June 14: Commercial Corridor Tour: Lower Frankford Ave

Saturday, June 14, 2014

1:00 PM — 3:00 PM

Starts at Johnny Brenda’s (1201 Frankford Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19125)

Tickets ($6.25): http://yip.ticketleap.com/commercial-corridor-tour-lower-frankford-ave/

Designed for planners, aspiring entrepreneurs, foodies, and culture seekers, Young Involved Philadelphia is excited to announce a new 3-part series exploring commercial corridors at various stages of their development with a different corridor featured on a bi-monthly basis.

Tours will include stops along the corridor where business owners — well-established or just beginning — will share their personal stories of why they chose their current location, and how they set up shop.  For our first tour, we will be working with NKCDC to feature businesses along Lower Frankford Ave, one of the fastest growing commercial corridors in Philadelphia over the last 10 years.

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June 4: Consortium for Climate Risk in the Urban Northeast (CCRUN) Seminar Series

CCRUN invites you to the next presentation in the Green Infrastructure, Climate and Cities Seminar Series, to be held Wednesday, June 4, 2014 at Drexel University.  Join the discussion about the risks and opportunities presented to our urban communities by climatic extremes, and what decision makers, researchers, and practitioners are learning about how to address these issues.

Space is limited, so please RSVP for both in-person and webinar attendance at http://www.ccrun.org/seminars.

This month’s presentation:

Planning Green Infrastructure with Stakeholder Input


Franco Montalto, Associate Professor, Drexel University’s Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering Department

Katharine Travaline, Assistant Teaching Professor, Drexel University’s History and Politics Department

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Your Help Is Needed!  Short Survey to Assist New Graduates in Job Searching

Please take this brief community planning survey to assist new graduates; it will take four minutes or less of your time. The survey is designed for all planning professionals representing the broad range of specializations, workplace environments, and geographic locations. The findings will be shared with planning students and mentorship programs. Example questions include:
  • What qualifications are most important for entry-level planners?
  • What technical skills are preferred or necessary to succeed at your workplace?
  • What interview methods are used by your company or organization?


May 22: Emerging Professionals/Events Committee Meeting

We’ve secured a date and location for our next APAPASE Emerging Professionals/Events Committee meeting. We’d love to see you there! We’ll be discussing a potential joint event with Young Professionals in Transportation (YPT). A full agenda will be sent out the week of the meeting.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

6:00 PM – 7:30 PM

Michael Baker Jr.
1818 Market Street
Suite 3110
Philadelphia, PA 19103

Please RSVP so we can give your name to security at the front desk.

POSTPONED: Bike to Work Day Moved to May 22

Spring is in full swing… finally! With the warmer, sunnier weather, it’s the perfect time to tune up our bikes and ride to work. It’s fun, it’s healthy, and it helps the environment.

On Friday, May 16 Thursday, May 22, Delaware County Transportation Management Association (DCTMA) and the Delaware County Planning Department will host the 13th Annual Bike to Work Day. County workers and other Media business employees will ride to work, and meet on the grounds of the Courthouse at Front and Olive Streets for a morning celebration. Participants are invited to enjoy breakfast and other treats, plus special raffle prizes donated by downtown Media businesses, and other companies throughout the county.

Bike to Work Day

Friday, May 16 Thursday, May 22


Courthouse Lawn at Front and Olive Streets

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Six Hours of Photoshop Basics for $35 From UArts

Join UArts on Saturday, May 17 from 10 am – 4 pm for a one-day hands-on experience, including free lunch for only $35.

These one-day workshops are designed to give you a short introductory experience to many of our popular subjects. They provide a quick sample that can help you select a full course or allow you to explore a new subject that intrigues you. Free lunch is included for all participants.

Students who register and complete a workshop are eligible for a 20% tuition discount on one 30-hour course within the same term. Space is limited so register now!

For more information or to register for an upcoming course visit cs.uarts.edu/ce or call 215-717-6006. Create your now.

Watch the Live Stream of Reinventing Older Communities

Philadelphia is just an Internet connection away.

Tune in via YouTube for select sessions of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia’s 2014 Reinventing Older Communities conference, Bridging Growth & Opportunity.

The following sessions will be streamed live:

  • Monday, May 12, at 12:10 p.m. — Conference opening by Charles Plosser, Philadelphia Fed President and CEO, followed by Economic Growth with Benefits for All, a panel discussion with Raj Chetty, Angela Glover Blackwell, and Manuel Pastor
  • Monday, May 12, at 3:45 p.m. — Entrepreneurs Reinventing Cities, a panel discussion led by the Honorable Edward G. Rendell, former governor of Pennsylvania
  • Tuesday, May 13, at 12:15 p.m. — A Sit-Down with School Superintendents panel discussion, followed by a keynote address by M. Night Shyamalan
  • Tuesday, May 13, at 4:15 p.m. — Innovations in Funding and Financing, a panel discussion with Stephen Beitler, Mark Pinsky, and Liezl Van Riper
  • Wednesday, May 14, at 8:30 a.m. — Plenary session Looking into the Crystal Ball: What Will the Future Bring?, a panel discussion with Jeremy Nowak, Susan Wachter, and Mark Zandi
  • Wednesday, May 14, at 12:30 p.m. — Closing keynote address by Leigh Gallagher

Check here to connect to these sessions through our Reinventing Older Communities conference website at the times noted above (the video streaming box will appear in the center of the page). You can also connect through the Philly Fed’s YouTube page on the days of the event.

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June 4: Smart Growth Exemplified: Where Colleges Meet Communities

DVSGA logo

Years ago, colleges wanted to remove themselves from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. They often created internally-focused, walled-off campuses. Nowadays, colleges are embracing the wider community, looking for ways to reconnect their campuses to their neighborhoods and regular street life.

How is this working?

How have classic town and gown issues changed in the smart growth era?

Find out at the Delaware Valley Smart Growth Alliance  event on Wednesday, June 4 from 8:00 am to 11:30 am at PECO Energy Hall, 20301 Market St, Philadelphia, PA.

A panel of experts will discuss recent expansions at local colleges; future expansion and construction plans; market issues for colleges that are incorporating retail shops, restaurants, research facilities, and private housing; how colleges are appealing to a new generation of students; interaction of colleges with their local neighborhood; and impacts on the broader community.

Panelists include representatives of Temple, Rowan, Drexel, University of Pennsylvania, the Chestnut Hill community, and Radnor Township.

Find out more and register here.

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Three Upcoming DVRPC Events for Planners

Rack up CM credits with the following upcoming events at DVRPC:

  • June 4: Introducing New Density to the Neighborhood (1.5 CM credits)
  • June 9: Communicating With Your Constituents: Effective Municipal Websites and Social Media Tactics
  • June 25: 2014 Planning Law Review (1.5 CM Law Credits)

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May 13: GALIP Philadelphia Kickoff

APAPASE and GALIP logos direct from pub

Gays and Lesbians in Planning (GALIP) Philadelphia is hosting our kickoff event at the Westbury Bar and Restaurant on the Northeast corner of Spruce and 13th on Tuesday, May 13 at 5:30 pm.  This first meeting will give us a chance to meet face to face to discuss what we want to get out of the group and brainstorm future events.  Can’t make it?  You can sign up at http://bit.ly/GALIPPHL to join the group list and find out more on upcoming events.

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