Feb. 4: Urban Greening and Ecosystem Services

The next presentation of the Consortium for Climate Risk in the Urban Northeast (CCRUN) Green Infrastructure, Climate, and Cities Seminar Series will be held on Wednesday, February 4th at 4pm (EST) at Drexel University.  A webinar option will also be provided.

Space is limited, so please RSVP for both in-person and webinar attendance at http://www.ccrun.org/seminars

Urban Greening and Ecosystem Services
Dr. Matthew Palmer, Columbia University

Dr. Krista McGuire, Barnard College

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July 2015 Updates to PWD Development Regulations

Effective for new projects submitting on July 1, 2015, the Philadelphia Water Department is updating its private development stormwater regulations to meet Federal and State requirements under the Clean Water Act. The changes to the regulations will improve the health of Philadelphia’s rivers, minimize local flooding, and encourage the use of green infrastructure throughout the city.

We understand these changes will impact the developers, property owners, designers and engineers in Philadelphia. PWD is planning several ways to engage the Development Community about these changes.

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March 24: Writing Growing Greener

Hawk Mountain

Writing Growing Greener: Conservation by Design Codes

Tuesday, March 24, 2015 from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM
Kempton, PA (Hawk Mountain Sanctuary Association)

Appalachian Trail Conservancy and the Pennsylvania Chapter of the American Planning Association are pleased to co-sponsor this educational experience, which is geared toward planning professionals who write zoning and subdivision / land development codes. The $25 registration fee includes lunch, 4.75 CM credits, and a guided hike on the Hawk Mountain grounds.

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Read 2014’s Winning Scholarship Papers

Congrats to 2014’s winning scholarship papers! APAPA-Southeast received many great submissions, and we were honored to choose the following three papers as the finest of this year’s crop. The winners will be feted at a reception in the coming weeks.

Click on the links below to read this year’s winning papers.

First place, individual: “Diverging Fortunes: Economic Elites, Civic Duty, and the ‘Alchemy’ of Post-Industrial Success,” Joe Huennekens (Penn)

First place, group: “The Point Breeze Avenue Action Plan,” Maggie Allio Rwakazina, Steven M. Boucher, Patricia Day, Jiting Deng, Charles Doyle, Ellen Hwang, Jenna E. Oskowitz, Jonathan B. Tehrani (Temple)

Second place, group:Gentrification Trends in Philadelphia,” Enrique Rivera, Jason Hachadorian (Temple)

Jan. 8 and 15: Young Professionals in Transportation Happy Hour and Speaker Event

January Happy Hour

Thursday January 8th, 5:30pm

City Tap House Logan Square (18th and Cherry)


January Speaker Event: SEPTA Police Chief Thomas J. Nestel III

Thursday January 15th, 6:00pm at

STV Incorporated, 1818 Market St, 14th Floor

Free for Members, $5 for Non-Members

Register here: http://goo.gl/ZyFi6e

SEPTA Police Chief Nestel will be joining us on the evening of January 15th. Please come out to learn about SEPTA’s innovative policing, and how the Chief uses Twitter to keep us safe on SEPTA!

Click here for more details: Jan Flyer

2014 Study Group Recap

The official APAPA-Southeast Section AICP study group of 2014 would like to share that all participants who decided to take the AICP exam in November passed and received his/her certification! Congratulations! The group of twelve professionals, 9 of whom took the test in November and the rest of whom will pursue it at a later date, met each Wednesday starting August 27th until October 29th for a total of 10 sessions. During each 1-1.5 hour session, participants prepared topic-based presentations and succinct notes from existing resources.  The group also took practice questions together to identify areas of weakness. Participants found several resources to be very helpful – including the APA AICP 2.0 study guide, the Planetizen online AICP exam course, and the PA Planning Association Comprehensive Planning Exam Study Notes.

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Jan. 8: APAPA-Southeast Section Council Meeting

APA PA Southeast Section Council meeting
Start the new year by getting involved and meeting other planners in the area!
Thursday, January 8th
The Reinvestment Fund (TRF)
1700 Market Street
Any questions?  email secretary@apapase.org


Jan. 7: Green Infrastructure, Urban Planning and Economic Development

Green Infrastructure, Urban Planning, and Economic Development

Ellen Neises and Kevin C. Gillen

The next presentation of the Consortium for Climate Risk in the Urban Northeast (CCRUN) Green Infrastructure, Climate, and Cities Seminar Series will be held on Wednesday, January 7th at 4pm at Drexel University in the Hill Conference Room. A webinar option will also be provided.

Space is limited, so please RSVP for both in-person and webinar attendance at http://www.ccrun.org/seminars

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March 12: Breaking Ground


Breaking Ground: Building Livable Communities in Greater Philadelphia: The Next 50 Years

Thursday, March 12, 2015

8:30 AM – 3:15 PM

The Union League of Philadelphia

140 S Broad St, Philadelphia, PA 19102

This year DVRPC celebrates 50 years of planning for the Greater Philadelphia region. Join  local leaders, city planners, and economic development professionals to discuss the next 50 years of growth, preservation, and change!  This one-day conference will consider the roles of technology and local government, big and small cities adapting to climate change, and sustainable transportation networks, among other issues that Greater Philadelphia will face in the coming decades.

Registration and Preliminary Program are available at: www.dvrpc.org/breakingground

Registration is open until March 8, 2015.

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Help Improve the Southeast Section Bylaws

The Southeast Section of the Pennsylvania Chapter of the American Planning Association is examining their bylaws to better coordinate with State and National chapters, update to current policies, and improve in general.

We are seeking a few volunteers with this effort!  Please email secretary@apapase.org to volunteer or with any questions.