Tag Archive for events

Oct. 1: Green Infrastructure and Environmental Health and Safety

The next presentation of the Consortium for Climate Risk in the Urban Northeast (CCRUN) Green Infrastructure, Climate and Cities Seminar Series will be held on Wednesday, October 1st at 4pm EST at Drexel University. Come join the discussion about the risks and opportunities presented to our urban communities by climatic extremes, and what decision makers, researchers, and practitioners are learning about how to address these issues.

Space is limited, so please RSVP for both in-person and webinar attendance at http://ccrun.org/seminars

Green Infrastructure and Environmental Health and Safety
Dr. Michelle Kondo and Dr. Austin Troy
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Oct. 13: Planning Quizzo


Join APAPASE for an evening of food, fun, and (planning-themed) Quizzo!

Monday, October 13, 2014
Doors open at 5:45 PM. Quizzo starts at 6:30 PM.

Lucha Cartel
207 Chestnut St
Philadelphia, PA 19106

Come with a team or join one when you arrive. You can also just hang out, meet new people, and have fun!

Tickets are $8 in advance or $10 at the door. Price includes one drink, all proceeds go to the APAPASE Scholarship Fund. Buy tickets here.

Sept. 23: “The Landscape” With Deputy Mayor Alan Greenberger


“The Landscape” with Deputy Mayor Alan Greenberger

September 23rd 6:00 PM

Meyerson Hall: 34th and Walnut, Upper Gallery

Cost: Free—Free with eventbrite registration

Have you ever listened to a presentation and wondered how this person got their job? How did they get this far? What projects are they most proud of? What are their biggest regrets? APAPASE’s events committee has designed a new series called “The Landscape” where these types of questions will be answered! The concept is similar to “Inside the Actors Studio”. Prestigious planners nominated by APA’s members will answer a set of questions with a live audience. This event is the first APA PA SE Mentor Program event and will serve as a great opportunity for mentors to meet up with their students.

We’re honored to have Deputy Mayor Greenberger as our first speaker. Alan Greenberger is the Deputy Mayor for Economic Development and Director of Commerce. He also serves as Chairman of the Philadelphia City Planning Commission. He has been with the City of Philadelphia since 2008.

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Sept. 25: APAPA Chapter Conference Planning Committee


The Planning Committee for the 2014 APAPA Conference is meeting on September 25.

Click here for the agenda!

PennDOT: Access Management Trainings

PA Chapter of APA and PennDOT Present:
Integrating HOP Coordination into Access Management Programs

Approved for 2 CM Credits
Cost: Members are FREE
Non-members $25

Recognizing key county and municipal roles in managing roadway access, the Department has recently updated Pub 574, Access Management Handbook, containing three tiers of access management techniques and model ordinance language for use by Pennsylvania counties and/or municipalities.  Training participants will be provided with an overview of the handbook, several case study examples, and a review of the model ordinance contents.

The second half of the training will contain a short section on the Highway Occupancy Permit (HOP) component of managing access, which has recently been updated as an online “e-permitting” system (“EPS”). This new system includes a “Municipality Portal” that provides local governments with direct access to key HOP information as permit applications are submitted. The training will provide municipal managers, planners and engineers with hands-on instruction on this new tool that they will need to be working with for their municipalities.

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Call for Mentors for Planning Students


Remember when you were a planning student and weren’t sure which concentration to choose or how to navigate the job market? 

For the seventh year, the American Planning Association of Southeast Pennsylvania (APAPA-SE) is launching a mentor program to connect professionals in the planning field and local city planning graduate students. The program will include students from the University of Pennsylvania and Temple University. This program has helped students to learn about an array of planning jobs and day to day work responsibilities of planners as well as to receive advice for navigating the job and internship search.

If you are interested in signing up to be a mentor, please fill out this form and email your resume to planningmentorpa@gmail.com.  We are asking mentors to submit materials by Wednesday, September 10th. 

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Sept. 30: Integrating HOP Coordination Into Access Management Programs

The American Planning Association Pennsylvania Chapter and PennDOT are hosting a training entitled, “Integrating HOP Coordination into Access Management Programs” at DVRPC on Tuesday, September 30, 2014 from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM (Registration starts at 9:00 AM). The training is free for APAPA members and $25.00 for non-members. If you are interested in attending, please use this link to register: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/DVRPC-Access


DVRPC is located on the 8th Floor of the American College of Physicians Building at 190 N. Independence Mall West (corner of 6th and Race), Philadelphia, PA 19106. For directions, visitwww.dvrpc.org/directions

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Registration Open for the APA DE/MD Regional Planning Conference

The APA DE and APA MD chapters will be holding their annual conference “Planning for Healthy and Sustainable Places” October 28th -29th at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Newark, Delaware.  The conference will showcase efforts to create healthier and more sustainable neighborhoods, campuses, towns, cities and regions in Delaware, Maryland and beyond.  Register at: http://2014conference.delawareapa.org/top%20level.html

Click here for more info.

Sept. 24: Post-Disaster Recovery in a Changing Climate

Post-Disaster Recovery in a Changing Climate (1.5 CM credits)

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

3:45 – 5:30 PM

Chester County Planning Commission

601 Westtown Road, Suite 270, West Chester, PA 19380

This event is free, but registration is required: http://www.dvrpc.org/municipaloutreach/events.htm

Demographic shifts and climate change are making disasters bigger and costlier. Gradually, the nation is moving toward more effective long-term recovery, while communities are working to become more resilient. But greater resilience calls for more sophisticated planning. Do you have the tools for a safer, stronger community? Learn about the next generation of post-disaster recovery planning from the people who wrote the book — and the new edition. This program is also suitable for planning commissioners. Cosponsored by FEMA.

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Oct. 11: Leigh Gallagher at the Collingswood Book Festival

Leigh Gallagher

America is tired of sprawl!  Leigh Gallagher, author of The End of the Suburbs­–a fascinating look at the changing mindset and demographics affecting where we want to live–will be reading and signing her book on Saturday, October 11 at 1pm at the Collingswood Book Festival (www.collingswoodbookfestival.com).

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