Tag Archive for events

Tomorrow!: APAPASE Emerging Professionals’ 2013 Reading Viaduct Tour — Just a Few Spots Left!


May 18, 2013 | 10:30am-12:00pm

On Saturday, May 18, the American Planning Association SE PA Section(APAPASE) Emerging Professionals Group invites you to an exclusive look at one of Philadelphia’s most talked-about pieces of urban infrastructure: the Reading Viaduct. Following a very successful sell-out tour in the spring of 2012, we are excited to offer another opportunity for planners, park enthusiasts, and anyone who is interested in the future of Philadelphia’s public spaces to explore the historic rail trestle. The founders of the Reading Viaduct Project will provide a guided tour and discuss the developing vision for Philadelphia’s own high line.

Registration is limited to 35 people, so sign up early to secure a spot. Participants will be required to wear appropriate shoes/clothing in order to take part in the tour. The tour will begin promptly at 10:30am on Noble Street between 13th Street and Broad Street.

June 7: Implementing Shared Services: Best Practices and Case Studies

Implementing Shared Services: Best Practices and Case Studies

Friday, June 7, 2013
8:30 am – 12:00pm
Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission
8th Floor l ACP Building
190 N. Independence Mall West l Philadelphia, PA 19106

RSVP by Friday, May 31 at http://dvrpc.ticketleap.com/sharedservices/

Join DVRPC and municipal leaders at a half-day forum on the intricacies of municipal shared services. In many cases, sharing services allows municipalities to decrease both the cost and the complexity of the services they provide to their constituents while providing a higher level of service overall. In the DVRPC region, there are many examples of service sharing; it has been embraced by members of both political parties as a fiscally responsible method of service delivery. This forum will address legal issues related to sharing services and present some of the latest research on best practices and performance measurement in service sharing. Local leaders who have implemented service sharing in their communities will share their stories.

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May 17: Civic Horticulture Conference


Click here for reservations!


Chinatown Parklet — New Date!

Parklet Grand Opening 5.11

Tonight!: Emerging Professionals Happy Hour


Celebrate Springtime with us! Join APAPASE for happy hour! We will be mingling and enjoying drinks on Tuesday, May 7, 2013 from 5:30-7:30 PM at the Black Sheep Pub (247 S. 17th Street just south of Locust). This happy hour is open to all: emerging professionals, emerged professionals, and friends.

There is no cost for registration.  Food and drink are on your own, but there will be specials.


Black Sheep is a short walk from the 15th Street stop on the El, the Walnut/Locust stop on the Broad Street Line, Suburban Station, and the 15/16th stop on PATCO. There are also several SEPTA bus routes, like the 12 and the 2, nearby. Plan your trip at www.septa.org or www.ridepatco.org. If you choose to drive, you can locate nearby parking lots and garages at http://philapark.org/locator/.

CM Credits Approved for May 22: Land Use Planning Matters: Planning for Disaster Resilient Communities

The PA Chapter of the American Planning Association and the PA Local Government Training Partnership are cosponsoring training on planning for disaster resilient communities.  There are six training sessions statewide, kicking off with a session at the new Chester County Public Safety Training Campus on May 22nd.

As natural and man-made events teach us over and over, it’s too risky NOT to consider hazard mitigation and disaster resiliency, especially with hazard mitigation being an essential component of site planning, comprehensive planning, stormwater management and numerous other planning practices.  Building resilient communities is not just a product of emergency management and emergency services personnel, but also a responsibility of planners as they assist communities with comprehensive planning and development of and updates to zoning and subdivision and land development ordinances.  The session will cover details on creating a hazard mitigation plan as well as review how to incorporate emergency management and emergency services planning in other municipal plans and ordinances.  A key concept of the training will be how to ensure that land use and community planners and emergency management personnel/emergency responders are coordinating their efforts.

The training will use Pennsylvania specific case studies and examples to convey relevant information to attendees.  The presenters will review tools, resources, and guidance provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency to help you match resources to their challenges.  The target audience for this training session includes professional planners and elected officials, municipal staff, emergency management personnel, and citizen planners who are well-versed in planning and seeking advanced information on hazard mitigation planning and emergency management to improve the safety and resiliency of residents and business for current and future hazard risks. There will be ample opportunities for Q&A.


Please see the brochure for details or the PA Chapter website for full details and registration:  http://planningpa.org/news/land-use-planning-matters/

Reminder: Renewable Energy PDI on May 8! Registration Deadline Is May 6!


Interested in creating a renewable energy ordinance for your community?

Register for the 5/8 PDI: Choosing the Renewable Energy Frameworks that Work for Your Community at http://energyframeworks.eventbrite.com/

Join a panel of local experts who will provide an overview of considerations for developing a renewable energy ordinance for solar, small-wind, and geothermal energy systems in Pennsylvania.  An overview of Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission’s (DVRPC’s) Renewable Energy Ordinance Frameworks, which include a menu of permissive and restrictive ordinance language options; accompanied by explanatory guidance on the barriers, benefits and cautions for adopting language will be provided. Additionally, panelists will address the key issues surrounding the regulation of each type of renewable energy system at the municipal level.

This session is a part of the 2013 Greenbuild Challenge

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

8:30 (registration & breakfast)
8:45 to 12 noon (program)

Register by Monday May 6, 2013
$25 for APA-PA members & students, $30 for APA members (not PA Chapter), $35 for nonmembers
3 AICP CM Credits pending approval

At the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC), 190 North Independence Mall West – 8th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19106-1520

Webinar option: If you are not able to make it in person, we are working to provide a webinar option at the same price. Simply select “yes” to the “Are you interested in attending this event as a webinar?” question after selecting your ticket price.  Webinar log in information will be sent to you by Tuesday May, 7.

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May 7: Emerging Professionals Happy Hour

Celebrate Springtime with us! Join APAPASE for happy hour! We will be mingling and enjoying drinks on Tuesday, May 7, 2013 from 5:30-7:30 PM at the Black Sheep Pub (247 S. 17th Street just south of Locust). This happy hour is open to all: emerging professionals, emerged professionals, and friends.

There is no cost for registration.  Food and drink are on your own, but there will be specials.


Black Sheep is a short walk from the 15th Street stop on the El, the Walnut/Locust stop on the Broad Street Line, Suburban Station, and the 15/16th stop on PATCO. There are also several SEPTA bus routes, like the 12 and the 2, nearby. Plan your trip at www.septa.org or www.ridepatco.org. If you choose to drive, you can locate nearby parking lots and garages at http://philapark.org/locator/.

Central Section Event: Meeting the Letter and Spirit of the Law – 5.75 CM

Central Section Event: Meeting the Letter and Spirit of the Law: Legal Components of Comprehensive Plans | 5.75 CM

This workshop will provide participants with an understanding of the legal connection between Comprehensive Plans and the PA Municipalities Planning Code. Matthew J. Creme, Jr., Esq. will cover all of the applicable laws that are noted in Article III, Section 301(a)(6) which require municipalities to plan for the protection of natural and historic resources. Other applicable laws that are required to be followed when completing a municipal, regional or county comprehensive plan will also be covered Community planning documents that impact the development of comprehensive plans and how these plans including recreation plans, sewerage plans, and housing plans can complement each other will also be discussed. In addition, this workshop will discuss the five key components to developing plan content and the process to create a comprehensive plan more likely to be implemented and provoke action and results will be a key topic.

This workshop has been approved for 4.25CM credits and 1.5 Law .


Start: May 2, 2013 8:30 am

End: May 2, 2013 4:15 pm

Organizer: APA PA, Central Section

Venue: Pennsylvania Newspaper Association Community Room

Address: 3899 N. Front Street, Harrisburg, PA, 17110, United States

Registration fee is $40.00 for APA PA members and $45.00 for non members.

For more information and to register for this workshop, click here>>

May 3: Planning for Livable Communities

The PA Chapter and Temple University School of Environmental Design are pleased to announce Planning for Livable Communities: Incorporating an Aging Perspective. The one day planning institute will be held May 3, 2013 at the Temple Harrisburg campus. The institute will provide planners, policy makers and other stakeholders with the tools to incorporate an aging perspective in community planning, thereby creating livable communities that support people of all ages. Planners will learn to recognize impediments to the aging population and techniques to avoid and minimize these impediments. The event will address transportation, zoning, development standards, parks and recreation, accessibility, and planning ethics. AICP CM credits are pending approval. Over lunch attendees will be able to review the work of three Temple University Planning Studios that spent the 2013 spring semester focusing on community planning for aging in Lebanon and Montgomery counties. Full registration information and agenda: http://www.ambler.temple.edu/news/planning-institute.htm