Implementing Shared Services: Best Practices and Case Studies
Friday, June 7, 2013
8:30 am – 12:00pm
Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission
8th Floor l ACP Building
190 N. Independence Mall West l Philadelphia, PA 19106
RSVP by Friday, May 31 at
Join DVRPC and municipal leaders at a half-day forum on the intricacies of municipal shared services. In many cases, sharing services allows municipalities to decrease both the cost and the complexity of the services they provide to their constituents while providing a higher level of service overall. In the DVRPC region, there are many examples of service sharing; it has been embraced by members of both political parties as a fiscally responsible method of service delivery. This forum will address legal issues related to sharing services and present some of the latest research on best practices and performance measurement in service sharing. Local leaders who have implemented service sharing in their communities will share their stories.
8:30 am: Breakfast and Sign-In
9:00 am: Welcome and Introduction
9:15am: Speaker Presentations
• Joanne Walker, Esquire: Regulatory Framework and Legal Issues Around Shared Services in PA and NJ
• Chad Bruner, County Administrator and Heather Simmons, Freeholder: Gloucester County Case Study
• Stephanie Teoli, Middletown Township Manager: Bucks County Consortium Case Study
• John C. Fry, Program Director, Government Solutions, Revelstone: Shared Services Best Practices: Selecting the Right Strategy for Your Community
11:45am: Questions/Answers
12:00pm: Adjourn
This event is free to attend, although space is limited. Pending approval from AICP, 2.5 Certification Maintenance (CM) credits will be available.