Archive for APAPA-SE

Dec. 12: Deadline to apply for the 2019 Rudy Bruner Award for Urban Excellence

The Rudy Bruner Award for Urban Excellence recognizes transformative urban places distinguished by their economic and social contributions to America’s cities. Founded in 1986 by architect Simeon Bruner, the award promotes innovative thinking about the built environment by celebrating and sharing the stories of creative and inspiring urban development.

Winners offer creative placemaking solutions that transcend the boundaries between architecture, urban design and planning and showcase innovative thinking about US cities.

One gold medal and four silver medals are awarded each biennial, with the gold medalist receiving a $50,000 cash prize and each silver medalist receiving $10,000.  To be eligible, projects must be urban, built (not just a plan or a program) and in operation long enough to demonstrate impact, and located within the continental United States.

The deadline for entries is December 12, 2018. There is no fee to enter.

More information:

Apply at :

Nov. 14 – PA Municipal League Fall Sustainability Conference

PA Municipal League 2018 Fall Sustainability Conference

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

The Chubb Hotel & Conference Center
309 Manor Road
Lafayette Hill, PA 19444

Join the dialogue on creating policies and strategies to sustain vibrant communities through the Sustainable Pennsylvania Community Certification program. Convene with municipal leaders and sustainability professionals to learn about the components and benefits of certification, how you can get involved, and hear success stories from Pennsylvania municipalities who have already achieved certification.

Conference runs from 8:30 AM to 3:45 PM. Click the conference poster for a full agenda.

Click here to register.

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ULI PHL: Now Recruiting Members for SEPTA 69th Street Terminal TAP

ULI PHL is recruiting 10-12 members to serve on a two-day Technical Assistance Panel that will provide SEPTA with recommendations on improving customer experience at the 69th Street Terminal. As part of this TAP, SEPTA has requested that ULI members explore opportunities for reprogramming space within the terminal, enhancing wayfinding signage and increasing connectivity to the Upper Darby community.

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Nov. 16 – Civic Engagement for Community Solutions

The University of Delaware’s Institute for Public Administration will be hosting their 2018 Delaware Institute for Local Government Leaders.

This year’s institute focuses on civic engagement for community solutions through creative approaches to community design and leveraging public data.

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DATE CHANGED – Now Dec. 13 – APAPASE Events Committee Meeting

Do you like to organize events like walking tours, happy hours, and educational events related to planning? Then join the APAPASE Events Committee and help us plan fun events! We would love to have volunteers to help with all aspects of the event-planning process, from brainstorming event ideas, coordinating with venues, ordering food/beverages, inviting speakers, advertising/marketing events, working the registration table, speaking at events, and conducting event follow up.
Time: 5:45 – 7:00pm

Nov. 8 – APA PA Southeast Section Council Meeting

Time: Thursday, November 8
5:30 – 6:30pm
Location: STV Incorporated, 1818 Market, Suite 1410 Philadelphia, PA

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Future City Updates

APAPASE participated in the successful Future City Engineering Fair at SAP America in Newtown Square, PA on Saturday, October 13. Our booth had some terrific information about climate change and sea-level rise, as this year’s competition theme is Powering our Future, how to build a resilient power grid. A hands-on land use activity was used to encourage students to incorporate city planning into their projects for the 2019 Future City Regional Competition. Using sea-level rise information displayed on the NOAA web map, students were asked to organize land uses (represented by Lego blocks) on a map of the Philadelphia Pennsport neighborhood. The children loved the learning activity, and some wowed our volunteers with their creative and thoughtful land use planning. Students also picked up articles from the APA Planning magazine August/September special issue on climate to aid them in their research. A special thank you to our volunteers!

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Oct. 23, 24 – APA Delaware 2018 Regional Conference – CM Credits Available

APA Delaware – 2018 Regional Conference

Dates: Tuesday October 23, and Wednesday October 24

Location: Atlantic Sands Hotel, Rehobeth Beach DE

Please visit the conference website for the full schedule of sessions and more information. CM credits are being requested for all sessions and keynote talks.

Oct. 17 – Why cities? From fear-based interventions to sustainable-solutions

Why cities? From fear-based interventions to sustainable-solutions

Wed, October 17, 2018
7:30 PM – 9:00 PM

Pipeline Philly: The Graham Building at Dilworth Park
30 South 15th Street
15th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19102Event registration page:

In the current polarized political climate, it is common to hear people from different sides of the political spectrum propose quick-fix solutions to deep and complex issues, that unfortunately won’t produce long-lasting change. International migration has become one such hot-button issue, where fear-based versus evidence-based interventions have become the rallying cry for millions. Yet, there’s a much deeper story behind many of the current challenges that most of the proposed solutions won’t solve. For example, the growing urbanization of conflict and violence that has led to impressive migration streams in the past few years won’t be solved by some of the superficial and simplistic solutions that are being touted. In fact, a number of them will create more problems in 10 or 20 years, since they don’t address root causes and therefore won’t result in sustainable change. But what then, shall we do?

Jean-Luc Krieg, founder and executive director of Urban Mosaic, an organization working for transformational change in urban poor communities in Mexico and Colombia, focuses on the importance to work for sustainable change in cities, in order to address the challenge of rapid urbanization and increasing violence that affect us all. His stories and principles for engagement show that while it would be easy to lose hope or settle for simplistic but counterproductive solutions in the long-term, real, measurable and sustainable change that impacts the lives of tens of thousands of people is possible, even in the most uncertain and complex of circumstances.

Nov. 7 – Inside the Planner’s Studio with Eleanor Sharpe

Inside the Planner’s Studio with Eleanor Sharpe

Wednesday, November 7, 2018 from 5:45 to 7:45 PM

The Innovation Lab

Municipal Services Building,
16th floor (1401 John F Kennedy Boulevard)
Philadelphia, PA 19102

Cost: Free


Have you ever wondered how someone became such a successful and effective planner? What advice they could provide about civic engagement? What projects are they are most proud of and why? APAPASE’s “Inside the Planner’s Studio” series asks these questions and more.

We’re honored to have Eleanor Sharpe, Deputy Director for Philadelphia’s Department of Planning and Zoning and the Executive Director for the Philadelphia City Planning Commission as our 5th speaker in the series. Karen Thompson of the Delaware River Waterfront Corporation will be asking Ms. Sharpe about her career, civic engagement, and her advice for planners.

Karen will skip the small talk and ask Ms. Sharpe the big questions: What pivotal moments have shaped her career? If she could go back, would she do anything differently? You’ll have to come to find out!

  • 5:45-6:15: The event will begin with networking. Light hors d’oeuvres will be provided.
  • 6:15-7:00: The Inside the Planner’s Studio program will take place.
  • 7:00-7:15: Ms. Sharpe will take questions from the audience.
  • 7:15-7:45: There will be additional time to network after the event.