SE

Feb. 25: APAPASE “Office Hours” Event

Register for 2/25 here

Missing casual conversations with planning colleagues? Have a topic you want to discuss with others or a presentation you’d like to try with a friendly audience? Just want to network?

APAPASE is hosting an open Zoom meeting on Thursday, February 25, from 5–6 p.m.  Part “office hour” and part “happy hour,” the intent is to bring section members together to talk planning, non-planning, and everything in between. It’s been too long since we’ve all seen each other, and some casual check-in time to re-establish bonds across agencies and companies is what we all need!

Attendance is free-flowing. Come for as long as you’d like, and talk about whatever may be on your mind. If enough members join us, breakout rooms will be formed to enhance discussions.

Can’t make it on 2/25? We are hoping to make this a monthly event through the end of the pandemic.

Register for 2/25 here

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

March 11: Race and Smart Growth Series Presented by the Delaware Valley Smart Growth Alliance

Prof. Akira Drake Rodriguez of the University of Pennsylvania will launch DVSGA’s Race and Smart Growth  series on Thursday, March 11


Thursday, March 11, 2021
8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.


Virtual Meeting
Zoom Link will be sent to registrants in advance of event.

“As long as we’ve had city planning, we’ve had this type of defensive architecture that creates a city within the city. Whether it’s public housing, downtown areas, or privatized public spaces of consumption, we certainly have built cities in a way where some areas are racialized in a positive light and some areas are racialized in a negative light, and that’s certainly reflected in the built environment.”

Please register here by Wed, March 10


The DVSGA plans to hold a three-part speaker series on Race and Smart Growth in the first half of 2021. This conversation is long overdue as our organization’s work on sustainable land use and transportation policies has never explicitly considered the role of race in regional growth patterns. From our region’s history of redlining to today’s exclusionary suburban zoning, race has been and continues to be a significant force in regional growth patterns.

The first speaker will be Prof. Akira Drake Rodriguez whose work examines the racial politics of urban planning and public education through an interdisciplinary quantitative and qualitative approach. Pre-order her book Diverging Spaces for Deviants: The Politics of Atlanta’s Public Housing, due for release in May 2021.

Akira Drake Rodriguez is an Assistant Professor in the City/Regional Planning Dept at the University of Pennsylvania’s Weitzman School of Design. She is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania and Rutgers University.


Click here to register.

$10 registration fee

(Free for students)

Featured Job Listing – DVRPC – Environmental Planner

DVRPC is looking to hire an Environmental Planner!

Click here for the full job announcement.

Stay Tuned for Information on AICP Prep!

Looking to take the AICP exam or want more information on the exam format and contents? We are currently working on a AICP exam prep session and will post more information when a date is selected.

NPC21 Registration Now Available

Registration for NPC21 is now live. Registration is available for Live and Live Plus attendance options.

Live Plus

Member – $325 / Student – $100 / Nonmember – $425


Member – $300 / Student – $75 / $Nonmember – $400

Visit APA’s registration page here.

Deadline March 5: Call for Presenters – APA PA Annual Conference

Deadline: Friday, March 5, 2021 at 11:59 PM

Conference Date and Location:

October 17-19, 2021

Sheraton Pittsburgh Hotel at Station Square
300 W Station Square Dr
Pittsburgh PA 15219




Proposers are encouraged to submit traditional and non-traditional sessions, plus mobile workshops. Traditional sessions typically involve presentations and audience interaction with an expert panel. Non-traditional sessions can include problem-solving roundtables, “fast-fun-fervent” presentations, and peer-group sessions.


For more information visit APA PA’s announcement here!

Feb 3: APA PA Presents – Webinar Wednesdays – 1 CM Pending Approval

Planning and the New Dynamics of the Demographic of Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Growth

February 3 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Register here

Planning and the New Dynamics of the Demographic of Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Growth

The “Grandparents Raising Grandchildren” demographic is rapidly growing across Pennsylvania. Over 90,000 families have this situation. Millions of youngsters nationally are being raised this way. This panel will examine the role of the planner in working closely with this demographic and how the need exists to include this population in the development of the community. There are social, educational, health, legal and other consequences to take into account. This unique group requires special attention in a recreational and other planning elements as a growing part of school districts and other governmental components. A grandparent and legislative component are included in the panel. CM credit is pending approval.

Citizen Planner Needed for APA PA SE Section Council Position

APA PA SE is looking to fill a recently vacated Citizen Planner position. According to Section bylaws a Citizen Planner is defined as:

“Any appointed or elected official who is involved in planning decisions for the betterment of a state, region, county, city or municipality; who is individual who has an interest in furthering the purposes of Association, but who is not a Professional Planner (for example, planning commissioner, planning official, zoning board  member, Philadelphia RCO zoning representative, or similar). This will be congruent with the Chapter definition for Planning Commissioner/Planning Official.”

Attendance at virtual, bi-monthly Section Council meetings held at 5:30 PM on the second Thursday of every other month is required. Please send names of interested candidates to

Jan. 30 – Philadelphia Future City Competition 2021 – Volunteers and Mentors Needed!

The Future City Philadelphia program is part of a national program to encourage middle-school students to design a city.  The competition this year will be virtual and will be held on Saturday, January 30, 2021.  This year’s Future City Theme is “Living on the Moon.”

With the new format, the program will need additional volunteers that day to both judge and to keep things moving smoothly on Competition Day.  New this year will be the need for Zoom Hosts (experience not required) and Zoom Experts.  Please visit the website at and “Click here to sign up as a Volunteer” on the top left of the page.  There you can register to be a judge or general volunteer.

Thanks in advance to all who volunteer for this great event!

Feb. 3 – Webinar Wednesdays: Planning and the New Dynamics of the Demographic of Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Growth

February 3 @ 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm

Planning and the New Dynamics of the Demographic of Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Growth

The “Grandparents Raising Grandchildren” demographic is rapidly growing across Pennsylvania. Over 90,000 families have this situation. Millions of youngsters nationally are being raised this way. This panel will examine the role of the planner in working closely with this demographic and how the need exists to include this population in the development of the community. There are social, educational, health, legal and other consequences to take into account. This unique group requires special attention in a recreational and other planning elements as a growing part of school districts and other governmental components. A grandparent and legislative component are included in the panel. CM credit is pending approval.

Speaker: Howard Grossman

If you’re interested in sponsoring a Webinar Wednesday session or have a session for Webinar Wednesday please contact us. Send your request to