Tag Archive for events

Inside the Planner’s Studio

Speaker Change!

Due to a schedule conflict, Anne Fadullon is not available to speak at Inside the Planner’s Studio. We are happy to announce that Patty Elkis, Director of Planning at the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC) will be the featured guest on Inside the Planner’s Studio.

  • 6:30-7:00: The event will begin with networking. Light h’orderves and drinks will be provided. Mentors and students from the mentor program will have the opportunity to meet during this time.
  • 7:00-7:45: The Inside the Planner’s Studio program will take place.
  • 7:45-8:00: Ms. Elkis will take questions from the audience.
  • 8:00-8:30: There will be additional time to network after the event.

Inside the Planner’s Studio with Patty Elkis & Karen Thompson

Wednesday, October 26th, 2016 from 6:30 to 8:30 PM

The Kleinman Center for Energy Policy at the University of Pennsylvania

Fisher Fine Arts Building, Room 401 (34th Street & Walnut Street)

(Entrance is on the west side of the building, facing College Green.)

Philadelphia, PA 19104

Cost: Free—with Eventbrite registration

Have you ever wondered how someone became such a successful and effective planner? What advice they could provide about civic engagement? What projects are they are most proud of and why? APAPASE’s “Inside the Planner’s Studio” series asks these questions and more. We’re honored to have Patty Elkis, Director of Planning at the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission, as our 3rd speaker in the annual “Inside the Planners Studio” speaker series. Karen Thompson of the Delaware River Waterfront Corporation will be asking Ms. Elkis about her career, civic engagement, and her advice for planners. Karen will skip the small talk and ask Ms. Elkis the big questions: What pivotal moments have shaped her career? If she could go back, would she do anything differently? You’ll have to come to find out! If you have any questions you would like to ask Ms. Elkis, you can enter them when you register here.

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Join QUE on August 30!

QUE_Logo_Logo ColorQueer Urbanist Exchange (QUE) is invites you to join our monthly meet up at Independence Beer Garden (100 S Independence Mall W, Philadelphia, PA 19106) on Tuesday, August 30 at 5:30 pm.

We’re going to do brief updates on all of our projects. Please come with ideas of things you’d like to see the group participate in. If you’re interested in seeing more, check out our Meeting Notes from our last meeting.

Can’t make it?  You can sign to the group and find out more on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/QUEPHL and on Google Groups at http://bit.ly/QUEgoogle. You can also see Meeting Notes in our Files. You can also select your availability for September at http://doodle.com/poll/crwg3fqa83ur53u7.

Facebook Event – https://www.facebook.com/events/1222223181161628/

Meetup Event – https://www.meetup.com/Queer-Urbanist-Exchange/events/233287888/

July 8: Census Webinar (1.5 CM)


Join the Unlocking the Value of Census Data webinar on July 8, 1:00-2:30 PM to learn about census data and programs, such as the American Community Survey, the Economic Census, and Local Employment Dynamics. The session will highlight GIS and mapping resources, and demonstrate  American Factfinder (AFF) and OnTheMap.  For more information and to register:


Aug. 2: Integrating Health Into Comprehensive Planning

DVRPC is excited to host a one-day, interactive workshop, Integrating Health into Comprehensive Planning, on Tuesday, August 2, 2016 from 9AM – 4PM at DVRPC.  The workshop will be facilitated by Beth Altshuler, Senior Associate and Epidemiologist/Urban Planner with Raimi + Associates.

There is a growing interest in and awareness of the role that the built environment plays in supporting healthy individuals and communities. Recognizing that comprehensive plans help guide how a community grows and can support the development of healthier spaces and lifestyles, DVRPC’s Healthy Communities Task Force is hosting a hands-on workshop that will provide attendees with a better understanding of how to integrate health into their communities’ planning processes. 

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Need Law Credits? Come to DVRPC on June 29th!

Join DVRPC for a free viewing of the American Planning Association’s “2016 Planning Law Review” (a $195 value!) on Wednesday, June 29, 2016.

As the U.S. Supreme Court concludes its session, APA convenes planning attorneys to discuss the most important decisions of the year. In addition to the Supreme Court cases, the panel reviews district and state court rulings. Find out whether APA filed amicus briefs and why. Stay current, be informed, and invite your officials or clients to attend.

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Tonight: APAPASE June Events Committee Meeting

Thursday, June 9, 2016
5:45 PM – 7:00 PM
Michael Baker Jr Conference Room
1818 Market Street, Suite 3110, Philadelphia, PA 19103
 Please RSVP so we have an accurate list of names for security.

June 16 Engagement Committee Meeting

Large APA Pennsylvania SE Section LogoHave ideas for how APA Pennsylvania Southeast section can reach its members? Have suggestions for how better to get value from your membership? Share them during the Engagement Committee call. The Engagement Committee’s next call is Friday, June 16, 2016 at 2pm. Any interested section members are welcome to join by calling 1-866-245-0351 passcode 605275.

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EarthFest 2016 Recap – Youth Engagement and Planning


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Over 200 curious young visitors stopped by the APAPA-SE activity booth at Temple University’s EarthFest 2016 on April 22nd.  An annual event at the Ambler Campus, EarthFest promotes environmental awareness to elementary and middle school students from across the region.  Continuing a multi-year tradition, APAPA-SE hosted a booth to support the effort.  This year, our four volunteers engaged students in two planning activities – one related to transportation and the other land use – to give them a very basic idea of what planners do on a regular basis.

The transportation-related activity had students placing stickers to indicate whether they walk, bike, drive, or take the bus to get to school, visit friends/family, visit park/playgrounds, and go shopping. While not exactly scientific, this informal survey had over 230 responses and provided some interesting results (see the tally we put together and feel free to draw your own conclusions). Overall, the kids were really excited about the activity – especially the stickers – and it got them thinking about the pros and cons of how they travel, both for their own personal health and the health of the environment.
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Join QUE on May 5!

QUE_Logo_Logo ColorQueer Urbanist Exchange (QUE) is invites you to join our monthly meet up at Le Méridien Philadelphia (1421 Arch St, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102) on Thursday, May 5 at 5:00 pm. We’ll be meeting up in conjunction with the Urban Consulate.

We’re going to do brief updates on all of our projects. If you’re interested in seeing more, check out our Meeting Notes from our last meeting.

Can’t make it?  You can sign to the group and find out more on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/QUEPHL and on Google Groups at http://bit.ly/QUEgoogle. You can also see Meeting Notes in our Files.

April 29 Engagement Committee

PA_logo_363 Southeast largeHave ideas for how APA Pennsylvania Southeast section can reach its members? Have suggestions for how better to get value from your membership? Share them during the Engagement Committee call. The Engagement committee’s next call is Friday, April 29, 2016 at 3pm. Any interested section members are welcome to join by calling 1-866-245-0351 passcode 605275.

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