Now Hiring: This Week’s Job Postings



A mess of job postings right before the new year. Go get ’em!

1) Program Manager – Philadelphia Housing Authority – Philadelphia

2) Superstorm Sandy Planning and Policy Analyst – Fair Share Housing Center, Inc. – Cherry Hill, NJ

3) Environmental Transmission Line Permitting Project Manager – CH2M HILL – Philadelphia

4) Senior Director, Development – PREIT – Philadelphia

5) Investigative Team – Office of the Inspector General – Philadelphia

6) Deputy Director of National Service Programs – Mayor’s Office of Civic Engagement and Volunteer Service (MOCEVS) – Philadelphia

7) Transportation Planning Intern – Office of Transit, Bicycle, and Pedestrian Planning – Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission – Philadelphia

8) Senior Planner for Natural Resources – Brandywine Conservancy – Chadds Ford, PA NO LONGER ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS

9) Senior Transportation Planner / Utility Planner – SEDA-Council of Governments – Lewisburg, PA

10) County Planning Specialist – Cumberland County Planning – Carlisle, PA

11) Resiliency Managers – The College of New Jersey – Ewing, NJ

12) Planning Director – Borough of State College – State College, PA

13) Natural Lands Intern – Winterthur Museum & Gardens – Winterthur, Del.

14) Park Manager – Central Philadelphia Development Corporation – Philadelphia

Full descriptions after the jump!

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Dec. 16: Annual Conference Planning Committee Meeting

The 2014 Pennsylvania Chapter of the APA conference will be hosted by APA-PA-SE at the Society Hill Sheraton in Philadelphia. This is the first time the conference will be hosted in Philadelphia in over a decade, so it is an exciting chance to show off our great city.  You can register here if you are interested in being part of the planning committee.

There will be a meeting for the American Planning Association Pennsylvania Chapter 2014 Annual Conference on December 16, with a detailed agenda below, but even if you can’t make this meeting please register here if you are interested in helping to show off our region to planners statewide. We are planning on selecting the theme at this meeting, so make your suggestions or vote on theme at

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APAPA-SE Needs Your Event Suggestions

The APAPA-SE Events Committee developed a survey to evaluate your event preferences.  The survey aims to collect information on how you prefer to learn about events, topics of interest, ideal location, and your availability. The results from this survey will inform how events will be planned in the future.  Please take a few minutes to complete the survey: .

Those who complete the survey before January 6, 2014 will be entered into a raffle for a complimentary admission to a paid CM credited event, excluding the APAPA-SE annual event.  Thank you for your participation.

Your Feedback Needed: APAPA-SE Looking for Event Partners

APAPASE partners

APA-PA Southeast Section is compiling a list of agencies and organizations to partner with for future Southeast Section events.  Please take a few moments to view the Prezi Chart ( and add any contacts to the spreadsheet link located in its center or here at

Dec. 11: GeoPhilly Meetup Happy Hour

GeoPhilly is a meetup group for those interested in spatial analysis, geo-related application development and data analytics. The GeoPhilly Meetup is having a happy hour on Wednesday, December 11 from 5:00 PM to 7:30 PM after the IREG Geospatial Technology and Open Source event at DVRPC. The Happy Hour will be in the left wing of Bar Ly located at 101 N. 11th Street, Philadelphia.

Survey on Planners Use of Mobile Apps

The Ohio State University is conducting a survey in order to understand the degree to which city planning professionals use mobile apps and smartphone and tablet devices. This survey is being undertaken to gain an understanding of the importance of mobile apps in the planning profession and how they can be adapted upon and used in the future to enhance the planning process.

This survey should take approximately 10 – 15 minutes to complete. Your responses to this survey will remain confidential. Each question is optional and you can choose not to answer any question.

Survey results will be used for academic research and practice recommendations. The information may also be used for journal articles and other important research projects in the future. This research study is being undertaken by Professor Evans-Cowley with The Ohio State University. For more information regarding this study please send an e-mail to


Friday Funny: They’ve Gotta Point



Planners Pointing. Sometimes, the Internet just wins.

Dec. 6: Disaster Recovery Webinar

The PA Chapter is pleased that FEMA Region III – headquartered in Philadelphia –  is providing our contribution to the free chapters, divisions, and universities webcast series. The National Disaster Recovery Framework and Planning for Post-Disaster Recovery session will be held on December 6th from 1:00 – 2:30 pm.  The National Disaster Recovery Framework is a guide that defines how a community can work together following a disaster to best meet recovery needs.   This session will discuss the Framework’s core principles as well as best practices and lessons learned from post-disaster recovery plans completed in communities in Pennsylvania.  Approval of 1.5 CMs for the session is pending.  Registration is via the Utah Chapter of APA website at

Planning Ethics in Action


APA has recently started a planning ethics blog:

The blog is designed to highlight common ethical traps, provide memorable illustrations, and provide a platform for regular review and discussion of the AICP Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, with particular focus on the Ethics Case of the Year.  Discussion of ethics case studies should begin in late November 2013.  If you are a member of AICP, the blog should be a periodic stop to revisit ethical issues.  If you aren’t AICP, the blog will also touch on APA’s Principles, which are relevant to all citizen and professional planners.

Annual Event Wrap-up: Lasting Partnerships in Downtown Revitalization


Thanks to all those who attended or contributed to APAPA SE’s Annual Event on Thursday, November 7th at Lansdowne’s beautiful 20th Century Club. It was a great event for learning, networking, and connecting with fellow planners!

For those who were unable to attend, or for those who did attend but would like more information on the material presented, below are some of the links used in the presentations about the great work being done in Lansdowne:

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