Archive for Upcoming Events

Sept. 7 – APA PA – Webinar Wednesdays

Webinar Wednesday: Advancing Racial Equity through Land Use Planning

September 7 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Advancing Racial Equity through Land Use Planning

According to US Census Data, disparity in income and housing among diverse racial and ethnic populations has occurred in the United States. Researchers have pointed out that many members of these specific populations have been adversely impacted by housing policies adopted in the first half of the 20th century. To address present day challenges, this webinar will present examples of two cities addressing racial inequity through their land use planning tools & codes. The City of Minneapolis, Minnesota recently completed Minneapolis 2040 which reflects the result of more than two years of engagement with the people of Minneapolis. This engagement included over 100 meetings and conversations with thousands of residents, business owners, and others, where they shared their vision and hopes for the future of the city.

Equity CM credit is pending approval.

Speaker: Joe Bernard, AICP and Douglass Smith, AICP, LEED

**The Pennsylvania Chapter is not responsible for the materials or opinions of the speaker(s) you will hear**

Deadline to register is September 6, 2022

If you’re interested in sponsoring a Webinar Wednesday session or have a session for Webinar Wednesday please contact us. Send your request to

Please note: You will receive an email the week of the webinar with zoom information (please check your spam/junk folders). This email will be sent to the email address you used to register for the event.


Sept. 10: APAPA-SE Volunteer and Tour Event at FDR Park

APAPA-SE’s summer event – volunteering for park cleanup, lunch, and a tour with master plan developers!

About this event

APAPA-SE is excited to announce an in-person event at FDR Park in South Philadelphia!

On Saturday, September 10th, from 10 AM to 3 PM, we will be participating in volunteer cleanup activities and hearing a presentation from the park’s management and architects about the upcoming master plan implementation.

  • 10:00AM to 12:00PM — Volunteer clean up of the park with APAPA-SE members; all cleanup tools will be provided!
  • 12:00PM to 1:00PM — Lunch + Master Plan presentation to discuss how the park’s master plan, how it was formed, and the overall implementation schedule.
  • 1:00PM to 2:00PM — Walking tour to see key features of the FDR Park redesign and new installations.
  • 2:00PM to 3:00PM — Open exploration and networking.

Register on EventBrite

APA National Planning Conference Coming to Philadelphia in 2023

Did you know that the National Planning Conference will be in Philadelphia in 2023? We are starting to help APA plan for it. If you are interested in volunteering with the Destination Advisory Committee please take this short survey by August 19.


Please email or with any questions!

Sept. 10: APAPASE Park Cleanup and Master Plan Discussion!

SAVE THE DATE: APAPA-SE is excited to announce an in-person event at FDR Park in South Philadelphia! On Saturday, September 10th, from 10 AM to 3 PM, we will be participating in volunteer cleanup activities and hearing a presentation from the park’s management and architects about the upcoming master plan implementation. Stay tuned for registration details during the month of August.

Aug. 3: APA PA Webinar Wednesdays – Telling Your Story: Effective Strategies for Communication

Webinar Wednesday: Telling Your Story…

August 3 @ 12:00 pm – 1:15 pm

Telling Your Story: Effective Strategies for Communication

Successful public communication is more than surveys and opinion polls. It must also inform and educate, and that requires more than posting everything on your website. Even in a small community, that volume of data is overwhelming and can be frustrating to navigate. In this presentation, we will share how West Whiteland Township created the “Development by Design” brand and integrated it into our communications to organize a high volume of information during a period of rapid development, helping residents stay informed about what was happening in the Township while assuring them that all of this was, in fact, planned.
Keeping residents and other stakeholders informed and educated about what’s going on is challenging under the best of circumstances, but COVID-related lockdowns heightened that challenge. While internet-based technology proved essential, it is only one means of communicating: the “technology divide” is real, and relying solely upon tools that require a computer and internet access will leave some people out. So we will also review other methods we used, including traditional print media, in-person meetings, focus groups, and public open-houses in addition to the tools we used when meeting in-person wasn’t an option, including on-line and virtual meetings, social media, and effective use of our website. Not everything worked, and some things worked better than others: we’ll share our experiences – including our failures – and our thoughts on how useful these tools may be in the long run.
Our Township is fortunate to have two planners and a dedicated communication specialist on staff, and we recognize that most municipalities don’t have access to that level of resources. For this reason, our presentation will highlight methods that deliver a lot of bang for the proverbial buck and methods that may be more successful with smaller populations and that require minimal resources.

CM credit is pending approval.

Speaker: John Weller, AICP

**The Pennsylvania Chapter is not responsible for the materials or opinions of the speaker(s) you will hear**

Deadline to register is August 2, 2022

If you’re interested in sponsoring a Webinar Wednesday session or have a session for Webinar Wednesday please contact us. Send your request to

Please note: You will receive an email the week of the webinar with zoom information (please check your spam/junk folders). This email will be sent to the email address you used to register for the event.

Sept. 20 – 21: PA Floodplain Management Conference & Call for Presenters – Due 7/15

Join us! Present your topic or experience to Pennsylvania’s floodplain management professionals!

The 2022 PAFPM Conference in Harrisburg, PA is themed “50th Anniversary of Agnes Flood – From Risk to Resiliency.”

Example and suggested topics this year include:

  • Post Flood Substantial Damage Assessments
  • Climate Change Adaptation
  • Integrated Floodplain and Stormwater Management
  • Modeling and Floodplain Mapping
  • Insurance – NFIP and Risk Rating 2.0
  • Disparate Impacts/Social Justice in Floodplains • Community Renewal/Development – Rebuild or Relocate
  • Evolution of Stormwater Management
  • Grants/Infrastructure Funding/Financing
  • Outreach and Risk Communications
  • Stream Restoration and CLOMR/LOMR Requirements
  • Floodplain and Stormwater Management Policy Evolution
  • Role of Floodplain Administrator

Submissions due July 15, 2022

Submit Here

Oct. 25 – 26: PA Autonomous Vehicle Summit

Back in person! The 2022 PA AV Summit returns in person for the 5th year in a row. If you are interested in learning and hearing about the technology  development in the AV industry along with other topics such as workforce, equity, freight, deployment, infrastructure, and environment, you’ll love attending the 2022 PA AV Summit.

This year’s Summit will be held in Pittsburgh, PA from October 25 – 26 at Stage AE.

Registration opens soon. More information can be found on the PA AV Summit:

June 23: LGBTQ+ Professionals in the Built Environment Pride Happy Hour

June 23 – 6PM – 8PM @ Cockatoo

208 S. 13th St Philadelphia, PA

Hosted by OLIN and ASLA Pennsylvania/Delaware. Register hereLGBTQ+ Professionals in the Built Environment Pride Happy Hour - Philly

Join us on Thursday, June 23rd at 6:00p at Cockatoo for a Pride happy hour, an event for LGBTQ+ landscape architects, architects, planners, and allied professionals in the Philadelphia region. Let’s start conversations, build community, and celebrate Pride within our fields!


The event is free and open to LGBTQ+ individuals and allies that work in the built environment (bring your friends and colleagues)! Attendees will receive a free drink ticket. The event is 21+ and is sponsored by OLIN and the Pennsylvania and Delaware Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects.

For any questions, please reach out to Max at


Submit by 4/29: Spring 2022 Student Paper Award Program

APAPASE is looking for Graduate School students in Planning and related fields to submit technical papers (written by individuals or pairs) that address contemporary planning-related topics and issues, including but not limited to sustainability, Smart Growth, transportation, and energy planning. Papers may be generated through graduate-level classes/course assignments. Recognition from APAPASE through this Award Program provides an honor to include on your resume as well as a monetary reward that can help defray the costs of your academic coursework.

Papers that were written during the 2020/2021 OR 2021/2022 school year are eligible. The maximum page length of eligible papers is 50 pages. Applicants are permitted to revise original work based on instructor feedback and/or to correct spelling, grammar, or typological errors prior to submission. 

Papers will be evaluated by these criteria:

  • Subject quality and originality
  • Paper structure
  • Technical writing
  • Thoroughness of research
  • Analysis and conclusions

APAPASE will present monetary rewards for the top three reviewed papers at the following levels: 

  • $200 for First Prize
  • $150 for Second Prize 
  • $100 for Third Prize

Winning papers will be announced in June on the APAPASE Website ( and social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn). Checks will be mailed to winners.

Please submit entries electronically as a PDF to the APAPASE Education Committee at by 5:00 PM on Friday, April 29, 2022. Please include your name, email, and phone number as well as the name of the course for which the work was produced and the date which it was originally submitted in the email with your entry.

April 6: APA PA Webinar Wednesday – Multi-Local Government Aggregation Programs: A Tool for Implementation

April 6 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Multi-Local Government Aggregation Programs: A Tool for Implementation

Multi-municipal aggregation programs can be incredibly valuable to assist local governments with implementation of technical and/or high upfront cost projects. Aggregation programs provide lower cost and turnkey services to local governments by leveraging the purchasing and decision making power of participants. Further, these programs remove several key technical, procurement, and decision-making challenges that local governments face by providing a centralized procurement/contracting process and the resources to effectively engage utilities, address legal considerations, access funding or financing, on-board trusted consultants, and navigating technical decision-making in a timely manner. This session will provide an example of DVRPC’s Regional Streetlight Procurement Program (RSLPP), a multi-municipal aggregation program that enabled more than 60 municipalities to convert their street lighting systems to LED. Through the program, DVRPC estimates that individual project costs were 20-30% less than traditional municipally led procurement methods, and projects were implemented with a high success rate (86% of municipalities who entered the program completed their projects and all but one of those who did not  proceed completed an LED conversion on their own as a result of their participation). This guide provides step-by-step information that will assist regional and multi-government groups with developing and implementing a multi-local government / aggregation procurement and implementation program, and the lessons learned can be applied to other applications of aggregated procurement and implementation for local governments as well.

CM credit is pending approval.

Speaker: Liz Compitello and Mike Fuller

Deadline to register is April 5, 2022

If you’re interested in sponsoring a Webinar Wednesday session or have a session for Webinar Wednesday please contact us. Send your request to

PLEASE NOTE: You will receive an email the week of the webinar with zoom information (please check your spam/junk folders). This email will be sent to the email address you used to register for the event.