Archive for APAPA-SE

June 25 – Sustainability Summer School: How Schools and Municipalities Can Partner for Sustainability

DATE: Tuesday, June 25, 2019
TIME: 5:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
(Registration check-in
5:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.)
LOCATION: Cheltenham Elementary School
7853 Front Street
Cheltenham, PA 19012
Register today to join us next Tuesday for a free event focused on achieving sustainability through partnerships. An organization’s decisions affect not only its operations but the community around it. Making sustainable decisions can help a municipality, school, or any organization be more efficient, act responsibly today, and protect its future. This workshop will help municipalities, schools, and other organizations plan for a sustainable future by highlighting ways to form productive partnerships. A sustainable future manages issues, such as energy strategy, resiliency, environmental protection, local economic development, and health, in a responsible manner.

The workshop will feature a panel of expert speakers from a broad spectrum of organizations who will share their experiences, the challenges they faced, and how they were able to overcome on their way to better operations. The speakers will discuss a variety of topics including energy management strategies and tools, recycling, sustainable procurement, stormwater management design and maintenance, and how to more sustainably design play spaces.

This event is being provided as part of Planning Smarter Montco 2019, a Montgomery County initiative offering planning education and outreach, and corresponds to the Sustainable Places theme contained in Montco 2040: A Shared Vision, Montgomery County’s comprehensive plan. Join us as we explore this important topic!



5:30 p.m. – 5:40 p.m. Welcome
Jody Holton, AICP, Executive Director
Montgomery County Planning CommissionMontgomery County Commissioners

Nicolas Perez Jr., Principal
Cheltenham Elementary School

5:40 p.m. – 5:50 p.m. Stormwater Operation & Maintenance
Jon Lesher, LEED Green Associate
Principal Environmental Planner II
Montgomery County Planning Commission
5:50 p.m. – 6:50 p.m. SESSION 1A: Energy Management Session

Building Energy Efficiency
Dianne Herrin, CEM, LEED AP, Vice President
Practical Energy Solutions

Technology Tools
Christopher D. Hurwitz, Senior Program Manager
Performance Systems Development

5:50 p.m. – 6:50 p.m. SESSION 1B: Sustainable Stormwater Management

Cheltenham Elementary School Case Study
Glenn Harris, Senior Project Manager
Renew Design Group

Stormwater Partnerships & Funding
Susan Harris, Principal Owner
Cerulean, LLC

Stormwater Facility Maintenance
Fran Lawn, GSI Partners Manager
Sustainable Business Network
of Greater Philadelphia

6:50 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Break
7:00 p.m. – 7:40 p.m. SESSION 2A: Sustainable Policies

Rethink Recycling
Veronica Harris, Recycling Manager
Montgomery County Planning Commission

Stormwater Partnerships & Funding
Susan Harris, Principal Owner
Cerulean, LLC

Sustainable Procurement & Maintenance
Bill McGarvey, Director of Training & Sustainability
Philip Rosenau Co., Inc.

7:00 p.m. – 7:40 p.m. SESSION 2B: Sustainable Landscaping

The Perspective of Play
Christopher Kircher, Studio Director
Metcalfe Architecture & Design, LLC

Installation & Maintenance of
Sustainable Landscaping
Ryan Snyder, Supervisor of
Landscape Operations
GreenWeaver Landscapes, LLC

7:40 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Panel Discussion

Oct 20 – 22 – APA PA Annual Conference!

We invite you to join Pennsylvania’s premier planning event of the year – the Pennsylvania Chapter of the American Planning Association (PA APA) 2019 Annual Conference. This year’s conference, “Rally Around Reading: Rivers, Rails and Renaissance” takes place October 20 – 22, 2019 at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Reading in Reading, PA. It promises to be one of PA Chapter’s best conferences.

The PA APA Annual Conference provides a unique and effective opportunity to showcase your work and capabilities to planning professionals and policy makers from across the Commonwealth. It’s also one of the ways to support planning in Pennsylvania by providing valuable networking, education, and development for planners.

Sponsorships Available

The sponsorship page and brochure will allow you to choose the marketing opportunity that best suits your needs. The menu of options is varied – select conference sponsorship, rent prime exhibit space, or advertise in the Conference Announcement and Final Program. All options are first-come-first-serve and we anticipate space will fill quickly. Selecting your commitment level early will help you to get your first choice of placement as a sponsor, exhibitor, or both.


June 12 – DVRPC’s Information Resources Exchange Group Meeting

The 111thmeeting of the Information Resources Exchange Group (IREG) is scheduled for:WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12 2019 (10 am to 12) at:

The ACP Building, 8th Floor
190 North Independence Mall West
Philadelphia, PA 19106

Coffee will be available at 9:45 am.

Lunch will be served following the meeting.

Read more

June 26 – Montgomery County’s Proposed Complete Streets Policy: An Informational Overview

Montgomery County’s Proposed Complete Streets Policy: An Informational Overview 

DATE: Wednesday, June 26, 2019

TIME: 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.

The Montgomery County Planning Commission (MCPC) and the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC) will be offering a free webinar to introduce interested municipal officials, design professionals, and citizens to Montgomery County’s proposed Complete Streets policy initiative and to discuss how it may affect local roadway design in communities. MCPC, working with a host of public, non-profit, and industry leaders, is developing a Complete Streets policy for county-owned roads, bridges, and facilities. The policy—one of the first of its kind for a county government in Pennsylvania—will direct the county to incorporate Complete Streets principles into its own projects as well as advocate for them when working with partner agencies on their projects, whether public or private.

Complete Streets are streets designed for everyone. They take into account all ages of abilities and provide safe use for all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists, and transit riders. The webinar will focus on the elements that will be included in the policy and how the policy will benefit communities. Join us for this interesting topic! An opportunity to comment on the draft policy will be available following the webinar at

*AICP credits pending

APA PA SE Happy Hour

On Thursday June 6th, the APAPASE Events Committee hosted a Planning Professionals’ (and adjacent professions) happy hour and networking event. A high turnout meant lots of new connections, and plenty of patrons for La Peg’s gorgeous outdoor beer garden. After a little over an hour of socializing, the group headed across Christopher Columbus Boulevard to Race Street Pier. As the sun set over the city, a large yoga class practiced at the end of the pier, and several cyclists took in the busy scene.

The happy hour group settled in on the wooden steps of Race Street Pier and looked toward a bustling Cherry Street Pier, while speakers Chris Puchalsky of Philadelphia’s Office of Transportation Infrastructure and Sustainability (OTIS) and Chris Dougherty of the Delaware River Watershed Corporation (DRWC) spoke about their work in transportation and the waterfront, and upcoming projects planned for the city. Chris Puchalsky discussed the city’s efforts to connect many of Philly’s neighborhoods through multiple types of transit in order to move away from the car-centric nature of the streets. He briefly addressed issues of scooter trends that are present around the country, and Philly’s stance based on safety and infrastructure concerns. Chris Dougherty discussed the Delaware River Waterfront Corporation’s plans for the many properties along the waterfront. DRWC has an aggressive strategy for renovating some large spaces along the Delaware, including Graffiti Pier, and a plan to open it to the public in the next year.

Multi-transit and waterway-connectivity projects are at the forefront of many Philadelphian’s minds as the city continues to support public works projects that connect citizens to their built environment in new and exciting ways.

Thank you to all of those who attended; APAPASE is excited to hold more events like this in the future!

Chester County’s new report, Return on Environment: The Economic Value of Protected Open Space in Chester County

Chester County Unveils Return on Environment Report

The Chester County Commissioners announced results of a study, Return on Environment: The Economic Value of Protected Open Space in Chester County, during an Open Space Summit in May. The study—and its accompanying video—highlight the valuable economic, environmental, and public health benefits that open space preservation has provided to Chester County for the past three decades.

The report was prepared by Chester County departments, land conservancies, municipal representatives, economic development agencies, and Econsult Solutions, Inc., an economic consulting firm that provides econometric and analytic expertise to businesses and policymakers nationwide.

July 12/19 – APA Webinars with CM Credits

July 12, 2019

WEBINAR: Creating Safe Environments – Integrating Planning, Design & Physical Security

Friday, July 12 2019
1:00 PM – 2:30 PM EDT
Hosted by: APA Pennsylvania
1.5 CMs Approved
In an increasingly complex world, creating safe environments requires planning with intention, nuance, and a multi-disciplinary approach. Physical security is most seamless when integrated into built environments long before they are constructed, but elements can also be effectively integrated into existing spaces. Learn about risk assessment, varied strategies, multi-disciplinary designs, and effective questions to ask to ensure that places and spaces are beautiful and functional–but also inherently secure. Case studies will be discussed to assist in framing a typical and holistic planning process. Effective approaches will be shared from the perspective of a professional planner and urban designer, as well as a physical security specialist.

Register Here


July 19, 2019

WEBINAR: Incorporating Arts in Urban and Site Design

Friday, July 19 2019
1:00 PM – 2:30 PM EDT
Hosted by: Urban Design & Preservation Division
1.5 AICP CMs Approved
This Strategic Conversation explores how to design communities and sites to encourage more creative and cultural activities. Participants will also learn how the arts can help improve navigation, safety and other issues in urban and site design.

Register Here

June 21 – Webinar – Unplugged: The Paradigm of Aging-friendly Communities

CM Credits Available!

Friday, June 21
1:00 PM  – 2:30 PM Eastern Time
Hosted by: APA’s Private Practice Division
CM|1.5 Approved
An aging America is an invisible force shaping our communities. Explore innovations that shift the paradigm to aging-friendly communities including: quick-action grants to spark the momentum for local change; age-friendly models from universities; and new integrated mechanisms for service systems.

Register Here


July 11 – APA PA SE Chapter Council Meeting

American Planning Association Pennsylvania Chapter
Southeast Section Council

Thursday, July 11, 2019

5:30pm – 6:30pm

STV, Inc (1818 Market St, Suite 1410)

  1. Welcome & Introductions.
  2. Minutes Approval.  Review & Adoption of January 10, 2019, March 14, 2019, and May 9, 2019 meeting minutes.
  3. Treasurer’s Report.  
    1. Budget Balance
    2. Recent Transactions summary
    3. Status of paper statements
  4. Pennsylvania APA State Chapter Update.
    1. Professional Development Committee
    2. APAPA Legislative Committee
    3. APAPA Update(s)
  5. Project Updates.  
    1. Upcoming Elections
    2. Annual Event.
    3. Gateway Membership Program
  6. New Business.  
  7. Next Meeting.
    Next APA PA SE meeting on Thursday, September 12, 2019.  Please send any agenda items or distribution materials to


Featured Listing – DVRPC – Project Implementation Engineer

DVRPC is looking for a Project Implementation Engineer! Click through for more information.