Tag Archive for certification maintenance

RSVP Today! 2016 APAPA-SE Annual Event: Thurs., Nov. 3, 6:30pm


Courtesy of the 30th Street Station District Plan


Transformative Transportation in the Philadelphia Region

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Please join fellow planners in the Southeast Section of the APAPA at our 2016 Annual Event!  For this year’s event, we are inviting you to attend a lively discussion about several Transformative Transportation projects in the Philadelphia region, such as Amtrak’s 30th Street Station District Plan, the NEC Future Rail Investment Plan, SEPTA’s plans for King of Prussia Rail and Broad Street Line Extension, enhanced bus service on Roosevelt Boulevard, SEPTA’s analysis of upgrading its trolley system, Philadelphia’s Indego bike share system, and Montgomery County’s Ridge Pike Improvement Project.

Our panel of industry leaders include:

  • Ms. Jennifer Barr, AICP, Senior Long Range Planner at SEPTA
  • Ms. Rina Cutler, Senior Director Major Stations in Planning & Development at Amtrak
  • Mr. Matthew Edmond, AICP, Transportation Section Chief  at Montgomery County Planning Commission
  • Mr. Chris Jandoli, AICP, Supervising Planner at Parsons Brinckerhoff
  • Mr. Dan Nemiroff, AICP,  Senior Operations Planner at SEPTA
  • Mr. Aaron Ritz, Transportation Programs Manager at Philadelphia’s Managing Director’s Office of Transportation & Infrastructure Systems (oTIS)
  • Elizabeth Smith, P.E., PMP, Manager of Long Range Planning at SEPTA

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Nov. 10: Healthy Communities Task Force (2.5 CM Credits)

We’re excited to announce that the next Healthy Communities Task Force meeting will be held on Thursday, November 10, 2016 from 9:30am to 12pm.  This meeting will focus on health and housing with presentations from Jill Roberts, Executive Director of the Healthy Rowhouse Project, Joel Johnson, Executive Director of the Montgomery County Housing Authority, and Samuel Katz, Program Manager, Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers.  The meeting will also feature a conversation around what your community can do to encourage housing policies and programs that support better health outcomes.  To RSVP, please visit: https://dvrpc.ticketleap.com/hctf/.  Please stay tuned for a draft agenda.

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July 8: Census Webinar (1.5 CM)


Join the Unlocking the Value of Census Data webinar on July 8, 1:00-2:30 PM to learn about census data and programs, such as the American Community Survey, the Economic Census, and Local Employment Dynamics. The session will highlight GIS and mapping resources, and demonstrate  American Factfinder (AFF) and OnTheMap.  For more information and to register:


Aug. 2: Integrating Health Into Comprehensive Planning

DVRPC is excited to host a one-day, interactive workshop, Integrating Health into Comprehensive Planning, on Tuesday, August 2, 2016 from 9AM – 4PM at DVRPC.  The workshop will be facilitated by Beth Altshuler, Senior Associate and Epidemiologist/Urban Planner with Raimi + Associates.

There is a growing interest in and awareness of the role that the built environment plays in supporting healthy individuals and communities. Recognizing that comprehensive plans help guide how a community grows and can support the development of healthier spaces and lifestyles, DVRPC’s Healthy Communities Task Force is hosting a hands-on workshop that will provide attendees with a better understanding of how to integrate health into their communities’ planning processes. 

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Need Law Credits? Come to DVRPC on June 29th!

Join DVRPC for a free viewing of the American Planning Association’s “2016 Planning Law Review” (a $195 value!) on Wednesday, June 29, 2016.

As the U.S. Supreme Court concludes its session, APA convenes planning attorneys to discuss the most important decisions of the year. In addition to the Supreme Court cases, the panel reviews district and state court rulings. Find out whether APA filed amicus briefs and why. Stay current, be informed, and invite your officials or clients to attend.

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April 29: Planning & Public Health Training


The statewide training series Aligning Planning, Policy and Practice to Foster Public Health is coming to DVRPC on April 29th.   The training, which carries 3 CM, will address how the built environment and planning processes can work to improve public health, and is a joint effort of APA-PA and the PA Local Government Partnership.  Register here for this informative session on a critical emerging trend in planning: http://planningpa.org/news/statewide-training-public-health/

Spring Into CM Credits!

Looking to get a jump start on CM credits for your reporting period? There are a plethora of events and webinars offering American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) Certification Maintenance (CM) credits this spring in Southeastern Pennsylvania. From parks and solar energy to economic development and historic preservation, there are trainings on a wide variety of topics—including those always important law and ethics credits!

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Jan. 20: Technology, Data, and Engagement


Technology, Data, and Engagement (1.5 CM credits)
Wednesday, January 20, 2016; 3:45–5:30 PM

Ever-changing and ever more important, technology is reshaping community building, governance, and planning. Look at what’s coming next as panelists examine the three big components of technology: plan management, research and data, and public engagement. Learn about emerging technologies and how they apply to planning. See how some communities are tackling technology in a comprehensive way while others keep a tighter focus. What could your community be doing? Share ideas in a live Q&A with the panelists.

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Dec. 10: Planning for Sign Code Success


Planning for Sign Code Success
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Breakfast/registration: 8:30 AM
Event: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Coming up with reasonable and enforceable sign codes can often be a complex and controversial process. With so many community stakeholders caring about sign codes, it is important to get the most accurate, up-to-date information and expertise as possible. The seminar will present modules that educate on the technology within signs, sign code issues, understanding electronic message centers, and the importance of signs to business. In light of the new challenges imposed by the recent Supreme Court Reed ruling, attendees will be presented with important interim and permanent policy changes to bring municipal ordinances into compliance with the Court’s new precedents. Local planners will present on the development and implementation of the Montgomery County Model Sign Ordinance.

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Dec. 3: Vision Zero Philadelphia Conference


On Thursday, December 3, 2015, the Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia and Thomas Jefferson University Hospital are co-hosting Philadelphia’s first Vision Zero conference. Vision Zero is based on the concept that road crashes are not accidents, but are preventable events. Road deaths, currently totaling nearly 100 per year in Philadelphia, can be reduced to zero through education, engineering, and enforcement.

National experts in safety design, engineering, education and enforcement from both the public and private sectors will share their expertise and experience to help lay the groundwork for a goal and action plan that is tailored to Philadelphia and employs best practices. Join us for a day of speakers, panels, and break out-sessions focused on this crucial safety issue. The American Planning Association Pennsylvania Chapter Southeast section (APAPASE) has requested a total of 6.75 CM credits for this event. The cost to attend this all-day conference at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia is $60 ($75 includes a discounted Bicycle Coalition membership). For more information and to register, visit http://bicyclecoalition.org/our-campaigns/visionzero/.