APA-DE Regional Conference Call for Presentations

The Delaware Chapter of the American Planning Association is now accepting proposals for presentations at their 2018 Regional Conference to be held in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. The conference is scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday October 23-24, 2018. The theme is Planning 360: Economy, Environment and Health.   Eligible submissions can cover a broad range of topics related to technological advances and their impacts on infrastructure planning, design, operations, and management related to the theme. Subjects may include those related to Economic Development, Environmental Quality, Public Health, or Planning-related Communications.  Research-based sessions highlighting promising emerging and innovative research ideas, best practices, or case studies are encouraged.

The deadline for submissions is January 15, 2018. Complete information on presentation content, proposal preparation and submission is available on the Chapter website http://delawareapa.org

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Don’t forget to apply to APA’s Ambassador Program by December 31

As the end of year quickly approaches, so is the December 31 deadline to apply to become an APA Ambassador.  This important initiative is designed to encourage future planners with diverse racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds.  The application is short and easy to fill out, even during the end of year crunch.  Participation in the program will provide valuable skills and earn you up to 8 pro-bono AICP CM credits in 2018.

Check out our previous blog post with all the important information on the application and details of the program.  You can apply as an individual or as a team.  Contact Al Beatty at ab5562@nyu.edu if you would like to join the local team of ambassadors.  Thank you Al for stepping up to be a regional team leader!

Post Authored by: Maggie Rwakazina

(Image from APA Ambassador’s blog: https://www.planning.org/blog/blogpost/9127770)

CM Credits for Pro Bono Planning Service

AICP members can obtain up to eight CM Credits for Pro Bono Planning Service, as outlined on the APA National website at https://www.planning.org/cm/logging/selfreport/probono

APA Future City Mentorship could relate to these allowed activities:

  • Planning-related support to groups that lack adequate planning resources, including service that expands choices and opportunities for everyone.
  • Planning to meet the needs of the disadvantaged and to promote racial and economic integration.
  • Mentoring the development of students, interns, beginning professionals, colleagues, and members of underrepresented groups to help them advance in the planning profession.

Economic Development Division Holzheimer Memorial Student Scholarship

Applications due February 2, 2018

The Economic Development Division is currently accepting applications for the Holzheimer Memorial Student Scholarship for Economic Development Planning. Though applications are not due until February 2, early submissions are encouraged. Applicants must be Master’s level students currently enrolled in or recently graduated (2016 or later) from PAB-accredited planning programs in the United States.

The scholarship is named in memory of longtime APA member and economic development visionary, Dr. Terry Holzheimer of Arlington County, Virginia and Virginia Tech. The $2,000 award is a scholarship provided by the APA’s Economic Development Division. Winners are strongly encouraged but not required to use the award money to support attendance at the APA National Planning Conference. The application materials should include an original student paper or work that is 2,500 words or less (including citations and footnotes), and must include the name and contact information of a faculty member involved in supervising the student and/or the submitted work. The application form is available at: https://goo.gl/forms/RObcycBRCpNv7BSi2.

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Penn State Extension Winter/Spring 2018 Land Use Webinars

Penn State Extension offers a Winter/Spring 2018 land use webinar series that is eligible for 1.25 CM credits per webinar (6.25 CM credits for the entire series). All webinars are from 12:00 PM – 1:15 PM on the following dates:

Wed., Jan. 17, 2018Planning for Private Drinking Water Supplies
Wed., Feb. 21, 2018: Land Use Planning with a Changing Climate
Wed., Mar. 14, 2018: Community Heart & Soul: Engaging Residents through the Humanities to Find What Matters Most
Wed., Apr. 11, 2018: Addressing the Parking Challenge – Smart Parking Planning for Downtown Development
Wed., May 16, 2018: Sign Regulations That Encourage Outstanding Design

Non-Credit Registration – $40
RLA Credit Registration – $45
CM Credit Registration Fee – $75

Learn more and register at:

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Future City Mentors Needed – One Month until Competition Day

Downingtown Middle School – Honorable Mention at the 2017 Future City Philadelphia Regional Competition (Source: futurecityphilly.org)

If you’ve been looking for a way to give back this holiday season, become a Future City mentor for a school in your community. 10 Future City Philadelphia teams still need mentors, and the students could really use your support in the final days leading up to the regional competition. Students must prepare a model of an “Age-Friendly City” to present in front of a panel of judges on Saturday, January 20, 2018.

As a planner, you can provide meaningful feedback and assistance as the students creatively tackle this topic.

The following 10 middle schools need mentors:

  • Eisenhower – Norristown
  • Keith Valley – Horsham
  • Mother Teresa – King of Prussia
  • Murray Avenue – Huntingdon Valley
  • St Albert the Great – Huntingdon Valley
  • St Elizabeth – Uwchlan
  • Helena – Blue Bell
  • Ignatius – Yardley
  • WCPA Homeschool Group – Pleasant Mount
  • Windsor Christian Academy – Uwchlan

Sign up to mentor one of these teams here.

Check out our latest post for a refresher on the Philadelphia Regional Future City Competition.

CM Credits for Pro Bono Planning Service

AICP members can obtain up to eight CM Credits for Pro Bono Planning Service, as outlined on the APA National website at https://www.planning.org/cm/logging/selfreport/probono

APA Future City Mentorship could relate to these allowed activities:

  • Planning-related support to groups that lack adequate planning resources, including service that expands choices and opportunities for everyone.
  • Planning to meet the needs of the disadvantaged and to promote racial and economic integration.
  • Mentoring the development of students, interns, beginning professionals, colleagues, and members of underrepresented groups to help them advance in the planning profession.


Growing Older—and Designing Smarter

by Laura Poskin

This is the first installment in a three-part series on designing age-friendly communities.

Communities should work for everyone.

Our parks and sidewalks should suit young moms and dads, as well as their kids, parents, grandparents and—as we live longer— great grandparents. Likewise, everyone should be able to enjoy environments that make a community feel like home and provide opportunities to learn, to make a difference, and to connect with friends, old and new.

But if we pause to look around, our cities and towns aren’t built for us to fully engage with life throughout our lives. Crossing the street or finding a part-time job, for example, may be exponentially more difficult for an 82-year-old than a 28-year-old.

That’s where the age-friendly movement comes in. Started by the World Health Organization and led by AARP in the United States, it inspires us to see this inequality as a social justice and sustainability issue, and rethink how to welcome every generation into the fold.

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“March 22: Breaking Ground: Transforming a Region Together (4.25 AICP CM credits approved)

Thursday, March 22, 2018

7:30 AM – 3:30 PM

Loews Philadelphia Hotel
1200 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19102

Breaking Ground 2018: Transforming a Region Together is a day-long conference that aims highlights the principles and goals of Connections 2045 Long-Range Plan for Greater Philadelphia [https://www.dvrpc.org/Connections2045/]. While our region is made up of 352 local governments, we will be better-positioned and more economically competitive if we move forward together, as a region. This year’s conference celebrates regional cooperation and government efficiency. The keynote speaker—Brian Elms—is an expert in management and government performance. All attendees will receive a copy of Brian Elms’ book, PeakPerformance: How Denver’s Peak Academy is saving millions of dollars, boosting morale, and just maybe changing the world.

Concurrent sessions will feature government transparency, sustainable environmental practices, collaboration between businesses and government, the use of data and metrics, and a celebration of diversity age-friendly communities. Breaking Ground 2018 is expanding to include a Learning Lounge, which will feature businesses and tech companies that assist municipal governments in better serving their citizens.

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APA and AARP Partnering on Aging and Livable Communities Initiative

APA’s International Division has received a grant to partner with AARP International to implement the Divisions’ Council initiative, Aging and Livable Communities. The initiative seeks to educate planners regarding awareness building techniques, tools and best practices for planners from the US-focused research of APA’s earlier efforts under the initiative to those that can be gleaned from researching internationally.

APA’s LGBTQ & Planning Division is participating in the project to learn from existing initiatives that may provide insight on how best to plan for LGBTQ seniors and their needs and also to provide information to the project team regarding issues that LGBTQ persons encounter as they age.

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2018 Farm Bill: What Does It Mean for Planners and Public Health Professionals?

What is the Farm Bill?

The farm bill is a comprehensive, multi-year federal law that authorizes most federal policies governing food and agriculture.  The most recent farm bill—The Agricultural Act of 2014 (P.L. 113-79), commonly referred to as the 2014 Farm Bill—has 12 titles that encompass a range of issues and programs including farm commodities and income supports, nutrition programs like the Supplementation Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), farmland and environmental conservation, crop insurance, and rural development.  Nutrition programs constitute the majority of the farm bill, accounting for 80 percent of the funds historically and projected to be spent on farm bill programs.  Farm commodity supports, crop insurance, and conservation programs comprise 8 percent, 7 percent, and 5 percent, respectively.[1]

The 2014 Farm Bill, which was signed into law in February 2014, is set to expire on September 30, 2018.  Since Congress debates, updates, and reauthorizes the farm bill approximately every five years, discussions about the next farm bill are already happening, both in Congress and across the country.

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APA-DE Seeking Conference Proposals

The Delaware Chapter of the American Planning Association is now accepting proposals for presentations at their 2018 Regional Conference to be held in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware.  The conference is scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday October 23-24, 2018.   The proposal submission deadline is January 15, 2018.  Please click through to their Call for Presentations for more information.

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