Nov. 12: Healthy Communities Task Force Meeting

DVRPC’s Healthy Communities Task Force meeting will be held on Thursday, November 12, 2015 from 10am to 12pm.  This meeting will focus on equity and active transportation with presentations on the state of active transportation and equity, how complete streets policies affect different communities, and what Philadelphia’s bike share program, Indego, has done to be more inclusive.

Healthy Communities Task Force Meeting

Thursday, November 12th

Coffee and Tea available at 9:30am

Meeting starts at 10am

Lunch served after meeting

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Oct. 9: The EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program

Regional Community and Economic Development Forum

The EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program

Friday, October 9th

Coffee and networking begins at 8:00am

Meeting begins at 8:30am

Adjournment at 10:30 a.m.

DVRPC’s Regional Community and Economic Development Forum (RCEDF) will meet next Friday, October 9th at DVRPC to discuss the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services’ EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program. The meeting will begin with a program overview and, with its authorizing legislation set to expire on September 30th, a discussion of what the future holds for it. The overview will be followed by a discussion of how EB-5 has been used to fund various projects in Greater Philadelphia. Attached is the agenda – if you have not already done so, please RSVP by emailing no later than Wednesday, October 7th  if you are planning to attend. There is no charge for this event.

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Oct. 8 and 12: Art of Active Play

Art of Active Play – Healthy Play Panel
October 8th, 2015, 6pm-8pm

Smith Memorial Playground, 3500 Reservoir Drive
Join the Community Design Collaborative and the Philadelphia Department of Public Health/Get Healthy Philly to talk about play!

We’ll discuss the impact of play on childhood learning and health, and play’s surprising role in creating a great city. Register.

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WTS Philadelphia Scholarship Applications Due Oct. 17

Each year, WTS Philadelphia awards scholarships to women who are pursuing careers in transportation through high school, junior college/trade school, undergraduate, and graduate degree programs.

To be considered, applications must be received by Saturday, October 17, 2015 by 11:59pm.

For more details and applications, please click here.

For scholarship questions, please contact Jenna at

Future City Philadelphia – Mentors and Volunteers Needed

It’s that time of year again.  Hopefully everyone had a great summer.  I can’t believe it’s over!   The school year is off to a great start.  To date 43  schools have signed up and have started designing their cities of the future.

Our greatest need at this stage of the competition is for mentors. Each school is assigned a mentor to work with the students and share their real world experiences to help them develop their future city.   Just 1 or 2 hours a week can make a big difference in how students approach their project and how they start to address it.  The following is a the current list of schools that need mentors:

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Oct. 14: Gentrification Webinar

Bridging the Gap: Research and Practice on Gentrification and Equitable Development in Philadelphia

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

12:00 noon–1:00 p.m. EST

Join us for a webinar during which we will discuss gentrification, residential displacement, and strategies for equitable development in Philadelphia. The webinar will feature findings from new research from the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia on Gentrification and Residential Mobility in Philadelphia, which examines the relationships between gentrification and both mobility patterns and financial health among residents in Philadelphia. This research also focuses on which neighborhoods in Philadelphia are gentrifying, who is moving into and out of gentrifying neighborhoods, and the experiences of vulnerable residents in those neighborhoods.

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Oct. 30: Shaping the New York Metropolitan Region

APA New York Metro Chapter Annual Conference and Awards Ceremony

Shaping the New York Metropolitan Region: Planning Innovations and Disruptors – on October 30, 2015

Will you still need credits after the APA Pennsylvania Chapter Conference this year in Pittsburgh October 18-20 ( Don’t worry, you can check out the APA New York Metro Chapter’s 2015 Annual Conference and Awards Ceremony – Shaping the New York Metropolitan Region: Planning Innovations and Disruptors.

The list of panels and speakers is now posted on their chapter website ( The all-day conference will be held on Friday, October 30, at Lerner Hall, Columbia University. Mark your calendars and look out for announcements on additional details and conference registration.

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Oct. 6: Join Us for the First in a Series of Habitat III Seminars

Habitat III is the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development to take place in Quito, Ecuador, October 2016. It will offer a unique opportunity to discuss the important challenges of how cities, towns, and villages are planned and managed in order to fulfill their roles as drivers of sustainable development, and hence shape the implementation of new global development and climate change goals.

“The battle for a more sustainable future will be won or lost in cities.” World Urban Campaign

How we plan, build, and manage our cities now will determine the outcome of our efforts to achieve a sustainable and harmonious development tomorrow. Well-planned cities afford all residents the opportunity to lead safe, healthy, and productive lives. Well-designed cities present nations with major opportunities to promote social inclusion, resilience, and prosperity.

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Oct. 8: APAPASE Events/Emerging Professionals Committee Meeting

Do you like to organize events like walking tours, happy hours, and educational events related to planning? Then join the APAPASE Events and Emerging Professionals Committee and help us plan fun events! We are meeting on:

Thursday, October 8, 2015

5:30 PM7:00 PM

Michael Baker Jr.
1818 Market Street
Suite 3110
Philadelphia, PA 19103

You can also attend via conference call. Read more

PennDOT Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) Funding Available

Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) will open its Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) funding application period on November 2, 2015. Approximately $7.5 million will be available for the five-county Southeastern Pennsylvania region, and another $26 million will be available statewide.

Examples of eligible TAP projects include bicycle or pedestrian facilities, conversion of abandoned railway corridors to trails, overlooks and viewing areas, historic preservation and rehab of historic transportation facilities, vegetation management, and wildlife mortality mitigation projects, among other types. Read more