Archive for Social Event

March 10: APA TPD Happy Hour

Save the Date!

Join APA on Wednesday , March 10th for a joint happy hour with the
Transportation Planning Division (TPD)

When: March 10, 2021 06:00 PM Central Time
Where: Register in advance for this meeting using the link below

The Happy Hour event will be conducted over Zoom. If you do not already have an account with Zoom, you will need to create a free Zoom login to participate.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Feb. 25: APAPASE “Office Hours” Event

Register for 2/25 here

Missing casual conversations with planning colleagues? Have a topic you want to discuss with others or a presentation you’d like to try with a friendly audience? Just want to network?

APAPASE is hosting an open Zoom meeting on Thursday, February 25, from 5–6 p.m.  Part “office hour” and part “happy hour,” the intent is to bring section members together to talk planning, non-planning, and everything in between. It’s been too long since we’ve all seen each other, and some casual check-in time to re-establish bonds across agencies and companies is what we all need!

Attendance is free-flowing. Come for as long as you’d like, and talk about whatever may be on your mind. If enough members join us, breakout rooms will be formed to enhance discussions.

Can’t make it on 2/25? We are hoping to make this a monthly event through the end of the pandemic.

Register for 2/25 here

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

July 20 – YPT Philly Virtual Jeopardy Night

The sun is shining, the sky is clear…but things are still not fully open. Luckily, Young Professionals in Transportation (YPT) Phlly has at least one of your evenings covered, and all for a good cause. On Monday, July 20th from 6PM-7PM, join us for our first virtual Jeopardy Night! In a round-robin format, we will ask you the toughest transportation trivia from Philly and abroad. You can be on a team or by yourself, but we ask each participant to pay $5 to play, with all of the money going to Philabundance to fight hunger in our community.

To play, follow these 3 easy steps:

  1. Fill out this Google Form to say that you will attend and who is on your team
  2. Donate $5 through either Venmo (@YPTPhilly) or make the donation yourself ( and just email us the confirmation (
  3. Start studying!

Call-in information on the Zoom meeting information will follow, and can’t wait to see you all on the 20th!