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Certified Stormwater Inspector (Municipal) Training Available in May

The National Stormwater Center is offering Certified Stormwater Inspector (municipal) training in the following locations:

  • Harrisburg, PA on May 7-8, 2018
  • Philadelphia, PA on May 10-11, 2018

Designed specifically for municipal personnel the course offers training and certification to demonstrate, for the record, that inspectors are qualified.

Inspectors who take the course learn:

  •   how to inspect construction, commercial, and industrial, and municipal activities
  •   what to inspect
  •   the limits of their authority
  •   appropriate demeanor
  •   appropriate discretion

They also learn about the Clean Water Act, the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, the six Minimum Control Measures, and how to better implement and support their MS4 stormwater program.

Graduates of the Certified Stormwater Inspector course receive certification for 5 years and continuing education units, and ongoing, unlimited support of the National Stormwater Center.  All instructors have stormwater enforcement experience at the Federal or State level.

Registration is available on the website (www.npdes.com) for all classes.