APA’s Ambassadors Program Promotes Diversity, Is Fun, and Earns You AICP Credit

October marks the opening of APA’s application period for the 2018 Ambassadors Program.  This initiative has been created to reach future planners with diverse racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds.  With recent national events, it is critical for the field of planning to grow more inclusive and diverse to continue to be relevant to communities of color and disadvantaged populations.  It is also increasingly important for individual planners to connect to young people in these communities on a personal level to support just decisions and live up to the APA code of ethics.

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Nov. 28: The Evolving Nature of Senior Living

The Evolving Nature of Senior Living: what if everything you were told about aging was wrong? 

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Bill Thomas

Followed by a board of Expert Panelists 

What if everything you were told about aging was wrong?  Keynote speaker, Dr. Bill Thomas, is challenging how Americans think of aging, the models we have for senior housing, and how connectedness can overcome the loneliness that often plagues the lives of the elderly.  Provider Magazine has called Dr. Thomas’ Green House Project the “pinnacle” of the culture change movement in senior housing and the Wall Street Journal has called him one of the nation’s “top ten innovators” changing the future of retirement. 

Free Library’s Intelligent by Design Nonfiction Book Group Reads Two Planning-Related Books

Do you enjoy reading? The Free Library of Philadelphia’s Independence Branch is reading critically acclaimed nonfiction old and new. All readers welcome.  All meetings are Monday evenings at 6:00 p.m. For additional information, please call 215-685-1633.


On December 11, we are reading The Death and Life of Great American Cities by Jane JacobsFor more information https://libwww.freelibrary.org/calendar/event/69655

On March 12, we are reading The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America by Richard Rothstein. For more information: https://libwww.freelibrary.org/calendar/event/69658

Nov. 15: APAPASE 2017 Annual Event: Water, Water Everywhere

Join us for APAPASE’s Annual Event, which includes an opportunity to meet and mingle with other Greater Philadelphia planners, hear an educational presentation (1 CM credit requested), and honor the winners of the John E. Pickett Student Scholarship competition. Ticket price includes two drink tickets and heavy hors d’oeuvres.

Water, Water Everywhere: A Dialogue on Flooding and Disasters in Greater Philadelphia

The 2017 Atlantic Hurricane Season is on track to be one of the top ten most active seasons on record, with five major hurricanes, and a streak of eight straight hurricanes from August 9 to September 29. This begs the question: what is the role of planners and planning in reducing risk to flooding and increasing community resilience? How can flood risk reduction meet other community planning goals, like water quality improvement, neighborhood development, and community cohesion? Join us at the APAPASE Annual Event to explore these issues and more. A panel of water and resilience planners will explore these issues and more with APA members from across the region.

$30 for members/students
$35 for non-members
Register at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/apa-pa-southeast-2017-annual-event-tickets-38509904160

2017 Annual Event Flyer

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Join Engaging Residents Session at State Conference or Nov. 6 Webinar


Community Heart & Soul: Engaging Residents through the Humanities to Find What Matters Most

November 6, 1:30-3:00 p.m.

Pennsylvania Humanities Council and Orton Family Foundation staff and their partners will present “Community Heart & Soul: Engaging Residents through the Humanities to Find What Matters Most” at the Annual Conference of the PA Chapter of the American Planning Association later this month.

Can’t make the conference session? This webinar will recap it!

Styled as a digital workshop, the webinar will explore why the humanities are relevant to planning and outline major components of the Community Heart & Soul® model. You’ll hear success stories from Pennsylvania Heart & Soul™ projects in Carlisle, Williamsport, and Meadville and take part in exercises that illustrate Heart & Soul in action.

Those who participate in either the October 24 conference session OR the November 6 webinar will be eligible to apply for the next round of Pennsylvania Heart & Soul planning grants.

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Oct. 19: Join the Engagement Committee Call

Have ideas for how APA Pennsylvania Southeast section can reach its members? Have suggestions for how better to get value from your membership? Share them during the Engagement Committee call. The Engagement Committee’s next call is Thursday, October 19, 2017 from 12:00-1:00 pm. Any interested section members are welcome to join by calling 1-866-499-7054, conference code 735 289 0020.

The tentative agenda is below, but feel free to add ideas for discussion during the call or in advance by emailing chair@apapse.org. For more details on the groups we wish to engage with and to see past notes, take a look at our running notes.
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Video Series: Planning Chester County’s Future Together

Come learn about what makes Chester County special, why we need to protect these treasures, and how we can plan the county’s future together. The first segment of a four-part video series on planning in Chester County has been released. This series hopes to engage you in the preparation of Landscapes3, the county’s next comprehensive plan.

Check out the video here.

There will be a Landscapes3 public meeting from 5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. Oct. 26 at the West Whiteland Township Building, 101 Commerce Drive, Exton.


Oct. 12: FitCityPHL

You’re invited to FitCityPHL 3!

FitCityPHL is an annual full-day symposium that explores design strategies in workplaces, neighborhoods, and cities that improve health. It brings together individuals representing the sectors of public health, architecture, planning, design, landscape architecture, development,  research and evaluation, academia, philanthropy, and government to learn about how the built environment can have a positive impact on the negative health trends currently facing communities – particularly obesity and other chronic conditions.

At this year’s symposium, attendees will interact with public sector leaders in a town hall format, learn about community engagement and workplace active design strategies, and participate in several walking tours highlighting local examples of active design.
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Carpool to State College

APA PA Southeast created a carpool match to make it easier for you to carpool to State College for the 2017 APA PA conference.

We’ve created a link to help planners from the Southeast Section share rides to the conference at http://bit.ly/APAPA17Carpool. Please use this link to share information on your ride needs and availability. We hope this will be more useful than messaging on social media (though you are welcome to add comments below). Please consider posting your ride if you are already driving and have extra space.

Why carpool? People carpool for different reasons. Carpooling is great for budgetary reasons, eco-friendly philosophies, meeting new people, convenience, stress reduction, and more! The trip can be the start and capstone to the fun of the conference, as Southeast Section planners found out during the 2012 Erie Conference. Though there isn’t a van this year, there is still a chance to have an easier, cheaper, friendlier trip to State College through carpooling!

The “Erie Eleven” vanpool of 2012!

Oct. 25: Inside the Planner’s Studio With Anne Fadullon & Karen Thompson

Wednesday, October 25th, 2017 from 5:30 to 7:30 PM

The Innovation Lab

Municipal Services Building, 16th floor (1401 John F Kennedy Boulevard)

Philadelphia, PA 19102

Cost: Free

Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/inside-the-planners-studio-with-anne-fadullon-registration-38179202021

Have you ever wondered how someone became such a successful and effective planner? What advice they could provide about civic engagement? What projects are they are most proud of and why? APAPASE’s “Inside the Planner’s Studio” series asks these questions and more. We’re honored to have Anne Fadullon, Director of Planning & Development for the City of Philadelphia as our 4th speaker in the annual “Inside the Planners Studio” speaker series. Karen Thompson of the Delaware River Waterfront Corporation will be asking Ms. Fadullon about her career, civic engagement, and her advice for planners. Karen will skip the small talk and ask Ms. Fadullon the big questions: What pivotal moments have shaped her career? If she could go back, would she do anything differently? You’ll have to come to find out!

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