Tag Archive for walkability

Oct. 12 – Lecture: Dan Parolek on THE MISSING MIDDLE

Lecture and panel discussion on “The Missing Middle”
Fri., Oct. 12, 8:30-11am
LeBow Hall
Drexel University
Gerri C. Lebow Hall

How did middle density housing go MISSING?

Architect Dan Parolek with expert panelists:

Kevin Gillen, Sarah Peck and Kara Kneidl

Housing production in the Philadelphia region is a density bar-bell: at one end high-density apartment complexes and at the other singles and towns. We create little in between.
The expert on those “missing middle housing” types is architect Dan Parolek of Berkeley, CA who will share strategies for sensitively providing new housing in existing centers. How can we provide affordably priced new housing in walkable settings? How can we satisfy demand for walkable communities without undermining the very character of these special places?
Dan will speak and then participate in a panel with: