Have You Used www.acsdatausers.org Yet?

If you use American Community Survey (ACS) data in your day-to-day planning work, you might be interested in a new website that was created through a partnership between the U.S. Census Bureau, the Population Reference Bureau (PRB) and Sabre Systems: http://www.acsdatausers.org/. The website is a new American Community Survey Data Users Group. The purpose of the ACS Data Users Group is to improve understanding of the value and utility of ACS data and to promote information sharing among data users about key ACS data issues and applications.

Membership in the group is free and open to all interested ACS data users. The group is led by a Steering Committee comprised of selected external stakeholders representing a broad spectrum of data users with different interests. To facilitate communication among ACS data users, PRB and Sabre Systems will maintain an online community forum, organize webinars and special sessions at professional meetings, and hold an annual ACS Data Users Conference.

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