Tag Archive for technology in planning

Feb. 1: PlanningCamp!


PlanningCamp is an unconference about technology and the future of urban planning.

Join us on February 1st if you’re working at the intersection of technology and the hard effort of making better cities — on the technology side, or the planning side, or a bit of both.

Spend a day in sessions led by your peers, exploring new and old challenges. Whether you’re thinking about the role technology in public involvement, increasing equity, modeling, analysis, community organizing, at local to regional scales, PlanningCamp will be an opportunity to go deep into conversations and form new connections.

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Survey on Planners Use of Mobile Apps

The Ohio State University is conducting a survey in order to understand the degree to which city planning professionals use mobile apps and smartphone and tablet devices. This survey is being undertaken to gain an understanding of the importance of mobile apps in the planning profession and how they can be adapted upon and used in the future to enhance the planning process.

This survey should take approximately 10 – 15 minutes to complete. Your responses to this survey will remain confidential. Each question is optional and you can choose not to answer any question.

Survey results will be used for academic research and practice recommendations. The information may also be used for journal articles and other important research projects in the future. This research study is being undertaken by Professor Evans-Cowley with The Ohio State University. For more information regarding this study please send an e-mail to cowley.11@osu.edu


ESRI Adds Philadelphia Date for Free Fall Seminar

The Esri-Philadelphia office has added an extra date, Tuesday October 29th, for our ‘Sharpen Your Skills’ fall seminar in order to provide a location that is convenient for the GIS community in the Philly metro area. The seminar will be held in room 1450 of the Municipal Services Building at 1401 JFK Blvd in Philadelphia.  While the event is being hosted by the City of Philadelphia (thanks to OIT and GSG!) it is open to any/all GIS professionals, so please feel free to share this invitation with other friends and colleagues who may be interested. Registration is free, and available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Please use this EventBrite link to register, and we look forward to seeing you there!

More information on the seminar agenda can be found here, or please email Rachel Weeden(Esri) with any questions.”

Have You Used www.acsdatausers.org Yet?

If you use American Community Survey (ACS) data in your day-to-day planning work, you might be interested in a new website that was created through a partnership between the U.S. Census Bureau, the Population Reference Bureau (PRB) and Sabre Systems: http://www.acsdatausers.org/. The website is a new American Community Survey Data Users Group. The purpose of the ACS Data Users Group is to improve understanding of the value and utility of ACS data and to promote information sharing among data users about key ACS data issues and applications.

Membership in the group is free and open to all interested ACS data users. The group is led by a Steering Committee comprised of selected external stakeholders representing a broad spectrum of data users with different interests. To facilitate communication among ACS data users, PRB and Sabre Systems will maintain an online community forum, organize webinars and special sessions at professional meetings, and hold an annual ACS Data Users Conference.

Crowdsourcing for Public Input

opensourceway via flickr

opensourceway via flickr

Have you ever been frustrated by the limitations on electronic surveys? After spending hours creating neutral questions and creating the universe of potential solutions, you find that people keep selecting the “other” box with something you accidentally left off.

One possible solution is looking at crowdsourcing. Crowdsourcing, not to be confused with crowdsurfing, is a means allows users to create and vote on each others’ answers to questions or problems. Instead of the surveyor populating the survey, the users are able to come up with, vote on, and discuss their own answers. Users can vote up or down answers that they feel are relevant or irrelevant. In the end, the planner as moderator can get an idea of the most popular ideas as well as potentially new ideas. The user oriented nature can also encourage users to share the survey with their friends providing input from wider groups than your initial contacts.

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15 Free CMs AND Getting Social Media and App Savvy


TechniCity is an extensive, free Massive Online Open Course being taught this spring by Jennifer Evans-Cowley (The Ohio State University) and Tom Sanchez (Virginia Tech).  This course begins by examining how our cities are changing, and then jumps into how technology is used to engage with the public to support decision-making. Participants will examine tools for analyzing the city, and explore the infrastructure that makes the real time city possible.  The four week course has been approved for 15 hours of CM credit and starts on May 4th.  More information is available here, and for a better idea of the course and Dr. Evans-Cowley’s work with social media and apps, follow Dr. Evans-Cowley on Twitter @EvansCowley or her blog.