Archive for APAPA-SE

Deadline April 14: AARP Community Challenge Grant

For the full list of project criteria or to submit an application visit the AARP’s full announcement page

Important Dates

  • April 14, 2021: Applications are due by 8:00 pm (ET)
  • June 2021: All applicants will be notified of their status by email
  • July 14, 2021: MOU (memorandum of understanding) and vendor forms to be completed and returned by grantees
  • July 28, 2021 (tentative): Public announcement of selected grantees — work on the projects may begin
  • November 10, 2021: All funded projects must be completed
  • December 8, 2021: Deadline for after-action reports


The program is open to the following types of programs:

  • 501(C)(3), 501(C)(4) and 501(c)(6) nonprofits
  • Government entities
  • Other types of organizations will be considered on a case-by-case basis

The following projects are NOT eligible for funding:

  • Partisan, political or election-related activities
  • Planning activities and assessments and surveys of communities without tangible engagement
  • Studies with no follow-up action
  • Publication of books or reports
  • Acquisition of land and/or buildings or a vehicle purchase
  • Sponsorships of other organizations’ events or activities
  • Research and development for a nonprofit endeavor
  • Research and development for a for-profit endeavor
  • The promotion of a for-profit entity and/or its products and services

Acceptable Projects

AARP will prioritize projects that deliver inclusive solutions that meet the needs of diverse populations, as well as those that directly engage volunteers through permanent or temporary solutions that aim to achieve one or more of the following outcome areas:

  • Create vibrant Public Places that improve open spaces, parks and access to other amenities.

  • Deliver a range of Transportation and mobility options that increase connectivity, walkability, bikeability, wayfinding, access to transportation options and roadway improvements.
  • Support a range of Housing options that increases the availability of accessible and affordable choices
  • Increase Civic Engagement and demonstrate the tangible value of “Smart Cities” with innovative and tangible projects that bring residents and local leaders together to address challenges and facilitate a greater sense of inclusion
  • Support local recovery from the Coronavirus pandemic with an emphasis on economic development, improvements to public spaces and transportation services
  • Ensure a focus on Diversity and Inclusion while improving the built and social environment of a community
  • Other community improvements. In addition to these areas of focus, AARP wants to hear about local needs and innovative ideas for addressing them

Deadline April 30: Spring 2021 Student Paper Award Program

APAPASE is looking for Graduate School students in Planning and related fields to submit technical papers (written by individuals or pairs) that address contemporary planning-related topics and issues, including but not limited to sustainability, Smart Growth, transportation, and energy planning. Papers must be generated through graduate-level classes/course assignments. Recognition from APAPASE through this Award Program provides an honor to include on your resume as well as a monetary reward that can help defray the costs of your academic coursework.

Papers that were written during the 2019/2020 OR 2020/2021 school year are eligible. The maximum page length of eligible papers is 50 pages. Applicants are permitted to revise original work based on instructor feedback and/or to correct spelling, grammar, or typological errors. 

Papers will be evaluated by these criteria:

  • subject quality and originality
  • paper structure
  • technical writing
  • thoroughness of research
  • analysis and conclusions

APAPASE will present monetary rewards for the top three reviewed papers at the following levels: 

  • $200 for First Prize
  • $150 for Second Prize 
  • $100 for Third Prize

Winning papers will be announced in early June on the APAPASE Website ( and social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn). Checks will be mailed to winners.

Please submit entries electronically as a PDF to the APAPASE Education Committee at by 5:00 PM on Friday, April 30, 2021. Please include your name, email, and phone number as well as the name of the course for which the work was produced and the date which it was originally submitted in the email with your entry.

April 28: Strengthening Orgs from the Inside Out: An Intro to the Standards for Excellence

Strengthening Orgs from the Inside Out: An Intro to the Standards for Excellence®
Wednesday, April 28 | 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM | Interactive Web Session

Presented by: Tish Mogan, Director of Standards for Excellence, PANO

The COVID-19 pandemic put nonprofit organizations to the ultimate test of sustainability. This past year has demanded innovation, creativity, and agility all while managing increased community needs, economic crisis, and civil unrest. Now, as we edge closer and closer to post-pandemic life, many of us are looking at our own infrastructure. Moving forward, how can we improve accountability? Efficiency? Transparency? How can we strengthen our organizations from the inside out?

Enter the Standards for Excellence®. This ethics and accountability code supports nonprofits in meeting the highest standards, legal requirements, and regulatory compliance of nonprofit governance, management, and operations. The six guiding principles of Standards promote integrity in nonprofit management and, ultimately, strengthen the public trust in PA’s nonprofit sector. Something that’s become more important than ever as we navigate through COVID and beyond!

This interactive intro session to the Standards for Excellence will include:

  • A basic overview of the Standards for Excellence,
  • A self-assessment checklist for participants to identify areas of excellence and opportunities for growth and improvement,
  • Educational resources, including sample tools and policies, available through the Standards,
  • Info about the voluntary accreditation and recognition process.

Click here for more information and to register

Deadline May 7 – Great Places in PA Applications Now Open

If you know a special public space, greenway/trail, or street that displays a wealth of best practices in community planning and serves as a model for other communities, NOMINATE IT! The deadline for Nominations is May 7, 2021.

For inspiration, you are encouraged to explore the archive of previously designated and treasured Great Places in PA on the Chapter website. Past winners have used their Great Places recognition for grant applications, economic development efforts, and public relations outreach.

Please see this Flyer for more information. You can also view the Program Guidelines, Category Criteria, and Nomination Form on the APA PA website (

Livable Lesson: Commercial District Design

AARP’s Livable Lesson Videos are based on the design briefs and feature Patrice Frey, the president and CEO of Main Street America and an expert in sustainability, economic development, commercial district revitalization and historic preservation.

Watch the subject-specific videos long with an overview and implementation video — or see all seven segments compiled into one.

HUD Environmental Training

HUD Region 3 officers are pleased to announce the next session in their remote environmental training series will cover SITE CONTAMINATION COMPLIANCE AND A DEMONSTRATION OF EPA ENVIROMAPPER AND ENVIROFACTS.

This training will be a collaborative delivery between HUD Region 3 and EPA Region 3 staff. HUD will provide an overview of the compliance requirements associated with the standards at 24 CFR Parts 50.3(i) and 58.5(i)(2). EPA staff will lead grantees through a demonstration of the ENVIROMAPPER online mapping and evaluation tool. This session will also be used to introduce a short document that Region 3 EPA and Region 3 HUD collaborated on to provide some tips on how to consider the data output generated from an ENVIROMAPPER search.

The training will be delivered remotely through Microsoft Teams on Tuesday, April 13, from 10 am to 12:30 EST, and is recommended for grantees, HUD staff, and partners involved in the environmental review process.

If you are unfamiliar with Microsoft Teams, here is a quick tutorial on how to enter the session once you get the invitation email. There will be an opportunity to ask questions during the session.

Register here

Registration is now open and closes on Friday, April 9. Only those registered will receive an email with an iCalendar invite attachment to the Microsoft Teams Meeting.


Equitable Vaccinations Options Survey

Can your organization help ensure equitable distribution of COVID-19 vaccines?

Please help by completing this quick questionnaire for your organization. Pennsylvania is in urgent need of information that will help reach the most vulnerable populations in the Commonwealth with vaccinations.

Click here for the questionnaire


Pennsylvania’s Transportation Survey 2021

Please take a moment to tell the State Transportation Commission about the transportation needs that are important to you.

Share your opinions, interests and concerns about transportation, particularly the needs in the community where you live. Your feedback is an important part of this 12-Year Transportation Program update process. Your input is also used to inform other state and regional transportation plans and programs such as Pennsylvania’s Long Range Transportation Plan and Freight Movement Plan. Here’s your chance to

Share what you think.

Opening March 29: Neighborhood Assistance Program Applications

PA Department of Community and Economic Development has announced that the next application window for the Neighborhood Assistance Program opens Monday, March 29, 2021 and will be accepted through Friday, May 28 at 5pm.

PDC will schedule a NAP virtual workshop in the near future – keep an eye on the Messenger.



April 22 & April 29: Planning Smart Montco 2021

The Montgomery County Planning Commission hosting will be hosting a number of planning training courses presented by the Pennsylvania Municipal Planning Education Institute. These sessions will run from from April to June. Information on the upcoming April sessions is below.

See MCPC’s website for the full list of upcoming sessions.

Planning Smarter

Planning Smarter, an initiative of the Montgomery County Planning Commission (MCPC), provides important planning information that will enable local leaders and citizens to better plan for the future of their community. All Planning Smarter events are free and open to the general public unless otherwise noted. Event details will evolve as the year progresses and we continue to adhere to ongoing pandemic requirements. The 2021 series contains a hot topics event in June, which will focus on some of the effects of the pandemic and other topics that can result in significant community impacts. Given social distancing requirements, the three-session courses we annually sponsor from the Pennsylvania Municipal Planning Education Institute (PMPEI) are not available. Instead, we have worked with PMPEI to schedule Montgomery County instructors/MCPC staff—who can provide local information—for one date of each of the 90-minute virtual courses being offered by PMPEI statewide in 2021. Each course is $25, and class space is limited. Registration and payment for the courses, as well as additional course dates and credit information, are available at As usual, we will cap off the year with the Montgomery Awards celebration! For more information, contact Rita McKelvey or 610.278.3753.

Read more