Carpool to State College

APA PA Southeast created a carpool match to make it easier for you to carpool to State College for the 2017 APA PA conference.

We’ve created a link to help planners from the Southeast Section share rides to the conference at Please use this link to share information on your ride needs and availability. We hope this will be more useful than messaging on social media (though you are welcome to add comments below). Please consider posting your ride if you are already driving and have extra space.

Why carpool? People carpool for different reasons. Carpooling is great for budgetary reasons, eco-friendly philosophies, meeting new people, convenience, stress reduction, and more! The trip can be the start and capstone to the fun of the conference, as Southeast Section planners found out during the 2012 Erie Conference. Though there isn’t a van this year, there is still a chance to have an easier, cheaper, friendlier trip to State College through carpooling!

The “Erie Eleven” vanpool of 2012!

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