Sponsor the 2018 Annual Event

The APA PA Southeast Section offers opportunities throughout the year for planners, citizen planners, students, and allied professionals to attend great events and activities that are educational and foster social interaction.  The Section is able to do this for members with the help of sponsorships.  Sponsorships are annual or event specific (see our 2018 sponsorship package). We offer thanks to our 2018 Annual Sponsors!

The best event to sponsor is our Annual Meeting because the venue and program are special, and it is well attended (sometimes over 100 professionals and colleagues).  The 2018 Annual Meeting is in early September and will be at the 20th Century Club in Lansdowne.  Consider being an Event Sponsor this year at a discounted rate.

Help share the excitement happening in Lansdowne at the APA PA SE Annual Event in September 2018!

2018 Annual Event Sponsorship

You can be a sponsor for the annual event, and receive annual section sponsor benefits for the rest of 2018! The 2018 Annual Meeting is in early September and will be at the 20th Century Club in Lansdowne. Please email sponsorship@apapase.org with your logo and the names of the complementary registrants and we will provide you with details on how to submit payment.

GOLD Sponsor – $500

  • Your organization’s name/logo on all print and digital marketing materials, APAPASE website, and recognition at the Annual Event
  • 2 complementary tickets to the Annual Event, valued at $60

SILVER Sponsor – $250

  • Your organization’s name/logo on all print and digital marketing materials, APAPASE website, and recognition at the Annual Event
  • 1 complementary ticket to the Annual Event, valued at $30

BRONZE Sponsor – $150

  • Your organization’s name/logo on all print and digital marketing materials, APAPASE website, and recognition at the Annual Event

Thanks to our current event sponsors!


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